Kingleds Food Diary - help needed!

Seriously - I'm not joking when I say the general availability of bread products is what has swayed me. I managed to convince my hubby on the basis he could have a cheese sandwich using white bread occassionally & still stick to plan :)

Also, I do like the idea of weeklies being used for a night out without the need to flexi syn and potentially damage your weight loss. Plus I realised already my portions were too big on SW. I looked at the amount of rice or pasta thats suggested and thought its that it?!?! I am 1.5 or 2 stone from target I reckon so can't afford to be eating too much (though I am usually hungry by now and am still stuffed today)

Its still weird though.

I can't believe how many of us have decided to swap either.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the superfree thing? Are you still following it to bulk out your meals or do you worry about it less now?
I still use a lot of superfree foods,helps to keep my meal points down but then I like bns, celeriac etc anyway but I dont have to stick to it for every meal and I dont have to be red green or easy I can have more pasta at lunch and more protein at dinner etc
I still find it weird and think thats why am anxious about this weeks wi because I had a panini out but when I did a rough calculation of my days cals it wasquite low because though I had the panini within points it used up a fair few so I kept my dinner low and fingers crossed it evened out :rolleyes:
Even if you only do it for a while to sort a few cravings out while sticking to a plan a change is as good as a rest they say ;)
Does anyone have any thoughts on the superfree thing? Are you still following it to bulk out your meals or do you worry about it less now?

I still try to get plenty of fruit and veg in throughout the day, but am not strictly following the third on the plate. TBH that, (and the 'bread thing' ) was what appealed to me - on days where I want to eat a bit of 'junk' I can, without thinking about my superfree.
I still try to bulk out my meals with veg. I enjoy eating veg and it helps keep points down. I like the fact I don't *have* to do it though. If I want a cheese toastie I can have one without having to pile a load of salad beside it to make me feel better lol

I hopped on the hot cross bun wagon today with half a cranberry and orange one. Was yummy! My little dude isn's allowed a whole one so it would have been rude to leave it *cough* ;)
I am trying to get used to this not having to have superfree thing. Bit strange @ the moment I just made myself an omlette to take to work tomorrow, will have it with a muffin (8 pp in total) but i automatically cooked mushrooms & tomatoes to have with it. I may need them tbh to bulk it out, but i cooked them more from habit than anything else!

Just been to the gym & done a 40min workout, which earns me 3 AP's (i based it on moderate activity level) My dinner looked small & the pasta portion was tiny compared to my usual but it is helping me realise why i've struggled to loose on SW recently.
Interesting. I felt a bit hungry after dinner but used the 20 mins rule, thinking I could use a few weekly points for something if needed. Then I forgot about it and didn't eat anymore. So total of 33 points yesterday.

Todays plan
Breakfast: (8pp)
2 egg ommlette (4pp) with a english muffin (4pp), tomatoes & mushrooms


Lunch (8pp)
Subway low fat sub - 6" on wheat - Subway club. No cheese as not sure thats included in the points value, loads of salad & no mayo.

Dinner (13pp)
60g dried weight pasta (6pp), Chicken breast (4pp), 2 rashers of extra lean bacon (1 pp) and 1/4 jar of sainsburys bgty green pesto (2 pp)

Total 29 pp used.

45 weeklies left & 3 AP points earned but not used.
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Made my first boo boo. Got a subway club on wheat bread, lots of sald, no sauce. Also got a garden side saald, which I thought, 'oo, I'll have a bit of sweetcorn on that' haven't had sweetcorn for ages (cos its not superfree and I've never liked to reduce my ability to eat nice freefoods like meat & pasta on SW!). Sitting there happily munching away, then had a thought. Maybe I should check its free.

It isn't :eek:
Rubbish :mad:
1 extra PP for some poxy sweetcorn.:cry:
Not worth it.:sigh:
I know its not the end of the world, I have plenty of weeklies left & 1 PP is not going to kill me, but still :(
Just popping in to say hello and that I'm watching with anticipation! I was scouring the ww board as I've lost my way a bit with SW, I love it but I know it inside out and I think need a change to get me motivated and get my mojo back

I go on holiday in 2 weeks and it's a shame I've fallen off of the wagon so I'm thinking that when I come back I'll be ready for a fresh start so going to give ww a whirl

Good luck honey x
BeckyT said:
Just popping in to say hello and that I'm watching with anticipation! I was scouring the ww board as I've lost my way a bit with SW, I love it but I know it inside out and I think need a change to get me motivated and get my mojo back

I go on holiday in 2 weeks and it's a shame I've fallen off of the wagon so I'm thinking that when I come back I'll be ready for a fresh start so going to give ww a whirl

Good luck honey x

Loo, have a wicked holiday Hun. I do think its probably a bit of familiarity breeds contempt for me with SW now. I know it works, but I also know that i can tweak it & still loose a bit. The problem with that is that then you start tweaking too much & it becomes cheating, and then it becomes off plan!

