Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

Dietninja - it all depends on your willpower and relationship to food - many things are basically ok - chewing gum, zero cal sweeties, diet pops, zero noodles but they will lower your chances of success psychologically as you'll be tempted to snack on "zero effect things" and invalidate the presumption of a vlcd being all about taking food out of the equation and physiologically as they trigger your brain into producing more insulin which will in turn make you hungry.

For me it's 110% only that works. 3 shakes, 3L water and 3 black (horrible) coffees. Shake - sleep-rave-repeat:)
Shake sleep rave repeaf ahhahaha if only!!! Im just avin a bath y my fella eats i said ill go out way y u eat hes like well sorrt dukki ive still gotta eat pmsl but hes avin soup so it makes me feel better and i dont relly like tomato soup but i could eat the front door atm lol them appetite suppressants sound amazimg! !!
Why o why this feels like torture lol but in a funny way all the time im arguing with myself so i wont give in!!
Yeah agree MissAma for me I just stick by what CD says as, they say it for a reason I guess!! When I was nearer my goal I did have the odd diet coke going out for a meal as a treat but that was it. My husbands type 1 diabetic so handy for me I don't have any naughty sugary temptations in the house!

Shake sleep rave repeat lol!! Love it! :) it's not torture Skellybob lol it's the best thing ever!!!! :) :) ur loosing pounds S we speak!!!!! :) :D xxx
Maybe sleep, shake, water, repeat?
I thought you could start to introduce more exercise after the 2nd week? I spend a lot if time running round after kids so I was going to do the couch to 5k on top and build up from there x
While on sole source I don't think they recommend much exercise at all whether it be first, second or 3rd week. Because it is so low calorie, you lose so much weight without having to do the exercise also it's probably quite dangerous as there isn't much inside you to keep up anything that physical, my consultant advised on walking/swimming type exercise on sole source and it's really once you get to the higher steps that exercise like running is recommended! I stopped my weekly running club to do this as last time round I done a 3 mile run on sole source and felt really ill and weak after, that's just my experience :)
Lol ye i guess we are ahhaha i think ill b better when i can have a small meal but tht a while yet but everyones doing brill :) jist add a bath and squeezed all my pimples every one i could find ahhaha took my mind iff it though for a bit pmsllll! ! Xx
Haha whatever works Skellybob!!!!
Lol its worth ago!! How u feeling today? Xx
I am ok today, it's just the evenings i find hard, as I'm the one that cooks dinner for my other half, so that parts painful lol and he does eat a lot! I try and have my product same time as him so we can have the whole, sit and have dinner together, but I think tonight I'm going to do what u did, have a bath and keep busy coz I can't face seeing him sit and stuff his face while I'm on the water lol, what products u have left for today? Xxx
Hi ladies. I'd love to join you.

Like Ginabeany, I've been here before and had great success on the diet (4 stone off in 14 weeks the first time around). However, its maintenance I've struggled with, so thats my focus this time. I'm intending to do 4 weeks more on SS (I started Monday), do Step 2 for 2 weeks, and then move up to Step 3,4 and 5 over a month. Each time I've done the plan, I've pretty much managed to get to goal, but once I'm there I get tempted to eat and totally fall off the wagon with bingeing.

This time, I'm doing the steps (or at least my version of them), as that's what'll keep the weight off in the long run. I do get tempted to eat on plan, but just remind myself that its not forever, the food I want will still be there when I come off the plan, and I want to be happy with myself; not only by managing how I look, but by feeling in control.

The plan absolutely works, and it works every time, but it does get harder and harder the more you restart, so those of you starting fresh, its worth sticking to!
Hi Jo1989!! Good to hear from someone pretty much in the same positions and feelings about this CD!!! I don't think cockys the right word but when u get near your goal, like I found I felt like, oh I can have a bit of what I want now, and although u can have the very odd treat, it's not the case! Ya need to totally re educate yourself about food and really realise the good stuff and what to stay away from long term! The reason we are all doing this diet is because we aren't the sort of people that can eat what we want and not put on weight, as frustrating as that is!!
Good luck though sounds like you have a good plan!! :) and what great results u had last time!!! Xx
Hi Jo1989!! Good to hear from someone pretty much in the same positions and feelings about this CD!!! I don't think cockys the right word but when u get near your goal, like I found I felt like, oh I can have a bit of what I want now, and although u can have the very odd treat, it's not the case! Ya need to totally re educate yourself about food and really realise the good stuff and what to stay away from long term! The reason we are all doing this diet is because we aren't the sort of people that can eat what we want and not put on weight, as frustrating as that is!!
Good luck though sounds like you have a good plan!! :) and what great results u had last time!!! Xx

I totally agree, when you're close to goal you just feel like overeating while slim doesn't have the same results as overeating when overweight. Like being slim stops weight gain - crazy! This plan is definitely about the psychological and not the physical and while I wouldn't say the plan is exactly easy, if you follow it you can't not lose weight, its coming off plan thats my problem. Having said that though, whatever diet someone follows, if they don't break bad habits the results will be the same, regardless of if they lose the weight in 3 months or a year, so its not the plan itself thats the problem, its me!

I'm seeing this as a totally fresh start, and hopefully planning on building up exercise will help. I've paid for a 2month gym membership starting the 31st January and thats kind of keeping me on track in itself, as I'd like to be at a healthy BMI when I start.

How are you doing so far?
Jo1989 that is why I am doing this. I lost loads on SW a couple of years back. But I didn't understand the importance of maintenance so it's all back on. I have chosen this diet so I can re-set my relationship with food. For me hitting target then really going through the following steps properly will be the main focus :)
Jo1989 that is why I am doing this. I lost loads on SW a couple of years back. But I didn't understand the importance of maintenance so it's all back on. I have chosen this diet so I can re-set my relationship with food. For me hitting target then really going through the following steps properly will be the main focus :)

Good for you! Its so hard to be at goal and still feel like you're 'dieting' by using the steps, especially if you don't lose much weight on them. BUT, if someone comes straight off plan most end up with a water gain of 7-10lbs ish while the body gets used to carbs again so actually, during those weeks on the steps, you are still losing weight, its just being netted off with the water gain as you reintroduce carbs. Really important for me to get my head around that.

How much weight do you want to lose?
Well i decided to try and do 3 but if i struggle do 4 id rather tgat than cheat!! I had maple porridge had a butterscotch shake was not the best and not sure what to have for tea ive got soup so may be a soup again i need something warm though! What r u having xx
I am not 100% sure until I have my weigh in on Monday but I think I am going to set a target of 20kg weight loss. That's about 44lbs. By my scales I weigh almost 75kg and would like to be 55kg. I am only 5ft so very small. But will discuss my target with my consultant :)
Seriously that's exactly how I felt! U get slim and think your untouchable, farrrr from it!! Thing is none of us are silly, we know the right and wrong things to eat, it's just in maintenance having the willpower to make the right choices and I never did! Good plan on the gym! I'm going to start back at my running soon probably end of the month. 2nd day nearly done!!!
hoping for a 2-3lb loss this week, Wednesday weigh days!
Iv got a choc and mint shake il warm up and try and have it as late as I can, probably only last an hour :) xxx