last day online.....

mate,i am so sorry .It made me bad from goin to oz beginning of july then actually goin 3 sales later in october its a bloody joke.I used to ring the solicitors a couple of times a day sometimes ,at the end of the day you only deal with them for the house then you wont have to speak to em again (so give em some stick girl)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well this is actually why moving house is one of life's most stressful events!! It rarely goes according to plan... You will get there eventually honey, keep your chin up...
Sorry its not going well at the moment... hang in there.. youll get it sorted *HUGS*
spoke to sols this morning there pushing for 14th but it could be thurs 19th whatever way im off on the 15th once contracts are exchanged shes pushing for that too god its all coming together suppose need to start packing !!!
gonna ring again friday
shes still pushing for 14th ive been out tonite for a lovely meal with workmates handing my notice in later today
well i handed my notice in at work yesterday :eek::eek: leave next tuesday got some post from sols yest transfer froms and a few queries well there all back in her safe hands now took it all down in person christ im on the ball !! there faxing it all over to his sols and hopefuly if there happy we can exchange god its soooo scary
Dunno yet sols have faxed all my stuff to there sols my sols has assured me will call when she knows hopefully my buyer has paid deposit and his sols have mortgage offer fingers crossed shes still pushing for next friday
yeah ive been packing still no news on exchange date !! im getting pretty sick of ringing them so ive put it off for now my stomach is churning sooo much !!
well just made that call and everythings been faxed over on fri just waiting to hear for exchange my sols not in today grrrr
Hi Kerry love

hope all is well maybe we could do coffee before you leave, that would be lovely;)