JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

I think we're all feeling like that today hon. That lost hour plus last nights winds have taken their toll this week. Roll on 5pm Thursday!!! xxzz

Thanks hun. And yes roll on Thursday!!!! XxxX.
Feeling better and had a decent day :) now off to the gym to do legs! Last time at this gym as its gone downhill and there is one near that you can pay as you go with more weights :)

Warm-up: leg extension
Set 1 (x4): squat rack squats with 20kg bar x12; stiff legged deadlift with 20kg bar x12
Set 2 (x4): weighted lunges with 8kg dumbbells x16; wide legh press 50kg x12

The boy is now making chilli for tea :) and so will have the salmon tomorrow! James does make a good chilli!

Glad to hear you're feeling better today lovely and your Monday night sounded lovely. I SO want a takeout curry. I may have to give in and have one in a few weeks as a treat. I printed out your workout plan earlier and I will be putting it into action over Easter I have lots of classes booked this week so will stick to those (if they don't kill me) and then once I've done my first week back at the gym post wedding, its mission 'Jessys going to get me fit' a go go!! Thank you xxx
Glad to hear you're feeling better today lovely and your Monday night sounded lovely. I SO want a takeout curry. I may have to give in and have one in a few weeks as a treat. I printed out your workout plan earlier and I will be putting it into action over Easter I have lots of classes booked this week so will stick to those (if they don't kill me) and then once I've done my first week back at the gym post wedding, its mission 'Jessys going to get me fit' a go go!! Thank you xxx

Excited to see how it works for you. Indian takeaway is THE treat! XxxX.
My deliciously Ella book came and it looks so good! Excited to get some buckwheat and get started! xxxx
Morning lovely ladies :)

Got some leg doms today! Just found out as I failed running to the tram! Made it though ;)

Eats for today:
B: nuts & dried fruit; protein shake with coconut milk
L: leftover delicious chilli
S: skinny decaf caramel macciato
D: salmon or chicken with lots of veg

Going to a new gym tonight - more of a weightlifting gym! Really looking forward to it. It is where PT trains and I thought she would mind but really doesn't :) Doing a back workout as I know that equipment the best - don't want to look silly my first time ;)

Totally just April Fooled James saying trams were cancelled and that I was going to be ridiculously late. He was really concerned :'). I let him know though once I had fooled him - I'm too nice I could have had him going all morning xxxx
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Oh I'm excited to hear how the new gym goes! Will you be training with your PT there at all!?
Woo for doms...they hurt, but they are your reward for your hard work!!! :)

Naughty you for tricking James! I just got fooled at of the assistants put a tiny sticky tab under all the bankers computer mouses so they werent working...we were all under the desks checking the cables etc looking like right wallies!!
She doesn't train at my old gym anymore but at random ones but only the owner trains at this gym.... Until yesterday anyway :) he has offered her the chance to PT there - big honour :) so yes will get to be PTd there as well so all coming together nicely

Haha thats brilliant! Good on them! :') xxxx
I actually have managed to do no work yet today .... xxxx
Okay I have a back workout for tonight! Feel free to use it guys!

1. Lateral pull downs (heaviest weight I can) x12; x4
2. Bicep pull downs (heaviest I can) x12; x4
3. Seated rows (heaviest I can) x12; x4
4. Weird machine that PT has recommended but alternative would be a Cable pull machine x12; x4
5. Bent over row (20-30kg) x12; x4
6. Back raises (5kg) to failure

I suggested a workout and Hannah has made it better so looking forward to doing this! xxxx
Love delicious Ella and hemsley and hemsley my sister bought them both and so many yummy things to try in them! xxxx

I've got Hemsley one so going to read through them both at the weekend! xxxx
Haha! Good girl getting James! And ging how good was your assistant! I still have to think of something to get Simon with! Jess I can't even read your workouts! I will never ever like exercise that much! It's like a different language!

It's after noon though honey! It has to be before or you're the fool!

Haha a year ago neither would I but now I adore it! xxxx