Kath's weekly weigh in - Week 26 - Over 8 stone gone!

Well done Kath!!! 7 stone off!!!

Hi Kath,

Another 4lbs.:eek:

Your amazing:)

Congratulations and well done on reaching 7 stone off that is fantastic.

You must be feeling over the moon with yourself!

Love Mini xxx
Nice one cathy. what an achievement x
Kath you are fabulous. 7 stone that is brilliant!! Well done and keep it up cos in no time peaople will be telling you that your skinny!!!

Go girl.

Back from my weigh in and I've stayed the same this week. I'm very happy with that seeing as I had a few days off for my medicals. Got back into it on Monday and relieved to have stayed the same. Looking forward to losing another chunk next week :D
Really quite dissapointed this week with a 2.5lb loss.

Although on the plus side I have now lost 100lb so I guess that's the positive to focus on :)
Hey Girl.

well done on the 100lb loss it's brilliant.:D

You are quite an inspiration. Thank you.:thankyou:
100lbs!!! gobsmackingly amazing!! congrats Kath - thats just so fantastic
2lbs this week. I'm gutted. I could lose 2lbs at weight watchers after eating all week. I don't want to starve all week to just lose 2lb. Only lost 2.5 last week.
