JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

I want to go and live with Jessy and James, then they can become my motivation and personal chefs!! ?? xx

Hehe you would be very welcome. I can cook for you and James can get you going to the gym! (He loves it lol) xxxx.
Ooh losing on your tum sounds very promising! Such a hard thing to do! I don't have it in me to use oil/full fat anything anymore though! My sister is always telling me how bad my alternatives are for my body but i'm like i don't care, ill be skinny! Haha, such a mature attitude...

It's always been my problem area but really feel like it's getting sorted now!

Now you're at target maybe try? As your sister is right you health is important and healthy fats will NOT make you put weight on :) xxxx
Got my PT session in less than an hour! Nervous cos I know she is gonna make me work my ass off! xxxx
You'll be fine babes! Just keep thinking about those size 8's!! I might have to join you to pinch some of your motivation! Love ya gorgeous! Xx

Aw thanks darling! Hehe you are always welcome! I'm always up for a fitness class!! xxxx
Ooh - it sounds as though you were made to work! Can you have a nice soak in a Radox bath?
Ooh - it sounds as though you were made to work! Can you have a nice soak in a Radox bath?

I really was! It was a fab workout really targeting what I asked! :) I had a nice radox shower this morning was too exhausted last night to move! :) xxxx
Update on eats yesterday: i didn't manage to eat my homous or nakd bar - too much food. I did however after my healthy stirfry have a hot cross bun again. I really felt like I needed some carbs as I had no energy from the PT session which was fab and I can do those exercises on my own now :)

So syns for yest: 2.5 yoghurt; hot cross bun 9; dark choc chips 0.5. Total: 12/15 :) HEA was milk and cheese, HEB museli.

Eats for today Friday 28th Feb :)
B: Caveman museli HEB Banana SF Grapes SF strawberries SF raspberries SF
L: Subway salad! :) not sure which to have so will update on syns later
S: Homous and 2 crispbreads (2) Trail mix (1) Yoghurt (3) Nakd bar
D: TBC as going home for the weekend :)!!

Woohoo happy Friday everyone xxxx
What is a Nakd bar?? I keep seeing them popping up on a few diaries now.
What is a Nakd bar?? I keep seeing them popping up on a few diaries now.

They are gluten wheat and dairy free raw fruit and nut bars. They are an aquired taste but definitely worth a try! xxxx.
They are gluten wheat and dairy free raw fruit and nut bars. They are an aquired taste but definitely worth a try! xxxx.

I might have to give these a go - also whats in your caveman museli?
I might have to give these a go - also whats in your caveman museli?

Defs worth a try honey. I have mixed seeds (just any bag) with chopped up walnut/hazelnut/almond/brazil nuts. Only need a small handful and really really filling! I have a sprinkle of dark choc chips with mine sometimes too xxxx
Excellent job on the workout! Sounds like you definitely went for it!!! Have a lovely weekend at home sweetie! xx

Thanks lovely :) I hope that you have a lovely weekend as well! xxxx
Ooh might have to give it a go, might have a trip to Holland and Barrett for the nuts and seeds xxx

Definitely worth a go honey. Asda and morrisons also do a good range xxxx.
Hi Jessy.....

How are you doing.....
Hi Jessy.....

How are you doing.....

Hi honey

I'm doing great thank you - having a lovely time at home! BUT quite a few naughties. Going to add up syns tomorrow but I've eaten:

Yesterday: didn't have homous but had a ritz Cadbury biccie (yum!) 9 syns, hot cross bun 9 syns on journey yesterday. Then today: had 2 glasses of red wine, 1/2 brownie, some sweets and an Indian takeaway! Oops!

Hope you're having a good weekend darling xxxx