Jayne's Lipotrim Diary - New Beginnings!

Hi Jayne
I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles right now, but there's really no point in worrying about your OH being made redundant till it happens, you've enough to worry about. It really doesn't matter whether you do LT or Exante, as long as you stick to your guns re loosing weight and don't let ANYTHING give you an excuse to veer from your weightloss plan. When you are doing interviews for a new job, think how so much better you look now with a few stone gone than you did before you started the program. Best wishes and glad you'll still be touching base here.

Sandra - all I can say to you is MEN - you gotta love them for their timing, sensitivity & tact. And what I've discovered over the years is no matter what name you put on them e.g. Brad, George, Robbie or even Paul, they're all the same!!
Glad you are staying here with us Jayne xxx
Sandra what an impressive job title, do your highbrow friends know you like to talk about poo with strangers on the internet?? pmsl (love you ) xxxx
I was actually the Managing Director before.......so this is a come-down! TBH even my friends who are lawyers, MPs or whatever are all still pretty down to earth....it's a fact of life that we ALL poo! even the Queen......I wonder if she ever has problems????? "Phillip, one's having difficulties in the lavatory department......":kissass:
Ahh, that's interesting about your work Sandra :) My hubby is the same re working, and regardless of whether we needed me to work or not I'd be expected to at least do part time, or it would cause a lot of disharmony! As it is, I do only do part time, and nothing anywhere near as glam as you lol. I started as a medical secretary years ago and then moved into housing! Complete change! Still admin/secretarial work though :)

Well, went into the office today and had the next of my redundancy meetings. They should hopefully give me an end date tomorrow, and I'm expecting it to either be Friday or sometime next week. We have a staff away day Friday, and thankfully I won't have to attend. It's not nice, but those in the know do at least seem to be making me feel as comfortable as possible during this process, and I'm not causing any ripples, so I think that helps.

TOTM put in an appearance yesterday, so I do feel a bit calmer generally today anyhow lol. I also slept okay last night which was good. (Sandra, I do use Nytol from time to time and find it really good).

On the weight loss side of things, was a bit grrrr today as I went into the staff lounge lunctime to mix my shake and one of the already slim, but maybe about a stone overweight, girls was in there and someone else commented to her that she'd lost weight and she said that yes she was doing weight watchers and had lost 7lb! I was a bit arghhh I've lost 33 lb and no bu**er has noticed! lmao.

Anyhow, I'm in good spirits today, so onwards and upwards :)

Men! You'd think that he'd be happier to be looked after like he is but no......when I was running around the World he had to live on M&S and sometimes barely saw me for days even weeks......but he prefers the Armani-clad business woman even though it made me ill in the end! Seriously I do have Armani suits!

I'm a miserable moo today....won't bore you with the details.....

The redundancy thing is a nightmare, will you have a good chance of getting another job? I was pretty sure that I was going to be offered a six month contract position a couple of months ago but my op was right in the middle of it so I had to stand down. Absolutely nothing has come up since.......

Lots of love xxxx
Yeah, I should be okay Sandra. With my sort of work, I can do it in any company really - even do some temping :) I plan to have about 6 months or so off first (my 3 months notice and 3 months of redundancy), let the dust settle and claim on some insurance policies I have. Might even do a bit of retraining. No idea in what area mind. Lots to think about! :)

Don't worry about having a whinge here if you feel a bit grumpy. Better out than in :) Besides, if it bores me I'll just skip that paragraph! ;) lol

Jayne so sorry about losing ur job just hang in there. I have moved to Exante so hope to see u there soon. x
Had my letter yesterday confirming redundancy. Last day in office will be 26 Nov, and then I get 12 weeks leave, but won't have to go in during that time. I'm absorbing it all slowly and mostly feeling ok now. Staff away day today, and it was optional for me if I went or not. I didn't see the point, so am having day at home :)

Feeling really hungry today for some reason. Have had a crapjack and a shake already and want to go and have my third pack now! Best hold out though for a bit lol.

Not doing anything for bonfire night tonight, as going to a display on Sun. Hoping the weather will be better by then too! Plus by then I hopefully won't be drooling so much over the hot dogs lol.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. My sister is in the same work as you and she has had the same thing happen to her. She did some temping and was snapped up in another job so there is hope. Keep your chin up and keep going. I bet you look fantastic.
Week 9 weigh in and it's not the best! However, I'm not stressing over it as it's been a rough week with having my redundancy confirmed and I'm coping as best I can. I've not been 100%, so didn't really deserve to lose much this week. I'm also well and truly constipated - despite Fibre Clear and Senokot. So, going to give that physilium husk stuff a go once I get my paws on some!

