Kay's journey to health and happiness

Thank you :) need put it into practice myself, lol xx

Sorry RR, I don't want to put u to sleep but I'm interested, just from the top of your head, what do they cover in this course ? xx
Badic anatomy and physiology
The digestive process
Human nutrition and the importance of vitamins
Minerals and water
Carbs, proteins and fats
The concepts of healthy eating and weight management
Tips for compiling eating programmes
Metabolism and exercise
Allergies and intolerances
The yeast menace
Food combining and supplements
Food cravings
Disease states
Consulting with vegetaians
Badic anatomy and physiology
The digestive process
Human nutrition and the importance of vitamins
Minerals and water
Carbs, proteins and fats
The concepts of healthy eating and weight management
Tips for compiling eating programmes
Metabolism and exercise
Allergies and intolerances
The yeast menace
Food combining and supplements
Food cravings
Disease states
Consulting with vegetaians

Oh my, that is a comprehensive list. So are you allowed to open your own practice with this qualification or do u need to do another level ? xx
Oh my, that is a comprehensive list. So are you allowed to open your own practice with this qualification or do u need to do another level ? xx

I can advise people so could open up my own business, would only need insurance but I onlyvdid it for myself really cos was interested in it xz
I can advise people so could open up my own business, would only need insurance but I onlyvdid it for myself really cos was interested in it xz

I think it's brilliant that you've done it, its always to good to add further knowledge and skill to your CV :D xx
Time for bed me thinks ;). Night night ladies, catch you all tomorrow xx

Night Kay xxx
You and I pass like ships in the night on the sea of various diaries. I saw news of this week's loss and was so impressed that I thought I'd call in and say super well done and that. I hope all goes well for your op and recovery afterwards.

I have a feeling I might need to try the super-strict version of your salad challenge when I get back from hols!
You and I pass like ships in the night on the sea of various diaries. I saw news of this week's loss and was so impressed that I thought I'd call in and say super well done and that. I hope all goes well for your op and recovery afterwards.

I have a feeling I might need to try the super-strict version of your salad challenge when I get back from hols!

Hello Patty :p, thank u for stopping by at my diary, lovely to see here. Yes we keep missing each other lol . And indeed I am a happy bunny this week :D, thank you for your kind words :):) I really appreciate it. I'm glad you've taken interest in the salad challenge, it is a good one to do after holidays just to kick start those losses gain. Hopefully we'll have a lovely summer and perfect salad weather :p. I hope you enjoy your lovely holiday away ! I will be off for the month of June recovering after my Op. Monday will be my last day on mins sadly :(, I will miss u all. I hope to be back in July, I will defo keep in touch and I'm sure you will be doing amazing by then. Hope you have a lovely weekend hun. Take care ;).

Kay xx
Afternoon Kay! Have just managed to catch up on your diary, took me an age lol!

Your food for yesterday looked lovely, bet it made a change after the last two weeks eh?

Hope you're having a great weekend. Am being mega lazy hehe! xx

Hey Sammy :p, how are you hun ? Yep I did enjoy my food yesterday, I felt stuffed because not used to eating that much lol, but then I thought I only have a few days before op so should enjoy myself a little, as long as I don't go crazy and its all on plan. How are you lovely ? Hope your having a lovely weekend :):).

Kay xx
Afternoon Kay hope you slept well? Im having a lazy day today, my back is killing me but the pain is lower down on the other side now!!

I didnt get up until almost 12 lol, had my brekkie and a cuppa, ive got minced beef out for later im making burgers, no idea what ill have for lunch maybe another panini lol. x
Afternoon Everyone :wavey:,

Hope your all having a nice relaxed Saturday. It's been raining cats and dogs here :rolleyes:, a bit of a contrast to yesterdays lovely weather. I had to wait till the rain stopped so I could go for my walk, so everything started a bit late today. I normally do 1 hour but it wasn't very nice outside, came back after 40mins. Oh well at least that's a little body magic, not a lot I know. I've drank 1.5 litres of water already, still another 1.5 to go. I'm on level 4 of plant nanny, I'm in love with that app ! I'm growing a Devil's ivy now. Here she is, doesn't she look cute ! :D


I'm a bit confused.com about what to have for tea tonight :confused: , I normally end up with something boring when I'm like that :rolleyes:. It's the BGT final tonight @ 7pm yay ! :D the highlight of my life lol . I really do want to have something yummy when I'm sat infront of the telly. Hmm my mind is thinking desserts :p I've just skipped maincourse and gone straight to desserts lol typical me ! I had cheesecake yesterday which was yummy but don't want to repeat that, oh I could go for my knickerbocker glory, oh what a pig I am, hehe, nope don't think I've got the space in my tum for that, its shrunk a little lol. Hmmm what else .........oh I think I'll be here all day, better drink my herbal tea and catch up on diaries, will post what I come up with later. ;)

What have u lot been up to then ? :D pops off to catch up on diaries ...........................xx
Hey Sammy :p, how are you hun ? Yep I did enjoy my food yesterday, I felt stuffed because not used to eating that much lol, but then I thought I only have a few days before op so should enjoy myself a little, as long as I don't go crazy and its all on plan. How are you lovely ? Hope your having a lovely weekend :):).

Kay xx

Hey you, I'm good today thanks and keeping fingers crossed the headaches stay away!

You do right to enjoy your food over the next few days as you've done well anyway and deserve it big time. It sounds as though you are going to be having something very yummy this evening while watching BGT. Looking forward to seeing what it is later ;) I will be watching BGT too. Any idea who you would like to win?

I am being such a lazy mare today. Good innit? :D Bfn xx
Afternoon Everyone :wavey:,

Hope your all having a nice relaxed Saturday. It's been raining cats and dogs here :rolleyes:, a bit of a contrast to yesterdays lovely weather. I had to wait till the rain stopped so I could go for my walk, so everything started a bit late today. I normally do 1 hour but it wasn't very nice outside, came back after 40mins. Oh well at least that's a little body magic, not a lot I know. I've drank 1.5 litres of water already, still another 1.5 to go. I'm on level 4 of plant nanny, I'm in love with that app ! I'm growing a Devil's ivy now. Here she is, doesn't she look cute ! :D

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I'm a bit confused.com about what to have for tea tonight :confused: , I normally end up with something boring when I'm like that :rolleyes:. It's the BGT final tonight @ 7pm yay ! :D the highlight of my life lol . I really do want to have something yummy when I'm sat infront of the telly. Hmm my mind is thinking desserts :p I've just skipped maincourse and gone straight to desserts lol typical me ! I had cheesecake yesterday which was yummy but don't want to repeat that, oh I could go for my knickerbocker glory, oh what a pig I am, hehe, nope don't think I've got the space in my tum for that, its shrunk a little lol. Hmmm what else .........oh I think I'll be here all day, better drink my herbal tea and catch up on diaries, will post what I come up with later. ;)

What have u lot been up to then ? :D pops off to catch up on diaries ...........................xx

What about kebabs, quiche, omelette? with salad of course lol. Dessert hmmmmm .... something with meringue? quark with options and fruit, rhubarb, stewed apples?