JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

I feel sluggish when off plan and if I'm not careful get ingestion and heartburn. I've never had dizziness but there's a few bugs going round at this time of year. I'm sure once you have a few healthy meals you'll be right as rain again.
I'm right with you on the not feeling great due to bad eating. All last week I had to keep taking naps because my blood sugar was rising and falling at an alarming rate due to all the mince pies / chocolate / christmas pudding I was stuffing in my face. Plus my skin now looks the worst it has for months so back on the green tea, water, vegetables and exercise from today!
Thanks ladies you've made me feel much better :)

Just popping on to say I've read my Whole30 book and I'm ready to smash it as of Monday. I'll need lots of support but I know I can rely on you lovelies. And mainly to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope 2015 is a fabulous one for all my minis friends

Hey sweety,

Happy new year!

Your new book sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing lots of food snaps on IG!

I don't feel ill as such from eating badly (apart from tiredness/sluggishness) but I can really see the change in my skin and hair. Can't wait to stuff my face with super free!!! xxx
Wishing you the best of luck with Whole 30! Oh and Happy new year too!
Thanks for the support lovelies :) the book has been motivating and I think I've got my head around it now.

Feeling very motivated to start on Monday and the masses of good you should eat does make me feel that I can achieve this without ridiculous cravings for rubbish!

I'm just finalising the meal plans and doing the groceries over the weekend and then will update you with my eating plan. Going to plan one week at a time and see how our hunger is etc then adapt it accordingly.

In the mean time we are going for a Chinese and beers with friends tomorrow night and if we get up in time I fancy going to our local breakfast sandwich shop and getting a nice breakfast butty :)

Can't wait to watch your Whole30 journey honey. Just been reading your blog and the example day you have sounded delish!

In the meantime hope you enjoyed your Chinese and get up in time for a bacon sarnie!xxx

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Can't wait to watch your Whole30 journey honey. Just been reading your blog and the example day you have sounded delish!

In the meantime hope you enjoyed your Chinese and get up in time for a bacon sarnie!xxx

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Thanks chick :) I didn't get up in tine for the sarnie but looking forward to my Chinese xxxx
Girls I am so ready to start whole30 tomorrow! Taking measurements tonight before bed then weighing in the morning. Ate some Camembert and have terrible indigestion so actually feeling glad I'm giving dairy up.

Actually a bit nervous though especially as star week is due tomorrow but I WILL do this xxxx
I read up more info on this yesterday . I'm so intrigued at what you will eat and drink! I have high hopes for you! I am so tempted but will really need to plan. Also I need my morning coffee but I don't think that's allowed is it?!
I read up more info on this yesterday . I'm so intrigued at what you will eat and drink! I have high hopes for you! I am so tempted but will really need to plan. Also I need my morning coffee but I don't think that's allowed is it?!

Thanks honey :) and yes your can have two cups of coffee you just have to have it black and after some food :) do it! xxxx
Well here we go - committed to 30 days of 100% clean eating and saying no ;)

Weighed in this morning: 10st 4lbs... A 6lb gain from my lowest but a 4lb gain over the month. (I did a naughty jump on scales last week and it was just saying 10! But it was after a 12 hour sleep so I was probably very 'empty' and dehydrated!

Going to take measurements tonight as couldn't find tape measure last night :') and take some photos :/

Right so food for whole30 day 1. But just briefly the principles so you can help keep check on me (please do!). No dairy, legumes, naughty food, alcohol, refined carbs, food with added sugar, food full of preservatives. Each meal needs to be a palm of protein and the rest of the plate veg. Each meal either needs to be cooked in healthy fat or have an addition with the meal. Fruit is ltd to two portions a day and should be with meals not as a snack. This is to discourage fuelling sugar cravings.

P - protein; F - fat; V - veggies

Breakfast 1: 2 boiled eggs (P) handful of asparagus (V) cooked in clarified butter (F) wrapped in a slice of prosciutto (P) with a side of bloobs
Lunch 1: 'Deconstructed pizza' 175g steak mince (P) in coconut oil (F) 1/2 cup of cherry toms (V) 1/4 yellow pepper (V) 1/2 cup mushrooms (V) 1/4 medium onion (V) seasoned and with 1/8 can of chopped tomatoes. Served with sugar snap peas (V) brocolli (V) and a small palm of olives (F)
Pre-gym snack (these are allowed and they encourage protein and fat): slice of prosciutto (P) and a palm of olives (F)
Post-gym snack: Turkey (P) and a palm of nuts (F) OR 1/2 avacado (F)
Dinner 1: Trout (P) cooked in clarified butter (F) served with kale (V) green beans (V) and a side of melon

So I don't think I'll have any excuses to be naughty with all that food but I will definitely need your strictness and support ;)

Good luck to all of you also back on it today xxxx
Morning gorgeous!

Wow - that certainly is going to be strict, but it sounds absolutely delicious! We will definitely all be around to cheer you on and hopefully help you to stick to the 'no thank you' policy!! :)

Best of luck with Whole30, your food for today sounds delicious!
Helllooooooo! :wavey:

WOW that sounds very strict, You'll be able to do it honey as I know you've got way more will power than me! I'm sure i'll pick up some new tips and tricks!

I'm going to keep popping in but am going to start a new 'blog' next week when we've done the 'big shop' and have got rid of all the naughty's that are still in the house.
We will have hopefully booked our summer 2015 holiday by then ,:character00255: so I'll have a date to work towards and hopfully the last of these minging germs will have gone out of me so I'm back to full strength to then re-kick start the diet and the gym!! :whacky068:


Love you millions and we'll be behind you all the way!