LauraZee - half way to the new me!!

Wow Laura! That's amazing, well done. That's a great start! Good idea to create a ticker too, it's really nice to see it moving along, can't believe mines over a third of the way across now to my first goal! xx
Thank you :D I'm feeling very positive today, just looking forward to next week now!! I still have a long way to go but it's so nice to be moving in the right direction!!
I'll have a look into this ticker thingy, but if I'm honey I dont know where to start!!
You are doing really well. I set up my ticker last week and all the info is in the section labled tutorials, on the blue panel at the top of the page on here.
OK so good morning everyone! I haven't been on here for a couple of days so its time to update!
The first great news is I survived 4 whole nights on my own without cheating once! This is a big thing for me and anyone who is a secret snacker will know what I mean. So 9 days in and I'm still flying my 100% flag, I cant complain at that!
Yesterday we were decorating our living room, so I was pretty busy all day and only managed to fit in 3 packs. But had a nice plate of roasted veg too (just in fry light), round about 180g.
This morning I had a sneak peak at the scales and see I've gone up 1.5lbs. I know it doesnt matter as its the full week weigh in that counts and I cant complain because I lost so much last week it wouldnt be a huge shock if I just stayed the same. But something just sucks about resisting temptation and still being 'rewarded' with a small gain.
But hey ho, I'm not stupid and I know it happens eventually. I'll refrain from the scales until week 2 weigh in, I wont let this force me into my usual spiral of "I could stuff my face and still have see a gain on the scales so I may as well do that". Not this time.
And I think I've just set up my ticker too! Been recording my weight since 1st Jan in myfitnesspal so I used their one. Some of that weight wasnt lost with S&S but it all counts :)
Hey Laura,

Beginning of week 3 I stayed the same for about 3 days I think, then the day before weigh in was down 4lbs, then weigh in day I was up 2lbs! Lost 2lbs in the whole week, but it can be annoying. But came on here and put all my thoughts out, got some great advice, nosied into other peoples diaries and stayed focused, and week 4 was -5lbs. I think we can fluctuate at times, but eventually your body catches up and it comes off! Well done on getting through week 1 so well, and not cheating when you were alone, I was a secret snacker too, my OH is in navy and not home very often, I'd always pop to the shop for all sorts of bad comforting foods! Can't believe I have managed to cut out chocolate for 30days now, never thought it would be possible! But it is, and I've shown myself I won't suddenly die without it!

That's what great about this, whereas when I was on slimming world, I didn't have to eliminate any foods really, as you can have syns, so I've never learnt to deal without my comforts! Keep going, you are doing great!!! xxx
And that's why I'm absolutely rubbish at other diets like SW. Because I'm 'allowed' alcohol / chocolate etc. I don't cut them out and then I tell myself that just a little bit more won't hurt and before I know it I've blown it completely. This sort of diet more or less weans you off all the bad things that you crave and ate for comfort. When it's time to go back to them (if we do) it'll be hard to moderate but I feel much more able to do so having proved that I absolutely do not need wine to keep me alive :).
Thanks ladies, I'm staying positive and had another good day today.
I agree about other diets, they make cheating seem much more acceptable, the amounts of time I used to say 'i can work it into the diet' was stupid. I could work in a slice of pizza but not the whole thing like I ended up eating!
I'm not sure this diet will teach me to eat properly but I'm not really sure what could. I know about portion control, I just usually choose to ignore it! I don't have to worry about that for a while though!
A few people have posted before photos, I don't have one right before I started but here is one from my honeymoon when I was pretty much at my heaviest, yuk! Not sure my OH will thank me for the post either but hey go x

Hi everyone,
So I haven’t updated my diary for a while so i thought I would just indulge in a bit of an update.

Tomorrow is my second weekly weigh in! Eeek, Im quite excited! I have actually been naughty and resorted back to weighing each day which I said I wouldn’t do, but actually I like it! Im in line for a much more modest weight loss this week but fingers crossed I can squeeze a little bit more out of those scales in the morning.

So 2 weeks in and I cant really believe Ive managed this long. It might sound a little bit pathetic to those who are months in but it is a big deal for me. I only stomached lighterlife for 2 weeks so I had created a bit of a mental barrier for myself. So far so good though, Id even go as far to say Im enjoying it.

My short term ain is my week in center parcs with friends which was originally meant to be a ‘week off’ but Ive come too far to blow this now. I’m going to go down to 2/3 packs a day and treat myself to a nice chicken salad or fish and veg when we eat out at night. That will actually be enough I think, and I don’t have to blow it all. Cant wait!

So my clothes are starting to feel a bit looser and I am starting to feel the difference. Long may it continue!

Watch this space for tomorrows weigh in and update on my mini goals achieved. Fingers crossed :D xx
well done you for getting past that barrier and good luck for tomorrow x
Well done Laura, and good luck more tomorrow! It doesn't sound pathetic at all, I am only in week 5 myself but even getting through that first week is such an achievement! You should be proud and it takes alot to do this diet. x
2nd week weigh in, I've lost 3.2lbs!! I'm very excited about that after such a large loss last week. Thats 15.2lbs in total on S&S! So the mini achievements I can now tick off are:
I'm no longer 'severely obese' :D
I've lost 10% of what I need to lose :D
I'm into a new stone bracket (14st) :D

It has been hard staying 100% this week but its all been worth it. Roll on week 3! x
Thanks Tara I'm really chuffed!
I have a meal out with friends on Tuesday night, I've already warned them I might not eat but might have a chicken salad if it's on the menu. Just have to get past that now and hope I don't blow it :) x
I'm sure you will be fine, my friends are coming next friday for a catch up and to sort my hen night out. They are all going to have a takeaway here with my OH and I will just have a pack, not really bothered at the min, my younger sis was in my car today and she was eating a fat slice of choc fudge cake. Wasn't bothered, I could smell it so bad, but I just didn't care x
Yeah I think I'll behave, I think I'm in the right mindset where I'm too scare to blow it now! I'll let you know how I get on!
I uploaded some fat pics in my gallery including the one of me in that green dress, it's horrid but good motivation never to eat again!! x
You are so pretty, lovely smile, my teeth are bloody awful thanks to a fall when I was little! Never smile with my mouth open!

For some reason I can't get on your other album, only the inspiration one x
Oh thank you! I don't think of myself as pretty at all but I'm hoping I will start to feel better as the weight melts away!
You'd better start practicing your smile for the wedding, your face will ache by the end of the day!!
I'll take a look at what's up with the fat album, probably the computer is just trying to do you a favour so you don't have to look at the fatty on the screen!! x