JanD (Another) New Year (Another) New Start :o)) x

She seems to have just accepted it. I guess it's a good thing she's not worried or depressed about it - wouldn't do any good eh! I wouldn't be happy at having to have 'for life' medication at my age never mind hers but I guess we should just be grateful that it exists and is helping her :) xx
Glad to hear your daughter's on the mend and it's not as serious as it could have been. Kids, they're always a worry whatever their age!
Doing my very best to stay positive but I'm really getting fed up being sooooo hungry!!:cry:
Nearly done 7 days fgs :( :sigh:

I had the porridge today Mary .... I quite liked it though it was a wee bit sweet. It also took longer to cook than it said and was still quite runny. I'd use a much bigger bowl and do it longer again if I had any more ... which I haven't :eek:

I WOULD get it again though xx
Aw Jan! :hug99: Almost 7 days, the hardest part (so they say) is almost done!! Ketosis still not hit? glug yourself up on water, diet coke etc xx
I AM :eek: ... going to bed soon anyway.

Must say the spirits have been lifted reading phone auto corrects on www.damnyouautocorrect.com they are hilarious!! Have you been on there? xx
When's your weigh day Jan, it's today isn't it?

I thought the porridge was OK, it had a funny after taste I thought though. I was advised not to make it with so much water as they say and cooked it a little longer and it was fine.
Yeah - less water would be a good idea too! I'll remember that if I get any more.

Yes wi today ... Officially - ie since my last official wi I have lost 1.8lbs.... However I have actually lost more like 7lbs in my 1st TFR week. The best thing about it is that I'm back in the 10s albeit only just at 10st 13.8lbs. ;) . The next target is back into the 140s (lbs) doubt I'll get there this week but that's the next aim. :) xx
Well done Jan, must be great to be back in those 10s!! Keep up the good work. You will be knocking those pounds off nicely from here on in!!
Well done Jan that's a brilliant loss :) xxx
Thanks guys :)
I'm wondering if the ketosis fairy might have waved her wand this afternoon because I was starving for my lunch, which I had about 1pm but have just realised (8.30pm) that I've had nothing since - And I'm not hungry :) AND I've been baking with the boys!! Go me! ;) xx
Wahooooo!! Hellloooooo Ketosis ;)
Those whoopie pies looked delish! Xx
Yes indeed ... Hello and WELCOME! ;)

Didn't bother me, doing the whoopies & not having any ... not like me ;) xx
Yes indeed, go YOUUUUUUUU. Well done, thank goodness she has arrived for you at last. All plain sailing now girl until re-feed. You keep it up, you are doing marvellous.

To be honest, I am looking forward to getting back to the shakes after MOK. Cant wait now.
So glad ketosis has hit finally!! Why does it take so long with you I wonder?? I hit it after about 3-4 days. So glad too.

I helped my daughter and her boyfriend make chinese on Monday night and it didn't bother me either. Don't get me wrong, it smelt gorgeous but just wasn't bothered about having any. Long may it last!!
Yes indeed looooooong may it!! Now I'm wondering why I waited so long to start! :) xx

Here's those whoopies & my boys :) x


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So glad it is going well for you Jan now your finally in K! Well done on the loss x