Julie's CD journey for IVF ( before and after pics included)

Thinking of you today and hoping it all goes smoothly and looking forward to hearing how you got on x
Thinking of you Julie, cant wait til you are back and can share your day with us xx
Sorry have been awol for a couple of days been suffering with hot flushes big time, as i type now am having one!!! But hopefully not for much longer...went to hospital today and had bloods taken another injection (to down reg to make sure I dont ovulate early) another scan and the ok to start stim injections tonight yey!!!!. Have to do 2 every evening one in each leg for the next 12 days with scans and blood tests every other day. Did the first ones tonight, stung a bit but I can cope with that its a small price to pay. Diet going really well too, have lost another 2lbs this week so thats 5lbs in 2 weeks and considering im eating healthily and not doing cd thats excellent for me. Hope your all well will be catching up on all your diarys tomorrow night, off to catch up with Jess in a mo. Take care all and thanks for all your well wishes, it means so much xxxx
Hey hon......
Hope your ok...... damn those hot flushes...... I remember those.... but take it easy hon..
The injections do sting hon but I promise it does get easier I did them in my legs at first but then changed to my tummy as my legs got a little bruised up..
Im pleased all is going well hon............. its all worth it hon...........
take care and chin up.. love & hugs xx
You can do it Julie... keep the goal in mind. You're a star, and we're all cheering you on!

So pleased that you have moved onto the next stage, so blooming exciting am really thrilled for you. Let us know how you get on xxx
oh my hun thats so exciting!
Its all very real now so hope it all doesnt take too long for you! Keeping everything crossed for you!!!

Well done on the weight loss as well! Such a huge motivator! :D

Thanks all. Feeling much better today had last flush at about 8 this morning and none since then thank god so now its onwards and upwards. Got my sister coming round to raid my wardrobe after work so cooking some tea for her too but if im feeling this good tomorrow will be going back to the gym because im really missing it...I know im nuts!!!! Hope your all having a good day xxx
Hey Julie, sounds like things are going well! Apart from the hot flushes obviously, but small price and all that.
Congrats on the weight loss, that's great. Have fun with your sister and enjoy the gym - I miss exercise when I'm not doing- that hardest part is getting going.
Hi ladies quick update while im quiet at work. On day 4 of stim injections today and so far so good, flushes down to a minimum and usually at night time and been for bloods checked for first time today and they are fine and rising so have been told to keep up the injections at same strength till scan on Monday. Its weird and very exciting to know that a week today I will have a date for my egg collection woo hoo!!!! Been good on diet although not angelic but not gained any weight which is really good considering im a comfort eater and there is so much going on at the moment although it is all good stuff. Hope you are all well xxxx
Wow, glad everything is going well Julie, you must be so excited now that everything is moving in the right direction... cant wait to hear all about the next step... well done on keeping your weight the same, I actually went through pregnancy number 4 and only put on 2lb the whole pregnancy due to good eating and having been 12 stone before I started.... was so pleased with myself and baby was a 9lb just like they all were...
Goodness thats ace hope im as lucky!!! Do intend to continue to eat healthy when im pregnant because thats whats best for me and my little one/ones and im enjoying eating all the healthy foods now which does help loads xxxx
So pleased to hear all is going so well hon....... and how exciting to get your date for egg collection next time....... I am so so excited for you........ its amazing it really is..
I still have everything x for you hon.....
Have a good day........... as I always say its all worth everything injection etc, even though I know it can be tough at times, whilst doing them.....
Keep smiling hon .
love & hugs Marissa x
Hey Julie, also posted on the community site. Pleased the results are going in the right direction and that you are getting on ok with the injections and the side effects. And once you get the date for collection, like oh my goodness!!! My heart is thumping for you :D

Great news about your weight, and take good care of yourself this weekend x
Hi hun, just dropping by to say I'm so pleased everything is going well for you,and keeping fingers crossed for the next stage too.
Sounds like a plan for the healthy eating all the way.
I didn't particularly eat 100% well when pregnant and still lost weight! It's the only time I ever did - no one knows how, but thankfully I did or I could have been even heavier when I started CD x
You're doing great Julie, keep on going... it will all be worthwhile.

Morning Julie, hope you are having a good weekend, and that the injections are going well. I am also craving healthy food, especially fruit and natural yoghurt - yum! Long may it last.

Also, thanks for your lovely comments on my pics!

Have a lovely Sunday x
Hey all been to hospital again today for scan and bloods and the scan showed that I have follicles but they are small so staying on high doses of injections as they want them to grow!!!!! Trying to be positive but its so hard. Going back on Wed for another scan and bloods so fingers crossed I will have better news then. I heard that IVF is an emotional rollercoaster but every journey to the hospital seems to hold another twist and deterimines your mood till the next trip up there. xxxx
i feel for you hun! I can not imagine how hard it must be!
Sending you hugs and keeping my fingers crossed for you for wednesday