Keeping on track as a target member!

Fab night in group. They loved mystery raffle! Ready steady cook went down a storm.
One member who won was literally jumping up and down when she won a bag.
Loads of awards given out again.
Only 2 members had gains.
My weight losses are fantastic, so proud how well they are doing.

Going away in the caravan for bh.
All my wkly support done. Xx
Had cooked brekkie in sainsbury's this morning with the old man. Bacon, scrambled egg, tom, mushroom, toast and tea. The old man very generously gave me a tspn of his baked beans. Stingy sod.
Lunch was left over mac cheese.
Dinner scaggy macs chicken wrap in service station on way to dorset. Was going to do spag bol, but stuck in traffic and won't get there til late.
So being super good if i can.
Had a super BAD day!
A fry up in a cafe with fried eggs(1st) time in 3 1/2 years; toast and butter 4 slices, cumberland sausage toms, mushrooms beans bacon. A cream tea this afternoon. Dinner spag bol, grapes for pud.
Must get back on track. Don't want another gain.
Cooking homemade all day tomorrow!
I find going to group every week keeps me within target. Well its worked for 18 months, and being on the social team definately keeps me going. I wouldnt want to let my lovely c down! :)
Hi Hollysnan x
I still going to the group I lost weight with! I'll defo be in the target members naughty corner if I go up again!
Got the cream tea out my system now, won't want one again for a long time. Have snacked on pineapple and melon tonight, spag bol was SW style. But when I'm bad, I'm very bad!
SW cooked brekkie tomorrow.
Taking ham salad sandwhich,hard boiled eggs, grapes pear diet coke mullerlights alpen lights and dinner is salad and bbq. So no problems. Just one day where it was nice to just have what I fancied! xx
Booooo I'm watching you!!! It is nice to have one day when you eat just what you fancy, so long as one day doesnt spread to a week etc. Then that rocky road (nowt to do with bars in group) will be walked down! And the slippery slope will be slipped upon!!! ha ha
Just got a message from lady who loved her raffle prize; she's made a quiche with peppers spring onions etc.
Stuck to plan for today, had chicken and salad for dinner.
Had a lovely day walking up hills, views are fantastic. Resisted dorset icecream. Spent afternoon on beach. Home tomorrow afternoon. Day in dorchester, having lunch out, but will make good choices.
Heading home, decided to come straight back to avoid traffic. Grabbing cooked chicken and salad from sainsbo's. Had a late brekkie/ lunch and just been keeping filled up with sipping water.
Resisted crisps the sproggs snd old man are munching, and sweets in petrol station.
Free and superfree until weigh in Thursday am. Pound off will be really good afterfri and sat, so going for that this week and then a really good loss next.
Made a lovely coleslaw with carrots, baby cabbage and red onion. Grated, added totl 0% greek yogurt and 2 tbs of extra light mayo. Yummy with chicken salad. Enough to go on a jacket tomorrow for lunch.
Had a message from someone joining on Thursday. Have called her back.
Must get a nightshift in tomorrow and should do fri and sat. Have got a food shop in since getting home. Tons of washing and unpacking.
Must tidy my office as well. Then we can have the patio doors open. Hope this weather lasts, its beautiful.
Breakfast red grapefruit, and juicy navel orange. Raspberries and mullerlight. 2 cups of green tea.
Jacket potato, homemade coleslaw with salad. living lettuce, radishes, red onion, cucumber, baby plum tomatoes, chopped celery, fat free dressing.
Haven't decided on dinner yet.
Life must be so easy if you love salad!!! Alas its not for me so lunches are a bit hit and miss. And coleslaw sends me into a heaving mess just the smell of the stuff! But hey, I still got there filling up on fruit, fruit, oh and did I mention fruit ha ha
I've got some catching up to do before weigh in!
Dinner is kedgeree, and taking fruit and yogurt into work tonight.
Trying to get my ironing done, and not succeeding. You guys on here keep distracting me!
Aw I know, sorry!!! I am so addicted to this site! Keep me off facebook ha ha! Cant tell you the number of meals Ive ruined, yes on here talking food and theres carnage in my kitchen. :) :)
Yeah, pasta saucepans. Followed by "mum, is something burning?"

Just had a really hard shift.
So having a green tea with lemon and going to bed, I'm just very tired and will stick with the salad today, cos I've just hopped on the scales for a sneaky peak, and it looks like I've lost 2 pound.
Of course, it won't be that tomorrow!
(I don't normally weigh myself midweek, I just wanted to see the damage!)
Forgot I had leftover kedgeree from yesterday, just had that and melon and pineapple . Have tinned salmon and new potatoes with salad for dinner.

Actually had a busy day, woke up at about 11am, and decided to pay the hall hire for my venue, and get the raffle prizes.
Managed to sort out my venue, which were looking at cancelling a meeting one evening in July, because of a school event, and not having enough room to accommodate me.
But they have found me a classroom, which is a bit small, but at least I don't have to move. Even for 1 night, its difficult when I'm putting all my leaflets and posters out to really go for it, knowing I've got to hold it in a different venue; and worrying about people turning up and finding I'm not there.
My leaflets and posters have turned up today. planning on getting all those out over the next 2 weekends. Also need to do a couple of shifts, so will have to get out there when I've finished my night duty, and then get my posters done next Monday and Tuesday.
Back out there again with the magazines again!
Only feels like 5 minutes since I did the last lot!
You sound soooo busy. A consultants life is not an easy laid back one I should imagine. Fair play to you and total respect :)
Aw it may be hard now but I am sure as you build things up it will become more lucrative and easier. My c had 3 groups when I first started with her, she now has 6 and she said its only now she has started to make real money. It really is hard work from what I can see if you do it properly. She is always on our facey page as well helping, supporting, and encouraging members. I really respect you all. :)
2 1/2 lbs off.
Back on target.
Despite the cream tea and fry up, I did work extra hard to pull it back though.
If I can stay focused, I can get back to the lower end of target. If I do well 1 week, I tend to go mad the next. So I won't do that.
Planning is the way to go!