Jezebella's Journal

Hehehehe, congrats you, pretty similar to my first meal. Did it take you about 20 minutes to eat it?? How full did you feel afterwards?
I missed the safety of food packs so much the first 2 weeks. I am getting a little more used to it now though. It is so much easier than having to think about what to eat and when.

It all improves when you add leaf, and then it starts getting exciting!

Took me an age to eat lol around 20-30mins :)
good though, and yeah leaf def helps :)
I like that it's protein this week, gonna be writing in
my journal
than I'll add it up here on the forum :)
just a quick 1 I know we weren't allowed gum in foundation but are we allowed it now in rtm
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:) it is so exciting reading you guys chatting about RTM!

Won't be too much longer before I can join you.

Kat xx
Make it soon kat :)
gonna be reading the rtm book
again it's funny in some places, and some
recipes (",)
Ken it is most likely to be November - either the 4th or 11th will be my first day!

Kat xx
Hey Ken

I asked my LLC that same question this week. I used to be quite a fan of the stuff. Yes you can have it - obviously sugar free though. He did warn me though that the chewing all the time, releases stomach acid which can tend to make you more hungry as the body thinks it is about to receive food. I have a packet in my bag, but tbh haven't had one yet because I haven't felt the urge for it.

Yeah I'll have like 1 gum a day before I went loopy for then like it was crack lol,

kat good luck with reaching your goal soon :)
and jeez im actually going to follow your plan for the 1st week, when do we go down to 2 packs?
Week 3 as I recall, 2 packs a snack and protein meal, and you get to add fruit, all very exciting. I am worried re next week, as I am finding it hard to eat my 2 packs and fit in conventional food atm, next week it goes up to 2 meals and snacks and 2 packs - arrrrrgh. Still will do my best. Trying to keep it atm to a soup in the middle of the day and a shake late at night. Probably need to stop the late at night one as that is the one I always tend to skip. I just feel too full.

Go to the shops and stock up on a bit of fat free dressing, and things like that to season with. I found it really useful to have a selection of things around so it felt like I had a massive choice in what I ate within the first few days which are still somewhat restricted. Next week fat free yoghurt and jelly - hahahaha hope you find it as enjoyable as I did, and still do. Am quite addicted to the stuff. For me so far, I have made a point of trying most everything on the list for each week, as my tastebuds have really changed. Things I never touched I now love! Now that I am getting into a bit of a routine though I have realised there are things I can now take or leave. Fizzy diet drinks being one of them, can have one but just as happy without. The milk in my coffee. I tend to leave it black and save up for a treat like a skinny at starbucks. Tea is now a treat with a bit of milk, instead of something I drank all day. What will amaze you too is that you can eat a fairly big portion of food that is satisfying and yet has very few calories. I always wonder now, why I never bothered eating like this before????? A complete revelation. Monday will be a big day for me, can try wine again, and as much as I have looked forward to it, the closer it gets the less excited I feel by it all. I am hoping to have reached the point of take it or leave it with that too!!!

Come on hun, get the journal up I want to read about your first meal in detail!!!!

Get journal
up around 5pm, i'm
looking forward to jelly what brand dya buy jez?
And what ff dressing would you advise on buying
see us guys are clueless lol
Lol, no you are so not, it is all deception, men are more than capable!!! heheheh I buy the little packets of hartleys sugar free and set it quite firm so I can take it to work for a snack. It is only about 29p for a packet which makes 3 decent sized portions. You should find it in most supermarkets. I also invested in 6 little pots that hold about 250 ml with lids to set the jellys in in portions. Just to keep track of my intake, even though you can have as much as you want. Yoghurts I am well into the muller lights, and the yeo valley organic fat free vanilla. Weight Watchers also do some fab yoghurts and fromage frais. If you have a look in the dairy aisle in the supermarket you can also find the fat free quark, fromage frais plain, fat free creme fraiche etc. The total 0% greek yoghurt is brilliant for dressings and dips as it is a set yoghurt so nice and thick, whereas the others go a bit watery. The best dressings I have found commercially are "the english provender" range and the Sainsbury's Be Good To Yourself range - lots of flavours and very cheap about 80p a bottle. Back to the jelly though. Hartleys also do a pre made set jelly in tubs which are useful for emergencies but they are more expensive at about 54p a portion, so I find it more economical to make my own. I also have a great supply of mustards and vinegars and different chilli sauces to make dips and dressings out of. Really can make the food so exciting. I currently love my blackberry vinegar. Have a look on the shelves and in speciality sections, they usually have some fab ones, like raspbery and chardonnay vinegars. Sherry vinegar is great too - all matured in sherry casks for a fab flavour!!! Ha we shall make a chef out of you yet hun!

