Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

OK, so, 288 hours, or 17265 minutes, or 1035900 seconds :D

I need to stop eating takeaway :eek:
one thing at a time get the exams over the chocolate under control then limit yourself to take out once every two week :)
Eurgh. I am noticeably getting spots and a spare tyre, this is NOT good. No takeaway for me any more! I know I said I'd work on it after exams but it's horrible! :eek:

I'm going to limit myself to once a week at most, and never getting it on my own. Getting it by myself is the worst, cause there's a minimum order so I have to get loads :eek: sigh.

Exams start in 3 hours... I really shouldn't be on here! :p

I almost ate chocolate last night! I was sat opposite someone eating a bueno :)drool:) and I went and got myself one... then gave it to my friend cause I couldn't bear to eat it :p haha! I worked out the seconds and I though 'nah, not worth it' :eek:
good luck today - it wont be as bad as you think (says someone who is having panic attacks on your behalf) you CAN do this you WILL do well
get in that room and know I am there on your shoulder will the right words to spill out of your pen :):):)

let us know how it went
Good luck in the exams and well done for buying choc and then giving it away - amazing will power - if you can do that you can do anything!

Well, I'm currently tucking into a huge bowl of peas and fish. Lovely.

I'm not going to revise in the library any more as it encourages me to eat rubbish! And I didn't get much work done in there either :rolleyes:

So, my exam was 'OK'. :p I reckon I've *just* passed it, which is all I was aiming for in that paper so I'll be pleased with whatever as long as I don't have to resit it.

So, I'm going to be holed up this afternoon/evening revising for tomorrows exam! :D Away from all temptations hehe. :p
I could not revise in uni I used to come home to do it - either that or go to the local bar - they all knew me and left me alone in the corner - sometimes it was more productive than being at home with a couple of teenagers :)
Haha, whoops :eek: I gave in and had a mini magnum this afternoon. It was very nice. :p
I made it to 1250000 seconds!

I'm going to start calorie counting tomorrow. I haven't been craving chocolate anyway (though I have had a 2 hour nap :p) so it looks OK.
Haha, whoops :eek: I gave in and had a mini magnum this afternoon. It was very nice. :p
I made it to 1250000 seconds!

Well done hun - you did great!
Eurgh, asparagus :p

No, I loooove peas. Got to be petit pois though, none of that 'garden peas' rubbish :p hehehe.

I just had a lovely big bowl of veg with cheese and ham. Nom nom nom. Bit of a lack of carbs, but I made up for that with an ice cream, teehee.
peas have LOTS of carbs
and I agree it has to be posh peas as my daughter used to call them

we went to my parents and got the peas from the garden - she said they didnt taste like the posh peas we had :):)

you should make yourself a fritatta with all your veggies in :)
Oooh, I'd never heard of a frittata, sounds good though :D might try to make one sometime. Need the ingredients though :p
eggs and lots of veggies
Its really a posh name for a omlette and is nice hot or cold
still all cooked veggies in a frying pan with some frylight
when they are warm pour over enough beaten eggs (I put in pepper and loads of herbs as well) to cover I use about 6
then cook slowly until the underside is cooked and then pop under the grill to do the top

really nice cold with a salad easy to take to work as well for lunch
I'm 3/4 of the way through exams now. Got my last nasty one today, and then there's only one left, on Friday :bliss:

It's disappeared! I suppose I only started a week ago, but it's flown by. I'm pretty exhausted - that was the first thing Jon said to me when he saw me on Saturday! - I am soooo looking forward to a lie in after my 6am start today and 8am yesterday! And living on caffeine for a fortnight :sigh:
well done you and I notice you have been living on caffeine and not chocolate - BRILLIANT