JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

It definitely is frustrating when you know youre being 100% and not getting anywhere. I know that logically it has to come off eventually - on 600 calories a day it cant not. Doesnt make it any easier though but does mean I wont be cheating.

On the subject of cheating I almost ate a haribo last night. DD left a packet sitting on the couch while she was off doing something else and I actually walked towards them before realising what I was doing. Fortunately I did before even getting near the packet.

Anyway the good news is that the scales did finally move this morning so hopefully I will get that 3lb loss by Monday. Im keeping my fingers crossed anyway.
Ohhhhhh haribos!
One cola bottle and I would be gone!!!!
Glad to hear the scales are shifting.
Well a 2.8lb loss this week so Im going to hold off on the AAM week coz at least its better than last weeks loss. Hopefully next weeks will be better though coz I really would like to be under 15 stone next week which would be a 3.4lb loss so fingers crossed.

On another note the kids were out for halloween last night and I now have an house full of sweets - and I do mean full. Cant believe how much they got. DS filled his school bag, came back and emptied it and filled it again, lol. Halloween is now their favourite holiday. I just have to stay away from the sweets but hopefully the fact that I really need to get under 15 stone by next week to meet my Christmas target should keep me on track.
well done on your loss hun:D your doing so well, I had another small loss (but half expected:eek:) but think in the big picture if I go stuff it, how much I could put on lol!

Keep strong, as for halloween treats, we too have a house full! Going to send most of them with ds, dd good at not snacking on them so putting them with the cereal, the one cupboard I don't need to go into when cooking for them all lol!
Congrats on the loss and good luck for next week - you can do it!
Stay strong and hide the sweets!
Ive just counted up all my stuff and have enough to last me until the end of February. So going to order another bumper pack next week which will last me until the end of March by which time I will hopefully only have a stone to go (I can hope). Dont want to order enough to last until the end of April just on the off chance I start having really good losses and get to target earlier than planned (dreaming now but never mind).

Arent I optimistic?
The offer has been on for quite a while!!

Its nothing to do with the offer Toots but rather to do with knowing Ill be home for the delivery. Otherwise it could be months before Im off mid week and they dont deliver at weekends.

Also the fact that I will have enough to last me until near the end will keep me motivated as well coz I wouldnt want to have wasted the money.
thats a lot of packs :eek: amazing thought though joanne that by spring you'll be lovely and slim. what a turn around for a years work. xx
Exactly Colly. A year is absolutely nothing when you look at where I plan to be for the rest of my life. Fingers crossed I get there by when I want to.
Well I made a decision yesterday (after debating it with myself the entire day) to have a chinese. I think that after 9 weeks of no food and losses which arent great I just needed something to keep me going.

The good news is that I didnt enjoy it at all, only managed to eat half of it and felt terrible for the rest of the night so I wont be in any hurry to do it again. Only problem is Im now really dreading AAM week even more. The other good news is that it hasnt affected the scales at all - they are still at exactly the same weight they were yesterday so I havent done too much damage.
Im now debating with myself whether to bring it forward and make yesterday the start of my AAM week and get it out of the way. Decisions, decisions.
Sounds like a plan ;)

I really need to stop weighing every day coz the scales are really starting to get me down. How is it possible to lose so little weight when eating so few calories? Even with the adding a meal Im keeping it around 800-900 calories and its not as though I dont have much to lose - I have another 5 stone something to go.

Im beginning to think it might be the bars with me but I have enough bars to last me until the end of January so cant give them up unfortunately. As soon as I have finished them though Ive decided Im not getting any more. Only problem will be if my working hours change and I need to have lunch at work - just need to hope for the best on that one.

Anyway fingers crossed a miracle happens to the scales by tomorrows WI.
I know it's tough when the scales don't play ball but hang in there - you'll be glad you did

Good luck for tomorrow

I wouldnt mind so much if the inches were moving as well - I measure every week and those havent changed in the last fortnight either.
oh hun :( keep strong, my losses have been slow too, but not eating anything helps me keep focused cos I know I will want just a little more lol!
It is very disheartening but the aam week should keep me on track cos I dont expect to lose much when Im doing anyway. And hopefully it will give my body the kick start it needs again. Feels weird cooking for myself again mind you.
It is very disheartening but the aam week should keep me on track cos I dont expect to lose much when Im doing anyway. And hopefully it will give my body the kick start it needs again. Feels weird cooking for myself again mind you.

Sure it would! I still do hubby's and dd food, along with the children I childmind:sigh:

does sound like te body needs a kick start though so AAM will be perfect for you:D don't forget to post what you have so we all can drool:D