Haha I like that make a chef out of me :)
yeah I'll probably go morrisons/asda tomorrow to find everything I need :) better to make a list before hand to avoid going off the rail not that I will though :)
but jeZ your doing fab :)
did you have cottage cheese in the 1st few days?
I did indeed, really nice it was too, very lemony to my tastebuds!! I got the sainsburys fat free plain and then the one with chive. Awesome stuff, had it with a bit of smoked salmon or hot smoked salmon cant quite remember. I still love it with salads.

Making a list is essential, something I never did before, now always do. I have a rough plan of what I want to eat for the next few days and buy only that!!! lol ok and then spend the rest on clothes!!!! If you pop onto the RTM site on the LL page you can dl and print the shopping lists for the week, really good stuff I have a file of them, then just add the other bits and bobs like washing poweder on at the end.

Anyway hun, have to go off to work now!!! Very urrrrrrrrgh, but hopefully it wont be too late tonight. Will keep uptodate and reply on the old iphone!!! Go forth and shop young chef!!!!! Fill your baskets with seasonal provisions!!!

What chilli sauce dya suggest
Hey jez journo is up :)
And im actually loving this the meals have been delish i must say
RTM Day 27 (Week 4)

Yay!! I am finally free for the next 36 hours and it is all going to be about me, me and me. Selfish yes, but in a totally good day. I made a promise to myself to devote some time to me in my new life and this what tomorrow is all about. Even though I had to work today, it was pretty good.

Woke up at 8 and thought nooooo still tired, so slept till 10am I really needed it. At least felt a little more human when I woke up for the second time. Sat in bed with Miss Lily stroking her beautiful pregnant belly, having a coffee and reading mini mins - pure bliss. Breakfast was only at midday and was a Muller Mandarin with a small peach chopped, 40g raspberries and 10g blueberries - it was the prettiest bowl of food, really looked like a sunrise and made me very happy.

Got to town a little early so spent 10 minutes sitting in the churchyard of St Paul's enjoying the sunshine and watching the passers by. Lol was very amused to see a guy giving me a long hard stare and then his gf giving him the evil eye!!! something that has never happened to me before. I felt gorgeous and was wearing a fab new outfit. I seem to be taking a lot more time and trouble over my appearance. Hopefully one day soon a lovely man will really take notice!! I am planning a night out soon with the sister. The plan is, to put on the glad rags, do the hair and make up. Head into central London, to a bar with some decent man potential - any suggestions of places are welcome ladies and gents. Sit down and have a single glass of champers sipped very slowly, take in the scenery and see who we meet. Lol perhaps it is a totally lame idea and won't work.

Sorry, got totally side tracked there. Back to the food. The wedding was great but I had what I term a small oops. Not sure how bad it was or if I am being too critical of myself. But I had 50g of smoked salmon with 15g of the fennel that was the starter in place of my food pack. Now it could be worse, I could have binged on the toffee pud or other delights. At least this was about the same cals as a pack. What I did that was wrong was eat it on the hoof, I did not sit down and have it as a meal. Having said all of that it was effing delicious!!! Had 30g of grapes as a snack before I left for home. Much walking through various tube stations etc, the walk between bank and monument to the c&d line is looooooong and I was carrying 2 very heavy bags - but was quite pleased as it is good calorie burning.

