Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

Well done on sts hon. Hope you get a loss next week x
Back to pointing today! I'm surprised how easily I've slipped back into it. I had such trouble starting and would assume that after a big weekend blow-out it would be a bit like starting again, but no, it feels completely natural! It feels good to be pointing again. I really do love Weight Watchers, I'm certain it's the only "diet" I could do. It's the only one which isn't faddy; no forbidden foods, no eating certain foods on certain days, no giving things up. Don't get me wrong, I think losing weight is commendable however you do it, but Weight Watchers is the only one I think is sensible. In my opinion the other ones aren't healthy for the body or the mind.

Had no breakfast today because I woke up at 10:30 :eek: Looking forward to getting some routine back in my life tomorrow. I've had a yummy omelette for lunch.
Back to pointing today! I'm surprised how easily I've slipped back into it. I had such trouble starting and would assume that after a big weekend blow-out it would be a bit like starting again, but no, it feels completely natural! It feels good to be pointing again. I really do love Weight Watchers, I'm certain it's the only "diet" I could do. It's the only one which isn't faddy; no forbidden foods, no eating certain foods on certain days, no giving things up. Don't get me wrong, I think losing weight is commendable however you do it, but Weight Watchers is the only one I think is sensible. In my opinion the other ones aren't healthy for the body or the mind.

Had no breakfast today because I woke up at 10:30 :eek: Looking forward to getting some routine back in my life tomorrow. I've had a yummy omelette for lunch.

totally agree with you. hope you're doing okay anyway :) x
I really do love Weight Watchers, I'm certain it's the only "diet" I could do. It's the only one which isn't faddy; no forbidden foods, no eating certain foods on certain days, no giving things up. Don't get me wrong, I think losing weight is commendable however you do it, but Weight Watchers is the only one I think is sensible. In my opinion the other ones aren't healthy for the body or the mind.

Well done on the STS. Aah totally agree with you there x
I had to do a presentation today :( My PowerPoint was good but when I start talking it just all goes wrong. I talk fast anyway but I just talk stupidily fast when I'm nervous. Apparently I'm getting better! It was at least understandable when before it was just jibberish. It wasn't awful today but it wasn't good. My voice goes all funny with nerves and I lose track of what I'm supposed to say. It's just not good. I'm glad it's out the way now though. Fortunately it's only 20% of that module.

Got a balloon debate tomorrow. I have to choose a species of animal or plant (was going to do plant for a change but too hard to find a valuable plant) that is valuable for the ecosystem. Everyone debates their species and you chuck them out of the "balloon". Now this I am good at! It's just standing up there with everyone watching me I can't do. Why can't presentations just be everyone sat in a circle on the floor having a chat? :p I haven't chosen my species yet so I bet get cracking! I'm the biggest procrastinator ever. I did my presentation last night and I'm do this now. When will I learn?

Waiting for Sainsbury's to bring my order, I love Wednesdays :)
Hope the studying is going well :) It sounds interesting!
Had to be critically endangered.

I gave up and did an animal! Axolotl, a salamander that can regenerate and also doesn't undergo metamorphosis, so stays in a juvenile state in the water!

I'm sorry I've not been writing on anyone's diaries, I've been so tired. I got home today and I slept from 5:30 to 8:45. I was dead to the world. I thought I'd been asleep for an hour and when I saw the clock I couldn't believe it. I never nap! Good thing is I've got about 6 points left but am not hungry. I know I should eat 2 more but I just don't want to eat and I'm going to be eating a big meal tomorrow.

I'm getting a bit bored with eating the same foods over and over. I need to find some new snacks!

My parents are coming tomorrow so big tidy up needed.
haha a power nap! i had one of those yesterday.. glad im not the only young'un who crashes now and again :D enjoy your tidy up.. unless theyre surprising me, none of my parentals are due until after xmas so i'm safe! :D have a good day tomorrow whatever you're doing xxx
I weighed myself last because I was feeling a bit fat and like I'd put on weight but Adam was saying I felt slimmer. I was 0.5 less at night! This morning I'm 2lb down :) Haven't seen 11 st 9 for a while, been hovering around the 10/11! I hope I don't put all that back on over the weekend. I'm thinking I can hopefully keep at least a lb off :) Anyway, it's motivation not to go crazy.
I'm finally back to what I was 2 weeks ago now - weekends off aren't a good idea for me apparently :rolleyes:

Though you're probably more sensible than me :eek:

Oh well done hun! keep at it! You'll keep it 2lb down!x
I'll help you hold the weight off :D Here's to a good Monday :)
Back from my meal! I had french onion soup to start with the tiniest piece of bread with cheese. Seriously tiny! Can't imagine there were many points in that, it was very brothy. Yum yum. Then I had spit chicken with lemon, thyme, garlic and aioli. It was a pretty small portion of chips and not that much chicken, but really filled me up. I kept passing the chips around. I did have a dessert :ashamed0005: White chocolate cheesecake with raspberries. I gave a big bite to my mum and Adam as I didn't want the whole portion. It was really yummy. Finally, a Baileys. I think it wasn't as bad as last Friday! Was totally worth it :) Oh! Had a pimms and lemonade and a bit of wine but mostly tap water.

Would you break your diet for £50? Adam's got a rich work mate who has bet him £50 (he doesn't have to pay him back if he fails) that he can't eat 10 mars bars in 8 hours. If anyone can do it, Adam can! He's going to attempt it on Monday.

Hope everyone is having a nice evening and has a lovely weekend :)