just like starting over

WI - this morning - 13.13 - yay I am back in the 13's. My weight loss hasn't been that great this week but I understand why. I have been cutting a few corners and not counting all the syns as accurately as I could and eating toast for breakfast.
Well done on the loss! Keep it up!
Red day
Breakfast - Cereal (HEB) and Milk (HEa)
Lunch - ham salad, apple , banana, satsuma
Dinner - mince and vegetables, SW chips (HEB)
Snacks - baon crisps, tunnocks tea cake, snack and jacks x 2, spoon of nutella.
Had a bit of a blow out over the weekend. OH my. But measured myself this morning as I am doing the bikini diet exercises from GMTV. And have lost small amounts from all the vital areas.

Have not completed the diary for a couple for days, noted that half a jar of nutella has been finished.

Red day - Monday
Breakfast - cereal (HEB) and milk (HEA)
Lunch - Ham salad, apple, banana, satsuma
Dinner - Chicken, vegetable pasta (HEB), apple pie
Drinks - COffee with milk (HEA) and water
Exercise - bike 14kms, bikini diet tone up
Red day - Tuesday
Breakfast - cereal (heb) and milk (HEA)
Lunch - ham salad, apple and satsuma
Dinner - pork chops, potatoes (HEB), and vegetables
Snacks - ice lolly
Drinks - tea/coffee and milk (HEA) and water
Red day - Wednesay
Breakfast - cereal (HEB) with milk (HEA)
Lunch - ham salad, apple, satsuma and kiwi
Dinner - fish and SWchips (HEB), salad
Drinks - tea with milk and water
Exercise - bikini diet
Thursday - Red day
Breakfast - cereal (HEB) and milk (HEA)
Lunch - ham salad, satsuma and kiwi and yoghurt (HEA)
Dinner - lamb, couc cous (HEB) and vegetables
Snacks - yoghurt, 2 hob nobs
Drinks - water and tea with milk (HEA)
Exercise - bike to work and bikini diet
WI this morning - 13.11. Happy with that have been ravenous this week, my visitor arrived this morning. With 5 weeks to go until we see OH sister, I am going to make a big push to get to 13.00
WI - 13.12. Two weekends in a row and a mid week sessions haven't helped the weight loss. Lots of drunk dancing and I have only put on a pound. After Leo goes away on Sunday I am back on track.
Blah - is how I have been feeling, a few good weeks with friends staying and I thought to hell with the eating and exercise plan. I am paying for it now - feeling sluggish and no motivation. I cleaned the house on Sunday and found an old copy of the magazine, I went to bed on Sunday reading the inspirational stories. Monday morning the sun was shining in Edinburgh and I thought "no more messing, get on your bike and ride to work". It felt great. Emptied the cupboards of all treats on Monday night. Did online shopping, arrives Tuesday night, and bought items that I will fall into red/green days and only a few syns. Can't wait to home weigh in on Wednesday and get back on track.