Last 'diet' of my life - 8 stone gone!

my god, you and vicky both Jo :)
YEY JO :D xxxx thats fantastic :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
must be :D what star sign are you Jo?
Good to hear Jo. Enjoy :)
Well going by last weeks wi I've lost 0.1lbs which I am actually happy about coz the scales were heading up the way again and I know that they are now back on a downwards spiral with me being back on Exante. Only drawback is that the scales now say 185 again. Ill get away from this number if it kills me. Still refusing to change my ticker though.
Morning Jo :)
Bit misty here love :(
For those who havent seen my fb status I was at the nurse today and she said there is no way I should be losing another 3 stone coz it will make me look far too thin. :D

She has recommended I make an appointment with one of the gps to discuss surgery coz I was telling her how much Im going to need it. I was originally going to wait until I got to my goal weight before doing that but Im now thinking Ill make an appointment next week and see what they say anyway.
I talked to my doctor re: referral for plastics. He's sending one off - he is the most wonderful, supportive doctor in the world despite having to see me' through a panic attack nearly every time I visit - but says it would be a bad idea to get my hopes up as my areas PCT is really tight with things like this. I'm willing to try and appeal and stuff. If the nhs don't come through I'm looking at going to Prague - much cheaper but I still don't know how I'd ever afford it. I hope the postcode lottery is more favorable in your area xx

& what an uplifting comment to get from the nurse!
For those who havent seen my fb status I was at the nurse today and she said there is no way I should be losing another 3 stone coz it will make me look far too thin. :D

She has recommended I make an appointment with one of the gps to discuss surgery coz I was telling her how much Im going to need it. I was originally going to wait until I got to my goal weight before doing that but Im now thinking Ill make an appointment next week and see what they say anyway.

Oh wow, how fab, that must be a great feeling :D

Goodluck with the next appointment xxx
Do you know I'm so happy I don't even care what I weigh any more lol. Don't get me wrong I have no intentions of stopping losing but its somehow not an issue the way it used to be.

Anyway here's to another week and hopefully another couple of lbs gone. Ill get into the 12s if it kills me.
Morning Jo
Jo - welcome to my world :D
Hi Jo, how lovely you are so happy :D