Julie's CD journey for IVF ( before and after pics included)

Yay, great news Julie - hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight, I know what you mean about not knowing what is next. As for the cheesecake, I dream about it sometimes so I am very jealous, hope you enjoyed every mouthful! Sounds like you had a good weekend.

Our outpatients apt is cancelled (was to be on Tuesday) as we are just to wait for a letter from the team at St James (we are being transferred from the central Leeds team) which will tell us our month of treatment, hopefully October. Then we ring in on the first day of my period that month to make an apt for day 21 to go in and start (fingers crossed). Once we get a letter and date I will feel better, until the next hurdle!

Let us know how you get on tomorrow and what they say, fingers crossed things go your way!
Yay for totm... hope you had a good weekend hon.

Glad things are moving in the right direction for you Julie. I do admire you, the way you are coping with all this, Wales too.
Thanks for the dance Laura am sure it was that that did the trick and not me relaxing lol. Have had a good day so far been good with my food and feeling better mood wise too think the hormones calming down thank god. Called the hospital to tell them about TOTM this morning and they think I will have to start all over again with the down reg injection because they cant fit me in this week or next boo hoo. Dont feel too bad about this Im sure its the not knowing which upset me the other day and I will have a date to work towards once the hospital call me back, they said they will call back today but doesnt look like they will, will just have to be patient. Hope you ladies all well and have had a good Monday xxxx
Yay, great news Julie - hope you can get a good nights sleep tonight, I know what you mean about not knowing what is next. As for the cheesecake, I dream about it sometimes so I am very jealous, hope you enjoyed every mouthful! Sounds like you had a good weekend.

Our outpatients apt is cancelled (was to be on Tuesday) as we are just to wait for a letter from the team at St James (we are being transferred from the central Leeds team) which will tell us our month of treatment, hopefully October. Then we ring in on the first day of my period that month to make an apt for day 21 to go in and start (fingers crossed). Once we get a letter and date I will feel better, until the next hurdle!

Let us know how you get on tomorrow and what they say, fingers crossed things go your way!
Sorry to hear your appointment was cancelled its so annoying you just want to get on with things and this happens. Your treatment sounds different to ours unless they are taking bloods on the first dates you have booked in to assess your cycle. Good luck anyway honey it will be worth the waiting xxxx
Julie & Wales, you are both v. brave and patient. I guess you have to be for this, but it must be hard at times. I am glad you know where you are now, Julie... hopefully totm will appear on schedule next time around, but failing that let Laura know and she can get dancing in advance!

Sorry to hear you can't slot straight back in to treatment, being patient is just part of the diagnosis don't you think??

Your treatment sounds different to ours unless they are taking bloods on the first dates you have booked in to assess your cycle.

I don't think they do bloods with us, just a pelvic scan on Day 21 and then straight onto daily down reg sniffing drugs. Do you go in on a specific day in your cycle or when they give you an apt and then they manipulate your cycle through the down reg? There are varying protocols aren't there for treatment.

Hope you get your call soon so you can make some plans and that your period isn't too much of a pain.

And totally agree that it will be worth the wait :D x
Sorry to hear you're having to wait after all the waiting you've already done for TOTM. Must be very frustrating x
Awww Julie how unfortunate they cannot fit you in, I would be so upset if it had of happened to me, but I guess at least now you are on treatment there is a light at the end of the tunnel which you didn't have before... maybe someone will cancel and you will be able to take their place, my fingers are crossed for you.
Had a call from the hospital this afternoon hb took it and they have booked an appointment for me next tues at 11.30 but being a typical male didnt ask what the appointment was for so will give them a buzz in the morning to find out so there is a light at the end of the tunnel yey xxxx
Woohoo, thinking of you Julie, lets hope it is positive news.... dont forget to let us know what happens when you ring (I'm sure you wont)...
Yey good news today called the hospital this morning and am booked in next tues at 11.30 for bloods, baseline scan and they are giving me my down reg injection again and then I will start the stim injections that night woop woop!!!! Dont know how it works and dont understand why im being 'shut down' and 'stimulated' on the same day but hey ho will go with the flow as they know what they are doing. Am shattered today my little dog was evil last night wouldnt sleep so went to bed at 11.30 and I was up from 2.30 till 5 with her and have to get up at 6 for work boo hoo. Will def sleep tonight and hopefully she will too!!! Have had a good day so far food wise and off home in mo and hb is cooking fajitas for me yum yum my favourite...really pack them out with lots of veg so quite healthy too. Hope you have all had a good day and thanks for all your messages of support I really do appreciate them xxxx
Yay, really pleased and extremely excited for you Julie :D:D:D

Just 6 days to go, never mind your little dog keeping you up tonight I bet it will be excitement.

YES!!! Fab Julie.

And Laura is right, get used to the sleepless nights!
