JanD's Lipotrim WIs

Hi Jan,
refeed going OK thanks.
Started Sunday, with 2 chocolate whip things and one bar. Repeated this yesterday (loving the choc whip, but I used to be an Angel Delight fan! I know it's cr*p, but I LOVED it!)
Today, and the rest of the week is a choc whip for breakfast and a bar for lunch (handy at work) Just had a small prawn salad for tea. Will do that all week (2 maintenance, plus a salad) then from Saturday, go to 3 low fat/low carb meals per day. Holiday starts Sunday 10th.
I'm considering joining Weightwatchers when I come home, for the last 7-10lbs (in case I gain on hol) and then sticking with them for maintenance purposes and regular weigh-ins.
It's nice to sit with Pete and actually EAT something!
Hi Cathy - I'm really glad you're enjoying it! Are you finding the food filling? There seem to be mixed reports, some people say they get full very quickly and others say they're really hungry!

Choc whip sounds Yum! xx

PS. No need to remind me about the holiday! (GRRRRRRRR!!! ;))
D'you know what? a small amount fills me up quite quickly. It seems to take ages to finish it, but I think it's because I'm really tasting every mouthful and appreciating it. Instead of eating large amounts quickly, which is what I used to do :eek:
It's fun planning what I'm going to have each night, choosing small amounts of extra nice stuff, so I enjoy it more.
It'll be you soon Jan!
Hi Jan!! brilliant well done on your 3lb loss. When do you plan to refeed? xx
Thank you everybody!!! :)

Rach - I want to get to 10st 7lbs and then refeed - I reckon 4 or 5 weeks. I don't know whether I'm looking forward to it or dreading it! :)

How're you getting on?
It is scary but well worth it and you'll be doing it before you know it!Yeah I'm loving refeeding thanks decided to get to the highest bmi for my height - 9st 11- and then maybe lose a few lbs refeeding -so scales will tell on Friday! I dont want to be dead thin though as I am quite voluptuous -big boobs- it wouldnt suit me. I have loved eating all the fresh fruit and veg this week -hope to stay that way! Once my shakes have run out I may start juicing in the mornings, I ordered some freebie maintenance shakes today too!
Sounds good to me! Mmmmm fresh fruit! - I may be Jason Valing as well ;)

I've got 7 lots of the freebies (- got friends & family to send for them too) in readiness!

Are you still going for weigh-ins or do the pharmacies abandon us unless we're buying loads? x
Only 1.4lbs off this week ........ "go figure" as our American friends might say ......

So let's find the positives ...... 1/Under a stone to go. 2/3.8lbs to go to be a 'healthy' BMI. 3/I can get into a mini-goal pair of trousers comfortably. 4/I can get my own rings on (bit tight yet but I can get them on). 5/I have NEVER had consistant weight loss like this on any other plan. etc. etc.

Besides this, today my son had to have emergency surgery. As the hospital he is in is closed to everything but A&E admissions because of a virus no-one can go and see him, so we can't get full details.
His husband has only found out that they took his appendix out as they were in there but as they don't give out info over the phone either what the problem was we can't know until he's compus mentis enough to find out for himself and let us know. He came through the operation okay is great! But all we know. This is FAR more frustrating than a measley 1.4lbs and truly puts things in perspective.

Thanks for being there guys! xx
Hi Jan well done on your weightloss and good on you for not letting the amount affect your determination. Its still a good loss anyway. So sorry to hear about your sons emergency op, I hope everything goes ok. Im sure you will be updated soon. It's the hardest thing not knowing though. Im thinking of you and your family :)xx
A loss is a loss though Jan, as we know! Hope your son's OK, must be a worrying time but I'm sure he'll be fine. Keep up the good work cos you are really close to goal now.
Thanks guys!! xxx
Oh BTW ..... I've heard about my son now. It was 'just' appendicitis. VERY infected, pus round his hip joints and everywhere apparently. (EEEEEWWWWWW!)- the reason he had so much back pain presumably. The hospital are currently re-evaluating the visiting ban so - fingers crossed. xx
Sorry to hear about your son Jan but glad he's okay, I'm sure he'll soon be on the road to recovery! 1.4 lbs, rest assured 100% it will be more next week however if you were SW or WW'ing it would have been .5lbs, stayed the same or even a gain, so chin up chick you'll soon be at that healthy BMI! x
Thanks Rach xx
Good news about your son glad you didnt have to wait to long. It must be a big relief. Hopefully he will be feeling a lot better soon. xxx:)
Hope your son makes a quick and full recovery, Jan. What a worry kids are, even when they are adults! Mine has recently come back from Afghanistan and this weekend was the first time I have seen him since August as he lives in Devon, near the Royal Marine barracks, amazing I didn't turn grey when he was out there.....!!! When he first clapped eyes on me he said, " F*** me Mum, where have you dissappeared to???" LOL.
Thanks everybody - you're very kind.

Sharon that's great I bet your son's comment really made you feel good - deservedly so!

Jonnie (son) has had a couple of bites of food today apparently, but he's still feeling quite bad because - apart from the pain of the surgery he still has a high temperature and is generally feeling rough. They're talking about putting a drain in or re-opening him to 'clear out' the pus again..... Never one to do anything by halves his appendix ruptured as they were removing it.

Still the hardest thing is not being able to see him. Although they are reviewing the situation every day this 'Nora' (?) virus affecting the hospital has apparently spread so it's very doubtful the ban will be lifted. Obviously the worry I have is that he'll pick that up too!! His immune system is already compromised as he's been battling a chest condition (micoplasma infection/pneumonia) for the last 3 months ... but that's another story! Like I said he's never one to do things by halves.

Anyway - sorry to 'vent' :)

I'm surprised at how upsetting I've found it not to be able to see him .... Pathetic or what :( xx
OH Jan thats terrible news....i really feel for you.....it hard to be away from them especially at times in their lives when we should be able to

Nothing like a cuddle from Mom to make everything better, hopefully you'll get to see him soon
Week 12 result 2.2lbs off .... better than last week anyway!

They didn't seem surprised at the pharmacy - said it's not unusual for it to slow down as you get near to what you should be. According to them I'm now a healthy bmi (at 25.4 .....?) the chart on the wall had 25.5 as the upper limit for healthy for my height ...... As far as I'm concerned I need to lose another 1.6lbs to get to 25 - but anyway they reckon it's likely to slow down because of that.

I've decided just 3 more weeks anyway and whatever I am then I'll refeed for 2 weeks before having a short break away in the middle of June. I've been away once and TFR'd I don't particularly want to do it again, especially so near target!

(Son home and on the road to recovery - he was very poorly for a while there but things are looking up!! Thanks for all your public and private msgs. You're a great crowd!!) xxxx