Keeping on track as a target member!

Finally tried the Koko chocolate drink (kara) 200ml for a hex a its lovely ..... Had a very very bad week off work as had a bit of a mental breakdown and now on antidepressants had a week off and ate utter rubbish and i recon ive put at least 5 lb on :/ ah well at least my head Is getting sorted :/
Sometimes Cat, there are other things that just have to come first, hope you are feeling better soon, and then you can get back on plan, it might not be as bad as you think, and then you can get it back off again. xx Will mention the milk in my group this week, have got a member who loves milk and drinks loads, without measuring, and that's what she's aiming to do this week, cos she's got other things going on.
That's a real shame that you haven't found a group that is supportive, I think that's really important. Have you looked to see what other groups are in your area or try your original group, the consultant might be a bit more experienced now.(I'm a c too but newish!). It can take a moment finding a face when everyone moves about to different seats every week. I have a terrible memory, and I warn everyone that I am a bit ditsy, and now they remind me. There is so much to remember when group is going on. I think it's important that a consultant takes time to get to know the members and I do remember everyone's name, even if it takes me a couple of weeks, I remember faces and who they are and something about them. I'm not perfect, far from it, but I do care about my members loads. I hope you can find a group soon even if it takes some time to find the right one for you xx

Thanks, she wasn't new lol. I,m not looking for a perfect c, just someone that can give me some time and appreciate that just because I'm a target member doesn't mean I don't need support. I've found it hard as people see me and think- whats she doing here, not realising i've lost over 3 stone. It used to get to me but I'm not so fussed now. I think I will go bk to my group and just plod on really. I WILL loose 5 lbs lol xxx
Busy day, sorted out accounts, :sigh: all ready for accountant not looking good, but hey ho. Done hoovering, cleaned kitchen, nagged kids to tidy their pits, changed the beds, ironing done and put away, cooking dinner and now have my 5 new members to call. Then off to work nightshift and get a rest!
Gosh sounds like you've been rushed off your feet. Hope works not too busy for you. I used to do nights shifts too x
Should be a quiet night, only 6 patients. Have just finished a big lunchbox of melon and pineapple. That should keep the wind going! Talking of which, the old man said to me earlier, "can tell you've been on the soup again!" . Must be a real coincidence, but the male nurse i'm working with has lost 4 stone with Sw, and has another 3 to go. Can see us having a good old natter tonight! xx
Well, after all that talk about food, I'm tucking into bacon, boiled eggs on toast, baked beans, toms and mushroom. Won't be working tonight, because it's my daughter's 13 birthday tomorrow, and my dad is down. Lunch is all sorted, but need to look for a recipe to use some diced pork in. Will have a look in the Asia book, maybe something with rice. Kids and the old man have got homemade chilli burgers. Can't believe it's beautiful and sunny, and I've got to go to bed!
Lovely dinner tonight, but it wasn't out of a book, I made it up! Cooked Batchelors beef savory rice, added garlic, onions, mushrooms & courgettes to a frying pan using frylight, added soya sauce and chilli powder, tomato puree and then the diced pork. Cooked for a few minutes stirring well, then added, balsamic vinegar, tbs of red cooking wine (syns) and some thinly sliced apple which I let cook for another 10 mins until soft. When the rice was cooked, I added that as well. I added small amounts of water at times so it didn't dry out. So yummy, I've got seconds later!
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Have no soup left, daughter knocked the jug over getting something out of fridge and it went every where. Lots of housework to do, a frame to put out, bills to pay, meeting dad later. Better get back to bed, these nightshifts affect my sleeping pattern even when I'm not working.
Brekkie has been, half a galia melon, strawberries, kiwi and a mullerlight, 350ml skimmed milk, lunch will be a salad and tinned salmon, dinner will be grilled salmon, new potatoes, mangetout, broccoli and courgettes in garlic and chilli.
Changed my lunch for a wholemeal tortilla wrap, which worked out at 9 syns, and put ham and salad in it, as I had to dash off to meet my dad who decided to catch an earlier train. He's not looking too well. He's lost weight, but not in a healthy way, he has breathing problems, and is being tested for diabetes, which he will hear about soon. That will mean 2 parents with diabetes type 11. At least my mum has been slowly getting her weight down and attends a Sw group. She's gone from 16 stone to 13 stone in about 2 1/2 years (roughly). She's also got mental health problems, so this is a real achievement for her. I try not to nag her too much to keep going to group, sometimes she finds it hard, but she was glad that she does the other week when her doc sent her off for a load of thyroid tests because of her losing