Jo's pregnancy Diary

Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a worrying time :( I can understand why they say they wouldn't do a sweep if the head is still high. I would imagine that they don't want to bring on labour too early if they felt that there was a risk of something, however if it came on naturally then they would deal with it. One of those don't encourage it but if it happens we can react.

However, hopefully none of that will be a problem and your baby will be ready and waiting when they want to do the sweep! ;) I'm guessing it can't be easy with your SPD to keep mobile/upright a lot to try and coax the baby into the best position? Fingers crossed she moves into position for you very soon.
Thanks Sarah, I do understand their reasoning and wouldn't want to do anything to harm the baby in any way its just sooo frustrating not knowing 100% whether she is in the right position?
As you say its really difficult to try and get into the suggested position for optimal positioning due to the SPD. I do what I can but its getting progressively worse.
I also worry that there might be a reason for her sitting so high, all of my 4 babies have had the cord around their necks and gone into distress during labour, is her cord holding her up? Have I got cysts or fibroids which are common at my age? But everytime I mention a worry they seem to view me as being neurotic, perhaps I am. Its what the last few days /weeks of pregnancy do for you, its sort of like being in the early stages again where you are worried sick the pregnancy won't be viable etc, but its worse cos you have nurtured this baby through 9 mths and you just want it out so its safe and you can 'see' what is happening and look after it properly, does that make any sense?
Anyway I am rambling on now, PMA is what I need LOL:)
Ohh your having a bit of a time of it aren't you!

Try to relax for the last bit, I'm sure it will all be fine! But I know what you mean about being able to 'see' your baby.

Take care xxx
I hope you can relax a bit of the last few days and hopefully it'll all turn out for the best. I do think sometimes MWs don't appreciate the concern and stress you put yourself through. As you say, you've grown and nurtured this baby inside for 9 months and just scared something at the end could make things go wrong. I know I still have that in the back of my mind.

It's easy to say 'don't stress', but I know I don't listen to anyone who says that!

When are you due the sweep if they can do it?
Mw coming to the house on Thurs pm (hopefully if she is not called out) she will then see if the head has come down far enough for a sweep. I think I have accepted that I will probably have to be induced which means another 2 weeks wait but if I try to look at it like that and something happens sooner then thats a bonus:rolleyes:
Had loads of kicks down below yesterday so googled how to tell if baby is breech and I have most of the tell tale signs, really shouldn't google:rolleyes: The MW asked me last week where I was feeling kicks and couldn't really say so thats why I have been feeling for them. Will get her to say if she is 100% certain that baby head down on thurs if she is not will be asking for a scan.
oh jo I'm sorry to hear what your going through. Hang in there hun your nearly there. I'm sure both you & the baby will be absolutely fine. You take care off yourself & look forward to hearing your news.
Loads of love xx
Thanks both :) Nothing happening this end but not really expecting it to :rolleyes:
On the home stretch now though:D
happy due date! Hope she comes soon.....bonfire night I think!!!!
Yep probably and right in the middle of the Fireworks, Kids will not be pleased (or OH for that matter, he loves bonfire night LOL)
Well MW rang this am to say she is stuck on the birthing unit today so could I go to her for my Sweep. OH is finishing early so will aim to get there for 2pm. Really glad I have to go there actually as if there is any doubt over position etc there will be other Mw's to call on for a second opinion.
My feet and legs have swollen up incredibly last night and today and my hands are really puffy so will get that checked out too;)
Only trouble is I can't get any of my shoes on so having to wear OH sandals and to top it off I am going to wear trackie bottoms as my Jeans are now way to uncomfortable and I can't get in or out of the car with them on:eek:
I am hoping people will think I am in labour and take pity on me rather than think what on earth is she wearing:eek:
Wish me luck, will update later:wave_cry:
Well good news is that the swelling is nothing to worry about as my urine is fine and so is my BP, baby appears quite happy and moving well, she is def (according to the Sister ) head down;)
However the head is still free and not engaged so no sweep for me:(
I have to go back next tues to see whether they can sweep me then, but hopefully whatever happens on Tues I am hoping to leave with a date for inuction so at least there will be an end to all the waiting and uncertainty. Half of me is gutted that nothing happened today but the other half is quite happy to wait for induction?
Off to birthing centre again this am to see if they can do a sweep but I have a feeling baby is still high:sigh:
Should get a date for induction today though so at least ther will be some light at the end of the tunnel. Rightgot to get the kids washed for school will catch up later;)
Well no sweep but some progress :rolleyes: She is now 4/5ths engaged whoop whoop LOL MW said she would do the sweep if I wanted but said that it had little chance of working as head still higher than the cervix (I know this MW well as she looked after me on a previous birth so took her advice). A MW will call on thurs to do a sweep then if she is a little lower and then book my induction. Apparantly they have to go by Scan Due Date which is the 4th rather than the 2nd :confused: and the MW 's cannot book inductions before you are 40 + 7 :rolleyes:.
But surprisingly I feel not quite so fed up today, oh and had some protein in my urine but as my swollen hands and feet are vastly improved she is not worried I just have to contact them if I get any other symptoms.
Hope things are going well with you MT:)