Dinner was magnificent. Salmon fillet of about 115g, topped this with a squeeze of lemon, some lemon zest, fresh dill a little wholegrain mustard and some fat free cream cheese - baked this in the oven. To go with this, some of the ratatouille I made earlier this week, fresh asparagus and the remains of my cabbage, leek and spinach mix. Absolutely scrummy and quite low cal apart from the salmon. The meal total was 298 cals.

Pud was an orange jelly and yoghurt which I am busy finishing off now. I am also undecided do I have a bar and cup of tea later or a shake either hot or cold!

Soooo looking forward to tomorrow. Going to read my RTM week 5 and plan for some lovely meals for next week. One idea is a slow braised beef shin with some carrot, shallot and mushroom - done in it's own stock which would become a divine casserole. Serve this on celeriac mash!! Also absolutely planning a butternut squash soup. Some sweet potato chips and some roasted parsnips!! God so much choice it is almost too much. Still undecided about the wine, but will see how it goes.

More anon

Lovely :)
Btw jez what chilli sauce dya use?
Thank you :) hot jamican sauce sounds good
Hi Jez

Your food choices sound divinee and very similar to mine.
The smoked salmon is not an ooops. Most of us on RTM have had the odd little thing like that where we've brought something in a little sooner than the plan says.
Then we think ,actually - this is Managing proper. It's okay.
It's best to try and sit and eat properly, but real life kicks in too. The main thing is we are so much more aware of the danger points now.
I was reading what you said about your mother and food relationships.
A bit spooky because our family also uses food as a way of showing love (nothing unusual there). My mother is also very controlling of herself with her weight. Has alaways weighed herself every day, even now at 87! She'll ration her already small intake if she puts on 1lb.
She put me on my first diet at the age of 7. In her eyes thin = good, fat = bad.
I know I went into FOOD as a career to challenge her in some way. The whole food/love/thin/fat/jealousy/admiration/pride
relationship between us is intense and complex even now.
This is the first time in my life since the age of 12 that I have distanced myself in any way from food/cooking/recipes at all. It's scary and liberating too.I'm finding lots of time to do other things. I realise I had let my love of food and everyting to do with it fill my whole life and identity.
Sorry to waffle on, but I think we have
quite a few similar issues.
SB so great to hear from you, I have been missing out little food chats on the other thread. BL seems a bit quiet too. I think we have very similar issues. My family and yours could be the same. Somewhere in one of my other blogs there is the whole story of all the many many diets my mom put my sister and I on from when we were very young - my sister was about 6 I think, so I must have been 10. It really did screw up my thinking and probably made me sneak in treats. It seems my whole growing up years were spent on one diet or another. In retrospect when I look at pictures of myself then, I was thin and healthy, I ran around the garden, swam, went to gym, all good normal things - however I always felt huge, absolutely huge. So much bigger than any of my friends - who seemed to eat what they wanted and be small - oh god how I wanted to eat what I wanted like they did!!! Sad, and sadder that it has taken me so long to get to this point now, could have saved myself a lot of heartache, but I think it has to be the right time or it will never work. I will never forget my first cookery teacher saying to me, and looking at me proudly "never trust a skinny chef" - a great excuse to taste more and eat more, and you, like me have always had access to the good stuff!!! All those things that others only have as treats when they go out to eat. This for us was the norm!!

I am loving my discoveries on this journey of redesigning my food thoughts. Tastes have changed, food is just better, fresher and more satisfying to me now. Previously I always felt empty! No matter how much I ate and what I ate. I love the satisfaction of a healthy freshly cooked meal that is nutritious and low calorie too!! How did I go through years of culinary training and not know this???????

Big hugs hun, and so good to hear from you.
