****IT'S THURSDAY - Lets do it hour by hour ****


Well done.I'm miles behind
you can catch up ive got a weekend of childrens party so i need to be motivated before i get there lol
Evening all, had my first AAM tonight. It was weird going to Tescos and actually buying food! Had some chicken, broccoli, cauliflower and mushrooms twas pretty yum!
Hi pretty glad you're enjoying you AAM week :) How you getting on today and are u doing anything nice this weekend?
Evening all

Not quite a chicken pox free zone, but Dd1 is getting better
Tonight she cut her fringe :mad: using my best Fiskars Crafting scissors :mad: She NEVER touches them usually but tonight was the night. She went to bed early for that one,.,, half past 5.

Other than that, I have SS'ed without blipping for another day :D:D:D
Evening Spooky, sorry but had to laugh about your daughter she's obviously feeling better lol i remember my sister and her friend cutting each other's fringe mum went ballistic and my sister being my sis blamed it all on her friend lol

Well done for a successful SS day :)
Any nice plans for the weekend?

I went to my first session tonight! and was absolutly disgusted by how much i weigh!!! but am feeling very excited about the weight loss!! i am very determined because my friend is getting marred in Cuba in August and i refuse to look like a beach whale!!!!!! Any tips/advice etc would be a big help!!!!


oooo i love craftwork, spent 8hrs last night doing my wedding invites :)

We're off to Bristol tomorrow for the weekend it's nieces 1st birthday so we're making a weekend of it
putting in my order for a Mother's Day card Nicky :D Seeing as Mum won't make me one LOL

Have had a pretty good day, went well at Mum's, the girls decided that they loved me more than their Nannan LOL

Had a walk into town this morning again, walked round town for about 20 mins and just as I sat down Nicky appeared and scared me half to death LOL

Had 3 sachets a peanut bar, 4 litres of water, 2 gt's and several coffees

Hope everyone had a good day, and Nicky, sorry I had to laugh about H cutting her fringe LMAO