Last Person To Post Wins

I am the queen ... see ---> :queen: so I want no more talk of it! :D
:D You know me Carol the more the merrier, well i`m off on my 12 hour night shift so you will have no one to abuse tonight, have fun and keep YOUR crown safe and sound till i get back - Queen Carol:D


See? Even Allan gave in to my regal presence! :D So there you have t ladies, from the Sultan of Sleaze himself - I am Queen lol. :D:D:D

carol creeps away quietly from the thread - ready for the backlash lol!
Fine thanks Sonia! How are you? Your babies in bed now?:D
Yep all four in bed snoring. Ethan is in hospital on the 14th getting his ears fixed in his words, he is getting grommets fitted. I am poorly sick I am fed up of being poorly this is the third time this year and its only the beginning of feb:( My ears and throat are killing me. Sorry for moaning just feeling sorry for my self today. Hopefully I am coming to the end of it I have slept all day and I am sweating it out now.