Kels diary

Sounds like you are doing really well! I wish i could have my first shake abit later but with starting work at 830 finding it abit difficult! Very good idea about hanging the clothes up! Quite right, dont do too much at once.

Cant wait to start eating the bars!! Wish it was sat now hehe
Hi Suzy,

I used too have my first shake at 9am, then 12, and then I'd hold out until about 4 but would be so hungry that I'd end up eating!! Now I drink a litre and a half of water before my morning shake, so I'm not usually hungry until about 10, which is good considering I am up at 6.30am every day! Have you tried the tetra's?? They are ready made and more convenient for people who work and find it hard with the other shakes, maybe try them out??

How have you been getting on? Have you managed too drink more water today? Xxx
As for the bars, it's a total luxury too be able to chew again!! I welcomed them with an open mouth! Haha xxx
Just had my last shake and I am nicely tucked up in bed!!
Had too sit and watch the family have another take out - fish and chips tonight!! Starting too realise how many take aways my family have, an it really is quite a lot!! Yet none of the other people in my family are overweight!!!!

Once I come off this diet, I will have too start preparing my own healthy meals in the take out nights, because if I join in with the rest of the family, I'll be back on cd in no time at all!! And I am definitely it going through all this hard work ever again!!

Watching everyone eat was a little difficult!! But not as difficult as it has been!! All I really wanted was a bite if a savaloy that someone had left on the plate, but instead of giving in, I threw it too the dog, took the plate out and washed up! I think I have become the dogs new best friend, anytime I see some meat on the plate, I Vicente to one of the dogs so I'm not tempted too eat it!!

I think things are definitely starting to hit home now though! Sitting through family meal times is still a little difficult for me, but I imagine it would be like this for anyone with an addiction, I mean it would be silly too think that sitting around drinking a vodka and coke wouldn't be hard for a recovering alcoholic, oh course it would!! But I think food is a total different addiction because you don't need alcohol too survive, where as food is a complete different addiction! We need food!! It is getting easier for me, but I don't think I will ever be able to watch my family eat and not feel envious. So I have come too the conclusion, that when I do reach my goal, I shall only treat myself too a proper meal once a week, and make sure I put in the exercise too keep the calories from that meal creeping up on me!!
So it's salads and steamed veg, with grilled meats for me when I am where I want to be!!

All this is obviously easier said than done! So I guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get too it! For now it's just another plan for after my CD plan is complete!!
Nothing wrong with planning ahead though right???

Hope everyone has had a brilliant day today, looking forward to tomorrow :)

Oh, took my measurements today!! My CDC has never even mentioned this to me, but bought my tape measure today, and took down everything!! Very shocking sizes considering I have been catapulting myself into ridiculous sizes that are too small for me!! I think that's because I felt ashamed to go any buy a size 16!!
I'll measure myself every 2 weeks too see how I get on, so that's another thing too look forward too!

Enjoy your evening everyone xxx
Hey hunny,

I'm just heading to bed too. I'm exhausted at the minute. I know what u mean about really wanting food. I think I'll be really scared when it comes to moving up the plans coz as soon as the CDC says i can eat I feel that I'll binge for all I'm worth for a whole week. So I'm really gonna have to work on that before I move up the plans.
But well done hunny for resisting the fish and chips. It's so hard. My salon is right next door to a chippy and a Chinese and wee Kerry that works for me Is like a size 8 and eats out of them nearly every day..wee ***** lol. And I have had to sit with my Cambridge pack and dribble lol.
Anyway I think ur plan is great...just to have one real treat a week and be good the rest of the time.

Hope u have a good day 2moro xxxx

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Oh I am terrified of moving up to the next plan Em!! I don't even want too think about that yet!! On SS I know what I can have and how much of it I can have! Obviously my shakes, a bar and the water!! I really don't want to go on a binge once move up to the next plan!! Hopefully by then I will have a bit more self control when it comes too food!!

My sister sounds like Kerry!! The wench eats anything an everything and is a size 8!! Makes me want too snap her in half!! Haha!!

Hope you've had a great day chick! And feel better tomorrow! Speak too you tomorrow!!

Hi Suzy,

I used too have my first shake at 9am, then 12, and then I'd hold out until about 4 but would be so hungry that I'd end up eating!! Now I drink a litre and a half of water before my morning shake, so I'm not usually hungry until about 10, which is good considering I am up at 6.30am every day! Have you tried the tetra's?? They are ready made and more convenient for people who work and find it hard with the other shakes, maybe try them out??

How have you been getting on? Have you managed too drink more water today? Xxx

Measursing sounds like a good idea, i think do that as well! It is hard to watch others eat food, but well done you for resisting!

Yeah i use the tetras at lunchtime, they are quite good but limited in flavours. I think i have managed about 3 litres today, think my body is getting used to it hehe!
I definitely think the measuring will help spur us all on! Especially when we have a week where our weigh in wasn't as bug as we'd have liked! Apparently if you have a low weigh in, you loose inches :)
Every little helps!

