jet's take on a diary !!!

thank you jo lol !!! im rather down in the dumps this week has other half is away on a course and im missing him loads !!!

but other than that im doing ok ive sts for two weeks !!

fave meal is pasta bolo ala elaine lol (it is basically) bolognaise without the mince but i put a punnet of mushrooms in it and it is yum yum yum !!!!

hope this is a more newsy post jo lol !!!!!!!
Much better Jet! We like to hear about your life! Bolognaise without the mince doesn't appeal much though - we tend to have bolognaise without the pasta over here! Or Vicky's lovely cheeseburger pie! yum!

Sorry about the 2 x STS's. Do they advise cutting anything back on the new WW plan once this happens?

Ps - absence makes the heart fonder! you'll have a great reunion!
hi again well i sts for the 3rd week ,OH is home and was lovley to see him ,ive been advised that im undereating and to had more protien in to the diet ,im confused mmmmmm !!! but the bolognaise without the mince is actually really yummy !!!
But without protein you are burning meal fat and carbs rather than stored ones in your body. Are u eating the same things all the time?
hi bren ,im a boring dieter ,and ive eaten like this for years and im happy with the boredom of the same foods

today im having

B- puffed wheat and banana 5 pp
snack- apple 0pp
L - 4 nimble bread with ham on one and cheese on the other with toms and cucumber
mullerlight yog and french fries and 2 satsumas if i fancy them 11pp
snack- pear 0pp
D- not sure yet !!! leaving 13 pp for dinner and treat !!

wot do u think !!
I don't know much about this new WW plan - but I know there is more emphasis on protein these days. Can you make your breakfast a little more proteiny...? Do you miss the oatbran? Can you add that in and take out the chips?!!! How about exercise?
hi there i eat my brekkie at 7 so cereal and a banana is a do for that time in the morning and a mid morning snack of fruit ,its hard because all the foods have gone so high in points ,ie i had a 75g of leftover chicken and it pointed in at 3 pp ,i can have 3 slices of smart price cheap ham (has i call it lol ) for 1 pp ,im still strugglin with this new plan ,before it was much more easier but i will stick to it ,i dont miss the oatbran at all but im going to look into how many pp the sweet muffins come in at ,and i dont eat many chips at all !!!

exercise when i can be bothered work is so busy at the mo and when i get home im knacked !!!
Only the processed foods have gone high in points, no? Perhaps Dukanising your menus a little more will give you some leeway on those points. Cereals are notoriously high in sugar. Try porridge?
How about adding back in your fave cottage cheese, it must be quite low points, and maybe a yougurt as a snack?

And what about non diet stuff? Hows Jordan doing?
hi all this new ww plan is so frustrating ,im going to give it 2 more weeks and if no loss im going back to the old plan of weight watchers , im eating more than i did on the old plan and using up my pt's but still hot happy ,my cereal is low sugar i just checked and i put a banana in it for sweetness ,im doing more or less wot i did on the old plan but ive added more fruit and have to eat more points .........

jordan is doing well its school hols ere and he is just playing on his ps3 and eating me out of house and home lol !!!!!!!!!
you know i do wonder whether once we have done a low carb diet thats all we can ever do to lose weight?
Different plans work for different people and ww is done by so many differing results are to be expected I suppose.
Expect they'll tweek it a bit more yet.
thanks ladies well im giving it 2 more weeks and if nothing changes im back to the old style one ,and maybe ur right vicks after doing a low carb diet that may well be the way to go mmmmmmmm !!!!
True. i know i just couldnt go back to weight watchers now all that sickly sweet stuff lol. did you watch that programme the truth about low fat foods - loads of ww meals in it
BBC iPlayer - The Big Fat Truth about Low Fat Foods
really interesting.
can i ask why you left dukan love? was it just fed up?
hi vicks ,it was ok when i was at home but when i was at work it just didnt fit in !!!!!!!!!
well ladies i thought i had totally blown it coz i had fried chicken on friday only 2 peices and some spare ribs ,then saturday i had a indian (veg curry with tikka peices and boiled rice ) then to top it all off i also had a big bag of butterkist toffee popcorn and a toberlone only a small one ,then the rest of the week i stayed within my points but went over a couple of days has i thought ive put on anyway this week ,well weigh in today shows a loss off 0.5 lb which im amazed at and also happy ....well im confused with this !!!!!

vicks re atkins ............ i did atkins 8 or more years ago and lost a stone has i was getting married but wouldnt do it again has i didnt like the bad breath ...............