Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

I'm with you on the difficulties of cooking too much rice... I was living with my bf til last fortnight, now on my own. I made some ratatouille the other night and it's at least 5 meals' worth... and another 4 meals' worth of Spanish omelette. I don't have a freezer...oof.
I am sometimes in batch cook mentality but I literally upended a bag of rice and doubled all other quantities thinking a few meals worth. Couldn't face it tonight so l have it tomorrow with the chargrilled veg again. What do you do Gwella? Do you keep it in the fridge and eat it for lunch and dinner like I've had to do? I hope the decision re the EX-BF was your idea and that you are ok? Things like that can be gutting I know. Big hug (in case you need it! For all I know you may be all girl power ;) )
The bf and I are still together, but it was not my idea for him to move out. He hates London and hated his job, so he left and went back to his parents. Things between us are therefore a bit weird (though we have had a couple of nice weekends together, and he does seem happier and less grumpy). But thanks for the hug, it has been a tough few weeks, as it makes me sad that the relationship was not his priority.

As for the ratatouille, I took some on my picnic yesterday and will probably take some to taster night tomorrow! Managed to squeeze a tiny box in the freezer shelf at the top of the fridge along with the ice cubes. But otherwise, yeah, just constant ratatouille for lunch and dinner...
Gwella, could you use the ratatouille as a base for some other things - just to ring the changes as it were? It should work with things like spaghetti bolognese or chilli ... just cook off a little mince/quorn, add appropriate herbs/chilli/kidney beans (and the ratatouille of course) and 'Hey presto' something at least a little bit different :D
That's very true actually. I did have some of it with gnocchi last night which was nice... but mainly an excuse to eat gnocchi. It's just a basic sauce really if I fish out the small quantity of potato I included.
Your wish etc.

Patty's LM Red Onion and Rosemary sausages with green lentils.


1 pack LM sausages, thawed and each chopped into 3 or 4 pieces
1 large red onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 carrots, peeled and chopped
3 sticks celery, trimmed and chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely sliced
200g dried green lentils
700ml vegetable stock, or 550ml stock and 150ml red wine (optional)
Rosemary to taste

Recipe method

Cook the onion, carrots and celery gently for a few minutes until softened.
Add the garlic and cook for a minute, then add the sausages, lentils, rosemary, stock and wine, if using.
Cover with foil and a lid and simmer gently for 25 minutes or until the lentils are cooked.

Good served with 'fried' mushrooms (and eggs for non-veggies).

Simple but it is important to thaw the sausages or else they won't be cooked by the time the lentils are ready. Last time I made it, I used 500ml of stock and 200ml of pasatta which was tasty but I should have added a bit more stock as it was quite thick. Oh, and I cook it in either my wok or for around 4.5 hours on high in a slow cooker. It reheats well in the microwave too.

Sounds yum, I bet that would be good in the slow cooker x
Patty's LM Red Onion and Rosemary sausages with green lentils.


Oh my, that sounds delicious!! I have already printed it off and it's on my to do list :):) thanks for posting it, I love lentils and I adore my slow cooker. I would marry it if I could. (but I'm already taken, I recently married my new phone which I adore even more.)
I agree. But I regularly cheat on my slow cooker with my Actify and I've got a new nutri bullet on the side. I'm a tech-wh0re
My papers are done.

IM BACK!! No longer just nipping in to update on a wed. I can't wait to re-immerse myself because I can feel myself slipping. Not a lot. But I always said I would stop when I got to a 12. Now I'm here but not technically at target. I know that that last 9lb or so would make that 12 more comfortable but its so HARD. I'm on track 95% of the time. But 95% just won't cut it.

WI tonight and we will see how close to the 11s I am. Then a concerted effort to drop into them for center parcs (I go on the 25th). I have more time now too so may pick up the running of an evening. Ease myself in.
Welcome back!! :D

Sounds like you've done pretty well to stay on track 95% of the time.

You are so close to target Sam - it's within your grasp! Good luck for your WI tonight x
I need you guys to keep me on track. Haha. I think the only reason I didn't blow it these last few weeks without my minis beady eyes is that I simply didn't have time to think about it. I've lived off quorn. I just want to COOK something. Although I made a really nice slow cooker chickpea curry the other day. That's as close as I have managed to actual real cooking.
Let's hope so!! I'm not overly confident this week to be honest but we shall see.....
Good luck for WI Sam. Good to see you back. You'll get those last pounds off - no problem xxx
Ah thanks Anju :)

I maintained this week but tbh with the amount of time I have had to give food thought (ie none) I'm just happy I didn't gain over the exam period. This time last year I ate myself through the marking period. Biscuits, bars of chocolate, bags of minstrels (yes the sharing size). I was NOT in a good place. In fact this time of year marks something of a watershed for me. This time last year was when I realised just how serious my binge eating problem was and that it wasn't just being greedy. I have a picture on my phone of me exactly a year ago to the week from center parcs last year. I'll be taking a comparable one this year and will post it when I'm back. Scary really and if anyone had told me this time last year that THIS summer is be walking around in shorts and strapless tops I'd have laughed. And then probably would have eaten them.
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Ahhh the holidays are here. I can finally relax. Which normally means an instant cold :( although touch wood am ok so far. A better nights sleep last night without thunder waking munchkin up and me having to sleep in there with her. Yesterday we bought my dad a kitten. So cute. We are going round to play with it shortly. Little one is over the moon.

No idea what I'll be eating today but it won't be a lot. Had quorn sausages, actifry chips and egg for dinner last night and felt so sick afterwards. Think I'm off the low fat quorn sausages for a bit. Yuck.
I thought of you today as I bought Vegetarian Living and saw your star letter! I hope you are enjoying the holidays.
Ahh I'm glad you spotted me!! Haha. I still haven't got my wok. Do you think it would be rude to email? We came back from holiday on Monday and I spent all yesterday catching up with the obligatory washing. Tonight will show any holiday damage :(
I would email them - the mag has been out for a while now. Good luck at weigh-in!