last day online.....

hi guys hope you all had a good day well for dinner tonite ive got a veggie quarterpounder in a wholemeal bun with coleslaw and salad all for 9 points so i need to decide what to have after xxxxxx
ooh forgot WW chips too so 11 points still got 9.5 points left
just had 2 iceland chocolate desserts 3 points and ive got snack a jack popcorn to eat whilst reading in bed that leaves me 5.5 points to carry over i get 36 points a day coz im a lard arse !!!!
well morning all how busy have i been ???? im picking up my beautiful coffe table come blanket box from the next shop at work tomorrow so needed to clean the car out what a job i then popped to asda to cashpoint and got myself a sarnie for lunch 5 points and then hoovered car out and treated it too a wash its looks brand new


this is the coffee table the one with the drawers got it at a baargain price of £125.00 instead of £375.00 whoo hoo just hope it fits in the car
not yet what about u ???
yes and it was ................... 3 ww cookbooks god im gonna have sooo much fun over the weekend off to work now so will catch up later wont be around much tonite as working at 8am tomorrow
only a quickie as im off to work in a bit but i just love!!!! that table
al well on the diet front ive been feeling such a pig but still within my points though hope you all have a good weekend xxxxx
As long as you're within your points love it's all good!
Have a great weekend :)
loving the table its gorge