weight! Honestly! Can't win with these dr's! Anyway, she showed him her weightloss record, and let him see it's been a slow and steady loss, and she's sticking to a healthy eating plan which her nurse supports. She's had the tests and they've come back clear. Then there's my brother, who's unwell at the minute, not sure exactly what, but he needs to change his lifestyle and lose weight. We also have heart problems in the family on my dad's side, and cancer on my mum's side. My uncle, who's just a few years older than me, had a heart attack about 4 years ago, and dad has 3 other brothers who are at risk as well. Really worried about my lovely dad, wasn't nice to see him look so , well not like him. Sticking to a light brekkie, lunch and dinner tonight as I had a piece of daughter's birthday cake. So fruit and yogurt , soup for lunch, and omelette and salad for dinner.
Making some gammon loaf for my dinner tomorrow, haven't had it for ages, but it's something easy for my group night. It's got loads of veg in it, mixed up with eggs, cheese and milk, and chopped gammon, which I've cooked for the family's dinner tonight, so will use the leftovers gammon in the loaf tomorrow. Had an afternoon nap earlier, and going for a bath and an early night.
Woohoo! Another 5 new! Next week when a few come back off holiday, I think I will crack that elusive number after all my hard work, and could even have my first target member. Fingers crossed:fingerscrossed: Only 1 1/2 gains and gave out a 2 stone and a gold body magic. Just need to sort myself out now. No more buying treats, I can't do moderation.
Thought I'd give the original plan a try this week. Last time I had a go I put a pound and a half on, but that was back when I first started and because I didn't realise that you had to weigh and measure potatoes and pasta! Yesterday, I had strawberries, kiwi, galia melon and muller light yogurt. Didn't really have lunch, had a mad, busy day, supporting new members etc, so grabbed seafood sticks, grapes, pomegranate and bits of ham and chicken when I felt peckish. Dinner was grilled salmon and lots of salad. Today, have had grilled kippers, scrambled eggs and cherry tomatoes. Lunch is leek and asparagus soup, which I'm taking into town with me while on daughter's birthday jollies! Dinner will be turkey meatballs. Extra lean turkey mince, 8 Sainsbury's Cumberland extra lean sausages with skin off, 2 slices of wholemeal bread from 400g loaf, mixed herbs and clove or 2 of crushed garlic, and optional, some fried onions. Wazz up the bread into crumbs and then add all other ingredients together and mix it all well with a beaten egg. You need to get your hands in there- it does get messy! Then make into 16 balls or put in muffin tins. 35 minutes or so on 200, gas 6 and turn a couple of times. Lovely in a tomato sauce or with spaghetti. but I will just have with salad. If anyone eats pizza tonight at work, I will breathe garlic on them, and fart like a trouper!
Night duty done, got another tonight. Brekkie and lunch same as yesterday, and dinner. roast chicken with garlic and lemon. Had a couple of turkey balls after work, so I went up to bed stinking of kippers and garlic! Got another shift tonight, so my a frame is out by the news agents all day. Hope lots of people see the dayglo star with the Woman special offer to join for £4.95 this week. Will try and get night Mon or Tues. This could be the week I get 25, but 30 would be even better! Just in time for District meeting next week! xx
Have a butternut squash to do something with. It's ginormous. The obvious is soup or beef and b s lasangne, but the thought of preparing it.................. I've called him Barry the butternut squash and can't bear to part with him. xx
No, Barry did not get stuffed!
I didn't even get the knife through. So had an extra easy day.
galia melon, strawberries and mullerlight.
Slept through lunch because didn't get to bed until 11 am. Dinner was chicken with aromat sprinkled on top, and bubble and squeak.
Snacks have been; strawberries and kiwi. orange. choc bliss hifi and hazelnut coffee and a pomegranate. Just had a strawberry greek mullerlight for 1/2 a syn and lemon green tea.

So I will have another go at Barry the butternut squash tomorrow. Found a recipe in the all in one cook book, which I'm going to change slightly, as I don't like parmesan cheese. Going to cook courgettes, cauliflower, broccoli and baby plum tomatoes in garlic, put in Barry, and then bake. Haven't got any leeks and not keen on peppers. But I can grate some cheddar to go on top which should be quite tasty. Need to go shopping, but don't get paid until Friday.
Today is already turning out to be mad!
Realised this morning that I need to renew my driving licence photo. IN 4 DAYS!!
Frantically hunting for paper copy and it's lost. So have sent everything off without.
Was out at 6.45am to put a frame out, as I was intending to do housework!
Now off to get some food in, have scrounged some dosh off the old man, and I'm doing another night shift.
Managed to shove some melon, strawberries and kiwi down this morning, with a cuppa.

And had a member contact me to say their life is too busy, and they can't do it.
So sad, I hope I've said the right things, and they come back.
We all have busy lives, right?