Kingleds Food Diary - help needed!

Well I might also have managed to sort out a cleaner as well. Bonus! My friend is looking for a bit of extra cash and now both her kids are in school she has a bot fo time free so she's going to do an hour a week for me, just to help me keep on top of things. It will be the best £60 a month I've ever spent I reckon!

So, between not being on the socail team, and the cleaner I have managed to claw back a few hours in my week.

My tapas night went pretty well too - the food went down well and sangria was great, plus you don't drink as much booze when you have sangria as its watered down :) Still felt a bit ropey yesteday.

So, food plan this week - am a bit badly organised & didn't do any batch cooking at the weekend - I only have 2 evening meals in the freezer and 1 lunch, so need to be careful and utilise my survial kit at work as much as possible. On the plus side I am not in the office after today till Thursday as am at meetings, so I will be in a better position to eat on plan. So my 2 freezer evening meals are earmarked for tonight and wendesday as they are gym nights. Tomorrow I will be home early anyway, so can cook something, probably pork loin with roasted vegetables. Thursday will be a stir fry of some description as thats quick and friday (again a gym night) will be the bison burgers i have in the freezer.

For today the plan is - extra easy

Breakfast: Ommlette with tomoatos & mushrooms

Lunch: JP with baked beans, and a side salad (tomatoes, radish, cucumber)

Dinner: Carribean Chicken Curry with broccoli (also has onions & peppers in it)

Will use my HEB for a Hifi bar and my HEA for milk in tea.

Syns, a pack of sunbites (6 syns) and a highlghts hot choc (2 syns)
I cooked loads! In fact I just wrote a whole thread about it with all the recipes on spo I don't forget them for next time

Plus SW style Sangria - its 40 syns for a whole jug, which makes about 8 glasses. Thats 1 bottle red wine, 2 shots gin, 2 shots brandy, topped up with diet lemonade. I also chopped up sopme oranges and lemons and froze them, and add them with some ice and frozen berries.
Ended up going to M&S for lunch so have had a salad, some poached salmon, tuna and prawns, a bowl of berries and a hea of cheese. Hve also had a hifi bar
Can't remember if there is any potato in my carribean curry of not, but if there isn't I'll make today a red day and have an extra heb & hea later on.
Am using my syns on a packet of those walkers baked crisps (5 syns) & a highlights hot choc (2 syns) with squinty light cream (1 syn) & mini marshmallows (1 syns). Total 9 syns
Food Plan for today.

Breakfast: 2 eggs in frylight, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, grilled mushrooms.

Lunch: Cous Cous, tuna, cheese (HEA) and salad

Snack: hifi bar

Dinner: grilled Pork Loin, roasted veg (courgette, onions, garlic, peppers) paprika potato wedges.
Something weird going on with me this week. Seem to have acquired some willpower from somewhere. Last night after dinner I was still hungry, so I had a yogurt. That is not weird in itself, but most times in the last few months I would have just eaten some crisps or got a chocolate bar from the shop, or both. I still had all my syns left for the day as well (again, a novelty) but wanted to use them on some crisps & a hot choc later on. Had the crisps about 9pm & promptly fell asleep on the sofa - so yesterdays syn count was 6.

Food for today - am in London in meetings so haven't got lunch with me, but m&s do plenty of free & super free so am not worried.
Breakfast : bowl of fruit, 30g muesli (heb) m&s counting us vanilla fat free yogurt

Lunch : something free & yummy from m&s - and a fair amount of it too as have the gym tonight & need the energy!

Dinner after gym: chilli, rice, cheese (hea) forgot to get the chilli out of the freezer but it can be defrosts in the microwave so no worries there.
Well yesterday didn't turn out as I expected, but still on plan. Hubs got home & had won some money on the fantasy football thingy at work, so he wanted to get take away. I put my foot down to pizza and said we could geta kebab. Was so glad I had saved all my syns. I ditched the pitta and had a jacket potato with mine, so essentailly I just had grilled chicken, salad and a JP. I also had a highlights with squrty cream and marshmallows- 4 syns. As there will have been a bot of oil used to cook the chicken I didn't risk having anymore syns last night.

Food Plan for today

Breakfast: Bowl of fruit, museli (HEB) activia snack pot peach flavour (1/2 a syn)

Lunch: JP & Baked Beans

Dinner: Chilli & Rice with cheese
*Emsie* said:
Well Done on sticking to plan. I always think takeaway pizza's are way too expensive myself but know lots of people love them.
Has he got some of those winnings you can have to go back to those shops you had to resist the other day? ;)

He only won £60 so not enough for those shops unfortunately.

Have just had a meeting with my boss which may drive me to the pub for lunch. He is being a right c u next Tuesday. I want to punch him in his smug little face.
I did not go to the pub - I went to Starbucks & had a black coffee. Plus some salad, salmon, a activia raspberry yogurt & some fruit for my lunch.

Am still mad as hell with my boss but refuse to let his attitude push me to comfort eat.
Busy old day today of back to back meetings. Hope the boss comes in today in a better mood.

Breakfast: Ommletee, mushrooms, tomatoes.

Lunch: JP with beans and salad

Dinner: Bison Burgers in a wm roll (HEB) with cheese (HEA), salad and piri piri potato wedges. Might use afew syns on some burger relish
Had a maintain yesterday. Rubbish. Was not happy, but can't do anything about it now.

Red day today
No brekkie today - got up really late.

Lunch: chicken, bread ( 2 x heb) ham, fruit

Dinner: fillet steak, roast veg (bns, courgette, Aubergine, pepper, garlic, red onion) with cauliflower cheese ( made with both my hea allowances)

Bournville bar : 12 syns
Have a meeting all day, and they are providing lunch. No idea what though so just to be safe I've had a big bowl of fruit for breakfast & have saved my heb as I am expecting sandwiches. For dinner we're having chilli & rice. If I haven't had any cheese at Lunch will have some on it
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Well lunch was predictably in SW friendly, and it's bit hard to turn down food from a bunch of people about to spend $500k with you, so I ate it.

Dinner was as planned. Had a few brownie bites as well. Not a great start to the week :(

Today I am at cloudforce - which is probably going to be as ****y as it sounds. I am going to be on a stand all day selling my companies wares. Its at the excel in docklands, and as I didn't know what the food would be like there I have my breakfast with me ( fruit, yogurt, Hifi bar (heb) and my lunch (chicken & potato salad). We'll be having the sweet & sour pork (1 syn) from the new magazine for dinner with some noodles