There are quite a few of here now who have swapped over. I imagine I'll be back on SW in a few months.
Yeah I've have seen Jaylou and EB on here too, I think I've just got lazy and I need something that's going to make me think about what I'm doing and tax my brain for a while! I too think I'd end up back with SW and I love the plan and I know it works but for some stupid reason I've fallen off of the wagon... Hey ho, life was never meant to be easy was it!! x
Still trying to ge my head round the eating out,its so different to sw but yeah the spiced pear salad looks good :)

Thats what i thought. if I have it without the nuts that will reduce the PP value so I only have to worry about the cheese & the pesto.
Interesting. I felt a bit hungry after dinner but used the 20 mins rule, thinking I could use a few weekly points for something if needed. Then I forgot about it and didn't eat anymore. So total of 33 points yesterday.

Todays plan
Breakfast: (8pp)
2 egg ommlette (4pp) with a english muffin (4pp), tomatoes & mushrooms


Lunch (8pp)
Subway low fat sub - 6" on wheat - Subway club. No cheese as not sure thats included in the points value, loads of salad & no mayo.

Dinner (13pp)
60g dried weight pasta (6pp), Chicken breast (4pp), 2 rashers of extra lean bacon (1 pp) and 1/4 jar of sainsburys bgty green pesto (2 pp)

Total 29 pp used.

45 weeklies left & 3 AP points earned but not used.

Slight edit to yesterday.:p

My chicken was worth 6 points in the end not 4.
Then i had 2 choc chunk cookies at work (4pp) and a WW carrot cake slice (2pp) and a ww belgian choc slice (2pp) after dinner. Plus that tablespoon of sweetcorn (1pp).

Dailies use: 29/29
Weeklies used 11:eek:

34 weeklies left & 3 AP points. Plus off to the gym again tonight.
Help!! Out for lumnch at this pub tomorrow. Any ideas whats the best PP wise?

I was thinking the Meditteranean Mezze sharer, or the Spiced Pear Salad?

The Red Lion | Bar Menu

No idea at all but just looking at that menu I am drooling...........whatever you have enjoy it.

Loo, have a wicked holiday Hun. I do think its probably a bit of familiarity breeds contempt for me with SW now. I know it works, but I also know that i can tweak it & still loose a bit. The problem with that is that then you start tweaking too much & it becomes cheating, and then it becomes off plan!

There are quite a few of here now who have swapped over. I imagine I'll be back on SW in a few months.

Thank goodness it is all within the same site and we can all still keep in touch so easily.
I think Jay might be back with SW or at least considering it.

Thats what i thought. if I have it without the nuts that will reduce the PP value so I only have to worry about the cheese & the pesto.

It all sounds so complicated to me even though everytime I shop in Iceland and see all that WW stuff and can understand why anyone wants a change.

Have a lovely lunch and a great day xxxx
Food Plan for today

Breakfast: (7 pp)
New York Bakery Multi seeded bagel (6pp) with 35g philly light (1 pp) and a bowl of fruit

Lunch (11pp ish)
I'm going to the pub and will have the Pear & Gorgonzola Salad with tomato pesto, no hazlenuts. I have budgeted 7 pp for Gorgonzola (2 portions worth) and 4 pp for Tomato Pesto. The rest of the listed ingredients are zero points (pear, beetroot, roast squash & salad leaves).

Dinner: (10 pp)
Spinach & Aubergine Dhal (6pp) with 1/2 a bag of tesco frozen microwavable rice (4 pp)

Total 28pp

Still have 34 weeklies left.
Used some weeklies on a bournville bar (7pp) & some oat & raisin biscuits (5 pp) yesterday

23 weeklies left til saturday. Doable.


Breakfast: 7 pp
bagel (6pp) & 35g phily light (1pp). Melon, Mango & pineapple

Lunch: 6 pp
M&S lochmuir hot smoked salmon & new potato salad. Melon & grape pot

Dinner: 11pp
hm chicken curry (6 pp) with mixed zero point veg & 1/2 bag of boil in the bag rice (5 pp)

24pp used.
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