Am starting Exante today and hoping to pull it together again this week for a good loss at next Monday's weigh in :)

Jayne.. You have done exceptionally well this week considering what you have had to contend with ((big hugs))

Good luck on Exante hun, i really hope it goes well for you.. Please come back here too though x x

It is cheaper to get your psyllium from Ebay (their delivery is pretty fast too).. It is the same company but works out cheaper than their own website x x
Hey babes, you've gone down so that's the main thing!

I started the Exante packs this morning too as I've run out of LT and the weather is so terrible that I can't face going in to town. Don't like the choc shake much, got no taste whatsoever. Had a vegetable soup for lunch and that was fine. I've eaten most of the bars already over the past few weeks. They've got more fibre in so should help your bowels.

What are you going to do with your time off, any plans????
Sandra, I find the Exante packs quite creamy. Really like them :)

Not sure what to do with my time off yet. Going to let the dust settle, and definitely not looking for a job for a good 6 months or so.

Work phoned me today and said as they've completed interviews for the ring fenced post (that I didn't apply for), it is now my choice if I go in and work until the 26th. I will get paid normally for Nov regardless of whether I go into the office or not, and my 12 week notice period will commence from the end of Nov. I cleared my desk, and sorted all my personal emails, etc. last week, and I can say a proper goodbye to people via email and Facebook and then arrange lunches, etc. over the coming weeks. It's a strange run of emotions, mixed between being absolutely gutted and also quite relieved it's over and excited for what the future may bring. It is over now though, so time to move forward and embrace my future :)

Well, I've been AWFUL! Had a rather large accident last night with some chocs. Ooops! No idea why either because I'm feeling fine in myself, so not sure I can blame stresses and strains of redundancy, etc. I even went shopping yesterday and bought a coat in Next. My first Next purchase in years and years. Was feeling very happy with myself and then I went and did that :sigh: I think it's because I wasn't 100% last week when I was feeling particularly low about the redundancy, and then it's been hard to get back on track again properly.

So! Back onto the wagon this morning, with steely determination! Had one shake so far and then had some psyllium husk a short while ago. Seems to have dampened the hunger :) I'm going to be perfect today and am going to the gym tonight to do body pump and a bit of interval running on the treadmill. All that should help purge some of the carbs (and calories!) from my system!

Naughty girl....I think that you should give me the diamonds because you've been sooooo bad!:whip:

Go on......tell us what the chocs were and how many you ate!
:(:break_diet: okay, if I must :break_diet: (tell you what I ate that is. No way are you getting your mitts on my super, sparkly diamonds! lol)

I had a box of 15 Thorntons Xmas chocs, and a tube of about 6 Bendicks bitter mints :eek: Felt quite sick too after about 4 chocs, but then still managed to eat the rest throughout the evening. Shows me that I 100% need to stay on TFR as habits definitely haven't changed yet!

oooo errrr! That WAS a lot of choc! Mind you, you're in good company....I heard Michel Roux jr say on the TV that a day without chocolate was a day not worth living - or something like that!

At least you've learned from it..... surprised that you weren't sick? But WHY did you do it? just cos they were there? on FB it sounded like you'd had a great day?!

ps don't worry, I've got my own diamonds!
Lol, that's ok then (re the diamonds) ;)
I did have a great day yesterday and I feel absolutely fine in myself at the moment. I've no idea why it happened. I bought the chocs to go in the Xmas cupboard, and then took them upstairs by mistake with the rest of my non food shopping, and in a moment of madness had just the one, which then turned into one of each type, ie. 4, and then I put them away and wasn't going to have anymore, but I hid them upstairs as didn't want hubby to know I'd cheated by seeing an opened box in the Xmas cupboard. I then of course secretly ate the rest. I just don't know why. Old, bad habbits combined with moments of not thinking it through and secretly scoffing is the best excuse I have :(

I'm paying for it today mind as I am soooo hungry! As determined as I was on day 1 though to get back on track and sorted and stay 100% until refeed for Xmas. I dread to think now mind what Xmas eating will bring, but I am going to try and control it, and then return to TFR beginning of Jan.
