jet's take on a diary !!!

ello been back at work today and im shattered was on my own and the day went really quick lol ,i actually like it on my own with my own thoughts and noone to comment on wot im thinking .

thanks ladies i missed u all too !!!!!!
good to have you back Jet x
WB Jet. Sounds like you had a good time, hope the harsh reality of work isn't too bad but nice to be on your own a little (I like thinking in peace too).

Go and spill on the panto, I'll let you know who I've heard of (mind you, I'm a tad out of touch with the UK/Scottish showbiz but pantos tend to be folk who were famous years ago so I may well know of them!)
hi all i cant actually remember any names lol ,wot am i like !!

my mood is a bit strange at the mo,i feel happy and also feel sad ,is this a sort of feeling im supposed to be having !!

because its making me feel really confused ,also i have an overwelming feeling that i shoudnt be happy !!

thanks for listening ladies !!
hey hun say thats normal to feel like that ...but remember you are allowed to have happy thoughts im sure Dan wouldnt want it any other way xxxxx
Of course you're allowed to be happy, Jet. Where would we be without your cheeriness?

This is a time where it's hard, everything is so family-focused at Christmas and the lead-up to the big day that it's hard when we have to do all the prep knowing that some aren't here to share Christmas with us.

Lots of things will be bittersweet, Jet, but definitely Dan would want you to be happy. I'm sort of dreading Christmas myself and I never spent Christmas with my Mum (too many excited children for her to cope with), so it's bound to be magnified so many more times for you. At the same time, I know the kids will love it (and my Mum loved Christmas - more than the kids!) so I am going to try and enjoy myself.:)

Offload when you need to, Jet. A trouble shared and all that...
Good to see you back Jet. You shouldn't feel guilty for feeling happy - the others are right, Dan wouldn't have wanted that.
Big hugs Jet... and Robin too...

After 13 years, I'll be little better this year than previous ones. So many memories, reminders, traditions... each decoration I put on the tree, hers... but I know she'd love to know that we still do it all just the same :)
morning all ladies , i thought long and hard in wot u all wrote and u are right im allowed to be happy because i know dan would want me to be ,it doesnt stop me thinking about him all day in my mind and my heart where he frimally is and life does go on and me and the girl i work with spoke intently yesterday about my talking to much about dan ,and to be honest i was glad she brought it up because i was frightened if i didnt speak about him all the time i would forget him but in hindsight that isnt going to happened ,THE MIND IS A STRANGE THING !!!!

hey hun ...glad you feel a bit brighter
no we never forget hun xxxxx
hi all ladies ,diet is so so ,im just trying to consentrate on getting through xmas and dan's 1st anniversary and also full of a cold (it finally grabbed hold of me ),we went to the "light up a life ", on sunday at the hospice where dan passed jordan was really upset has he hasnt been there since dan passed but he got through it with his bravery shining through i was and am so proud of him(jordan),the light will shine and twinkle for months now and the look absoluty lovley !!!

so back to the diet im really not on it but im trying to be good at the same time and apart from the odd chocolate or 5 im being good i think ,i will be back to it on 2nd jan and im looking forward to putting some routine back in the diet mmmmm !!

i hope all u ladies are doing ok ,i finish work on 24 december until the 10th jan !!!

so ladies " HAPPY XMAS TO YOU ALL " LUV YA ALL !!!!!!!!!
Merry christmas Hunny xxxx
Be kind to yourself xxx
Have a lovely Christmas Jet - of course you will have some sad thoughts, but give the happy times a chance too. Thinking of you.

Hope you have lots of occasions to smile over Christmas, Jet and that it's a happy one. xxx
Have a lovely Christmas, remembering the old and embracing the new!
hope you have a lovely christmas and happy thoughts xxxxxx thinking of you xxx