Jaqys - dusting off the diary

Mm that Jamie menus looks delicious - Jo there is a branch at Gunwharf now.
I think I'd choose one of the steaks and ask for the dressing on the side.

Frankly Mouse, I'd not bother! If I've calories to spare (ho ho), there are a few addresses I should share with you!
Exercise done :) 10mins xtrainer, started on weights but people arrived so rowed for 2k. Going to go tomorrow and aiming for a midweek day too, though maybe I'll just add in Friday as it's a holiday.

Reading 'You don't have to say you love me' by Sarra manning, and the main character has lost 2kylies in weight but I'm not picking up any tips, she has seriously weird eating habits. But is nice that the fat girl was properly fat and not 11stone.

Going to head for a coffee before seeing the parents. Bit too nice a day to be stuck in a theatre.
Kylie as in minogue :D

My legs are half dead after too much walking up and down hills in heels.
But will get to the gym shortly. Then maybe a movie.

The parents enjoyed the show very much, I liked it but one or two parts just don't measure up to the original London cast. Not that I'm totally biased or anything ;)

Dinner after not exactly good, the scallops had a cheesy breadcrumb crust, but were lovely, and a bit of cheese in the salad, and some wine.....but limited the damage by just having coffee no dessert.

My quiet Easter full of sleep and relaxation is under threat as the sister is going to the parents and am under pressure to go too. Food and sleep wise I really don't want to go.
Weighing two highland cows would be pretty scary.

At the moment I'm being very vague at going up, but would like to see my sister, as don't see her often, but her bloke is very very boring so won't feel too bad missing her this time.

Aching loads from the gym, had it to myself today so did weights along with cross trainer and rower.
Kylies... didn't know that one!
Nice to read you Jaq... I hear you re Easter and families and MEALS!
I think I've cracked the answer to meals - my parents will be at mine next fri & sat at least for a DIY project, and I'll be feeding them dukan friendly foods!

I have to say if we'd been going there my mum would have happily catered for me specifically. I'm sorry you both are having a more difficult time with impending family occasions :(
Its not really about the food for me, its that I need a few days at home to rest, catchup on things a bit in the flat, go to the gym, cook ahead and not spend any money.

Im up in manchester for 2 nights after easter and to london for a day that week and then theres the street party for the wedding too so I really dont want to lose that time off. Especially as work will be ramping up again next month.

Moan over.
Ah I see - I know what you mean, when you've been away for a weekend you don't really feel as much like you've had a break, and jobs mount up when you're away from home the same as when you're away from work.

Hope you can manage to find some pockets of time to destress over the next week or two!
My Mum would have helped out too... Still I'm telling people I'm opting out of food things this trip, at least for a few days, and they can eat whatever THEY like without my pestering them to eat MY food and vice versa!!

But I have noticed that, in avoiding dinners, my diary is desperately sad in the evenings. OH and I won't miss an episode of any soaps cos I don't think we have one thing on ANY evening!! How sad is that?!
Its not that bad Jo! Im sure something will change when you get here!
I shouldn't think so! I'm meeting my friends for day time things to avoid food and drink! haaaa! Living on the edge of life as ever!

Never mind :) It's not as if I'm used to having a raving social life so I'll not miss anything!
and you will get to watch your soaps ;) x
Virgin Atlantic sale means I've book a flight and so have a proper focus to get me back on track properly for the next 6 months.

Though I wont be strictly Dukaning :wave_cry:- cant face the prospect of 6months of transit issues.
But no doubt I'll still hang about in here as I'm more comfortable here than elsewhere.

I'm trying to not weigh in for a good while as tom gains were sending me spinning off track. So thats my head work for may, no weighing, keep eye on clothes (as everything is tighter should be easy to track things going the right way).