JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Ditto what Lil said ^ and it's good that your doctor is supportive of the changes that you're making.
I'm keen to hear which foods you won't be having again! :)

The progesterone only pill is the only I've just gone back's a little unsettling at the mo, but I'm hoping in a few weeks I'll be right as rain! Have you had it before? Xx

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I get most of my recipes from googling whole30 so mainly blogs but some tweaks here and their.

Food wise I'm not sure I will drink coffee (decaf instead) not keen on having a lot of fizzy pop at all (only when out drinking I think) no low sugar alternatives as full of rubbish so if I'm having pop it will be full fat. Not that bothered about milky tea anymore but would have milk with other hot drinks. Not eating foods with loads if preservatives or added sugars - if food needs that it cant be good for you (I'm not ruling out everything just I'll be aware of it). I am however looking forward to some naughty takeaway food full of crap but only if I earn it - ie if we have exercised enough that week or on special occasions. My friend said when you reintroduce foods after things like this you don't enjoy fake things as much so let's hope so. I really want some dairy milk though haha.

I've had the progesterone pill before and it wasn't perfect but better than the agony I've been in the last few times Ive been on.

Tex Mex casserole: 1 chopped courgette, 1 chopped parsnip, 2-3 chopped carrots, 3 cloves garlic diced, mince, taco seasoning (I used a mix of spices), tin of chopped toms, 3 shredded sweet potatoes. Fry the veg off until fork soft. Then remove. Fry the mince and add taco mince. Mix mince veg and chopped toms. Put in casserole dish and top with the shredded sweet potato (toss it in coconut oil and seasoning first) and bake for 30-35 mins :)


Happy hump day! Busy one again today: shortlisting and my nutritionist is doing a presentation at the uni that I've organised for staff.

B: bloobs banana nuts
L: sweet jacket potato, leftover carnitas, peppers (maybe also a salad as we are offering a healthy salad bar after the nutrition session)
D: Chilli
In a food processor :) if you don't have one then a cheese grater lol xxxx
Hmmm I might have to try out that tex mex casserole as a way of getting the OH to eat more vegetables. He's doing a lot better than when I first met him but I still don't think he eats enough. Hope your shortlisting is going better than mine!
Hmmm I might have to try out that tex mex casserole as a way of getting the OH to eat more vegetables. He's doing a lot better than when I first met him but I still don't think he eats enough. Hope your shortlisting is going better than mine!

Did you get yours done?
I am defo making that!! It sounds yum!!! What seasoning mix do you use though?

I'm surprised you're looking forward to a dairy milk, I haven't had a single inkling for some choc at all! Even when MF is munching away at it beside me! x

Just make one up!

Chocolate has always been my weakness but if I'm honest I'm not bothered this week at all but I'm looking forward to having the choice xx
Good news this morning ladies. Officially final whole30 weigh in isn't until Wednesday but as we weigh on a Monday I wanted to keep that up. And so glad I did. James has lost 5lbs from last week and I have lost 3lbs which means I'm now 9st7lbs!! As you'll all know this was my big target aim so I'm ridiculously pleased. I am actually lowering it to 9st but I am very happy with my body now and if I want planning on competing 9.7 would do perfectly. So so far on whole30 I've lost 11lbs and James has lost a stone! :) feeling a bit scared about reintroducing things again but I couldn't live whole30 so i need to.

On other News we booked or wedding photographer yesterday so feeling Fab about that. We are both in wedding mode again and it's exciting.

Hope you've had good weekends will catch up now xxxx
Oh wow Jessy im so chuffed for you!! That's fantastic!! What a great way to start the year...and its totally deserved given your 100% dedication to it! :) and well done for james too! Is he feeling ace as well?!

Is it a strict plan that you then follow to reintroduce things or are you just given the food groups and you can do your own planning? Xx

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