January 2009 - Starters

Forgot this again!!!

Daisydoll - wk 8 -0lb off -27bs total - 26 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk8 -2lbs -- 25.5lb -- 16.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose

PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 9 - 4lbs - 60lbs total 30lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 7 - 2lb off - 29lbs total - 52lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 7 - 4lbs off - 34.5lbs total - 89.5lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose
Morning everyone.

Hope you feel better today Ellie. I'm glad you've drawn a line and will continue to the end of Foundation - 4 weeks isn't long really - I know you can do it!

SIIM, glad to see you back on track. I didn't really say this last night because I was being a right ditz with my car etc but if you feel cr@p again, please give me a shout. Sometimes that rebellious child does get the better of you and you have lapsed before you can shout for help (done it many times - the amount of times I lapsed last time when I'd just started RTM and texted my LLC after was unreal) but if you need a rant or just some company and a coffee, please let me know. I know it's hard sometimes with the kids and your Mum, but if I can help I will xxx

And everyone else who has posted, I love the way we all support each other through the ups and downs - aren't we fab :D:D:D
Thank you DD Foxtrot and T_I for your support. Apart from a bout of the runs (self -inflicted after my lapses!) I am back on the packs and in the zone today. I wonder if part of it is because the end for me isn't in April, I'll have several months in Developers and there'll be no little floaty dresses for me this summer.

BUT I know that LL works and I'll look fabulous for Christmas!

Hi SIIM - I reckon I will be in developers until about Sept/Oct, then RTM so I am looking at Christmas to be fabulous too. My floaty summer dress thought has no date on it, it is just something I have always wanted to wear - but never have due to the wobbly rolls and tree-trunk legs I have cultivated.

I try to focus on the image of me feeling fantastic and enjoying the freedom of a thin summer dress as a way of making a positive choice over a short term food craving that I know will make me feel absolutely horrible afterwards. I am doing LL because I WANT to. My choice.

How bad / guilty etc did you feel when lapsing (or after). Could you use those remembered feelings to stop it happening again? Glad to hear you're back on the packs and in the zone today. Sending you some good vibes... :vibes:
Hey all! Thank you so much for the support. It really is second to none on here. I have repped everyone that I can..

I am in a MUCH better place today. I can't describe but I feel something has changed within me deep down, almost like I needed to hit rock bottom and let go of that old me that needed to be size 16.

Today I looked at myself in the mirror and liked and accepted what I saw, as being Me. Not me in a skinny distorted version. Me, as I am now. I took a few photos of just head shots (I recently did full body shots), because I thought "My god, I think I look quite pretty!", which although sounds incredibly narcissistic and all that, it was a revelation because I have never seen that in myself before!

Back on the packs today, and I fully intend now to see it through to the end of foundation, and I feel comfortable now with losing more weight. I really feel I've reached a turning point! :D
Huge support for all of you. Sounds like a couple of the gang have had a tough time recently, but great to see that you've got your heads straight and ready to push ahead.

The whole f##d relationship thing really is wierd, and I can understand where you're coming from. Never expected to have such challenges over something as [not] eating.

Keep going, keep focussed and we will all emerge as better, fitter people.
Emveg, where are you???????????????????

Anyone heard from her? She's not answering and I'm a little worried.
Hello everyone. I'm pleased as punch with my 4.5lb loss this week. Exercise has definitely contributed. Now at my nemesis weight...but I know that I will be past it next week!

Daisydoll - wk 8 -0lb off -27bs total - 26 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk8 -2lbs -- 25.5lb -- 16.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose

PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 9 - 4lbs - 60lbs total 30lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 7 - 2lb off - 29lbs total - 52lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose
Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk8 -2lbs -- 25.5lb -- 16.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose

sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 9 - 4lbs - 60lbs total 30lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 7 - 2lb off - 29lbs total - 52lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose
3lb off so quite pleased (even tho its only 3 in a fortnight!)

have gone down to the 10.13lb tho finally into the 10s!!!

well done T_I for your loss

PB you are pretty, you nutter - shame it has taken you so long to realise, make sure you don't forget it too!

daisy x

daisy x
You are so going to have to lock up you Wii with your scales young lady!!!! 3lb!!! Well done Daisy!
Great losses TI and Daisy, well done!

Love the new avatar Ellie you look gorg!

Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk8 -2lbs -- 25.5lb -- 16.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.

Sean(JSF) - wk 9 - 4lbs - 60lbs total 30lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 8 - 4lb off - 33lbs total - 48lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose
Hi all,

I've finally had a bigger weight loss this week which I am really pleased with. I got a 4 this week. Wahoo!!!

Also has been measurements week too and in total I have lost 5in from my bust, 9 1/2in from my waist and 4in from my hips.

Glad everyone else is loosing well. Some fantastic losses again this week.

Keep going PB, it's definitly worth it.

Onwards and downwards x x
well done becks, thats a great loss - and fab total so far too
daisy x
Thanks Daisy. You looked great in that dress BTW x x
Well done TI, Daisy & Becs, good to see the losses coming back for you all.

Got to LOVE this diet, WI tonight, and an incredible 6lb lost !!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

After last week I've deliberately cut out salt, drank ~ 1L more water and walked EVERY day to see if that helped. Guess it did :)

So new totals to add:

Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk8 -2lbs -- 25.5lb -- 16.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 10 - 6lbs - 66lbs total 24lbs to lose

SexyBecks1 - wk 8 - 4lb off - 33lbs total - 48lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose

TOTAL for January Losers 545.5lb
That is fab Sean!!! Well done!!!
Well Done everyone, keep up the good work. x

Daisydoll - wk 9 -3lb off -30lbs total - 23 to go
Emveg - W8 - 1lb off - 35lb lost - 24lb to lose.
Foxtrot - Week 8 - 1lb - ....27lb from 56 lb to lose
JaneyB-5th Jan -wk9 - +1lb -- 24.5lb -- 17.5lb to go.
JazzyB W7 -2.2lb off 30.5lbs lost 10lb to go
JessicaL - wk8 - 2lb off - 30lbs total - 36lb to go
Louale - W8 - 3lbs off - 36total - 60.5lbs to lose
PurpleButterfly - Week 7, 1.5lb - 29lb total. 65lb total to lose
sansukh--wk5--4lbs off-28lb total-11lbs to go but would really like to be 20.5lb lighter so not sure what target to go for.
Sean(JSF) - wk 10 - 6lbs - 66lbs total 24lbs to lose
SexyBecks1 - wk 8 - 4lb off - 33lbs total - 48lbs to loose
SIIM - wk 9 - STS - 35.5lbs total -97.5lbs to lose
Sue_P - wk 5 - 2lbs off - 16lbs total - 68 to loose
Susianna - wk 9 - 3lb- Total 34lb - 56 to go
thin_inside - wk 8 - 4.5lbs off - 39lbs total - 85lbs to lose
Westiegirl - wk 9 - 2lbs off - 33.5lbs total - 35.5lbs to lose

TOTAL for January Losers 545.5lb