JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

Thanks guys.

Yes Marge moving back to Atkins once I get this 1.5lbs off although its not looking too good at the minute. Never say never though.

Anyway, I started dieting one year ago today. Ive posted pics from this morning in my albums if anyone wants to see the difference a year can make.
Wow, Jo ,as you say, what a difference a year makes, that's incredible. You're doing so well. How's this week going? I can't believe it's just 1.5lbs to go, that's amazing, you have come so far on your journey :D
Thanks Rachel. Im doing fine food wise this week but the scales just arent reflecting it all which is depressing. Still you never know what will happen over the next couple of days. Ill get this 1.5lbs off if it kills me and it just might, lol.
I am so not happy with the scales just now. Official wi day isn't until tomorrow but this 1.5lbs just isn't shifting. The scales aren't moving at all. And I'm out tomorrow night at a place with a buffet and lots of alcohol so its not looking good for next week either. So now I don't know what to do coz I'm not at the weight I wanted to be before stopping Exante yet. I might have to do a few days of herbalife and hope that gets me somewhere but ill worry about it after the weekend.
Aww hun, could you take it easy with the food & drink to minimise damage. Maybe it will give you a kick start though if you can do some ts or ws after it, possibly get a good loss the week after then? Wishing you luck xo
aww Jo you are doing so well 1.5lbs is nothing you'll be there really soon :)
Thanks guys. Today has kind of gone wrong as well unfortunately. Not the end of the world though. Ill get tomorrow out of the way and back on track again.
You'll get there. I know you will :)
well, as you said, get today out of the way and get back on track - you can do this!
Joanne, I think we have to sort each other out. I've not been good lately at all, I'm scared to weigh! I have every faith in you, the 20s bmi is beckoning.
Just had a shifty at your new pic........the difference a year and some serious will power can make is **STUNNING**. I am in awe of your achievement as ever - congrats luv!!

Dont sweat the weigh in - just a few days push on the old shakes and you will be cruising on Atkins.....just imagine what you will be tucking into then :drool:

All the best hun and CONGRATS again on just how far you have come
Right I have 4 shakes and 4 soups left so today I've had a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast and will have 2 packs and tomorrow I'm going to pick up 3 biggest loser bars. I'm hoping the fact that I only have 4 days left will mean I will actually knuckly down and get through it 100% coz this is getting ridiculous now.
Four days Hun, four tiny little days. U can do it no probs, good luck and hope they go by smoothly for u xxx

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It is indeed Holly. I'm hoping Ill be 174lbs by then which will give me an overweight bmi and will mean I only have a stone to go which I'm in no hurry to lose. That's the plan anyway.