I've never tried the tetra's!! Didn't know they were in limited flavours though?!? They should be a variety of flavours like the shakes!

Resisting food is hard, but again I just ha to remind myself " it will all still be there in a few months time "

Well done on getting more water down you Suzy :) it definitely helps with all the down sides too the diet :) xxx
i know! The ketosis breath has kicked in & i really dont like it! Got mouth wash, gum & obviously teeth brushing going every hour! Majorly horrible!! Its the only big downside im feeling just now, everything else i can handle hehe
Oh no!! The " Shrek breath " has come ton attack you!! Hahaha!! It's definitely the biggest downside too the diet!! I get all kinds of weird tastes in my mouth!! Toothpaste and toothbrush are now my new best friends!! I have a couple of sugar free polos a day too!! They help for all of 30 mins!! Haha!

Hope you have a great day Suzy xxx
:cry:It is horrendous, esp when my job is with the public all the time hehe. Im hoping drinking water all the time will help! Im trying sugar free chewing gum, helps abit! Oh the trials and tribulations of trying to get skinny hehe
Oh gosh!!! So you have to keep your breath fresh! Hahaha!
I guess all the smelly breath is worth it in the end! When we are finally skinny - and have fresh breath again! Hahaha xxx
Yep, so many things to look forward to hehe
Good start today!! Done some walking, been too the bank again :) I love the bank walks, so refreshing :)

Had a little walk through the park, and noticed - MY JEANS ARE HANGING OFF ME!!!! :-D :-D
They are my size 16 ones though, but still feels good!! At least I will be comfortable in my size 14 jeans and able to breathe! Hahaha! Feels good!! Don't think I will be able to wear these ever again in a couple of weeks!! Goodbye 16's hello 14's!! :)

Next step - size 12 :)

Hope everyones having a good day so far :) xxx
Thanks babe, so are you!! 100% day for you is nearly in the bag!! That will be day 1 done and dusted :) xxxxx
The day is done, and I am ready for bed!! Another 100% day in the bag :)

Just been reading about the 30 day shred and looking at some before and after pictures on Google, and I must say I am very impressed!! I think I'm going too purchase it on Tuesday, and start Irene following Monday :)
I definitely have too start looking at toning up, since my jeans are starting too fall off me now, I think it's the best time!
Bring on the 30 day challenge, that will be another goal I will set go myself :)

Hope everyones had a great day!! I am shattered today, definitely glad it's my bed time!! Ohhhhhh I resisted cheesy garlic bread today - it was not easy, but I overcome it ;-) xxxx
Well done for resisting! Whats the 30 day shred?

I bet thats a good feeling to have clothes hanging off you! Congratulations x
suzykate37 said:
Well done for resisting! Whats the 30 day shred?

I bet thats a good feeling to have clothes hanging off you! Congratulations x

Thanks Suzy :)

The 30 day shred is a toning DVD I think, it has 3 levels, you do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and level 3 for 10 days. The great thing about it, is all the levels are only 20 mins a day! So 20 minutes a day is right up my street, it's longer too watch an episode of Eastenders! Hahaha!!

It Is a good feeling, so definitely have too start thinking about toning up! xxx
Hi guys!!

Today, well what can I say about today, other than it's been an awful day!!
I'm still 100% with Cambridge, my stress is caused from nasty, spiteful, spineless little thugs!! My brother was attacked last night on his way home from his girlfriends house by 3 thugs just looking too hurt somebody!! These boys beat my brother on the bus, not only did anyone bother too help him, the bus conducted kept on driving his bus as if nothing was happening!!!! As my brother was laying on the floor screaming and begging him for someone too help him!! Eventually an African man pushed the boys off of the bus when the bus stopped at another stop too let someone on the bus!! How cruel is the bus driver?!? His supposed too set of an alarm that goes straight to the transport police and stop the bus!! But he never, he just kept on driving so he could probably just finish his shift and get home!!
I think it's totally beyond a liberty!! My brothers temples are swollen, and he can't move his jaw properly! I honestly feel sick to my stomach! This conductor has got to get sacked! If he would have sounded the alarm straight away, the boys would have known that the police were coming, and would have got off the bus straight away!!
So full of rage today, i sent a 3 page letter too Transport for London, telling them I want this conducted sacked. Also sent letters too 2 local newspapers - South London Press, and Southwark News!! Just had a reply back from Southwark news and they want too run a story!!!

Why should these thugs get away with this, and further more why should that bus conductor!!

I know this isn't CD related, just needed somewhere too vent my anger!!

As for CD, all is good, drunk 4 litres of water already!! I think that's because I have been talking so much today, I am dehydrated!! Never had my morning shake until 11, and my bar at 4! Which is way behind schedule for me! But I'm back on track now, and just glad that my brothers story will be heard!!
Going too keep my fingers crossed that the conductor of that bus gets the sack, and that those nasty heartless thugs get a triple helping of Karma!!

Anyway, I hope everyones had a better day than me xxx