Lil miss chatterbox's food diary

Today's food plan:

Breakfast: 2 poached eggs (free), 2 slices wholemeal toast (HEx B), low fat spread (2 syns)

Lunch: lemon & coriander cous cous (free) in peppers (SF) topped with grated cheese (HEx A), stir fried vegetables (SF), big bowl of fresh fruit salad (SF) and mini frozen mousse (4 syns)

Dinner: 2 Tesco light choices cumberland sausages (2 syns), baked potato (free) with quark (free), carrots & broccoli (SF)
And of course loads of water too! Hopefully, if I can get organised, some exercise too. Lovely day out, so would like to go for a walk.
Looking good to me ;-)


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About time I got on here and wrote down todays food plan!

Breakfast: museli (HEx B), 1% milk (HEx A), sliced banana (SF)

Lunch: savoury rice (2 syns), 2 satsumas (SF), bowl of fresh fruit salad (SF), 10 cheese & onion cheddars (10 syns)

Dinner: beef (fat removed) (free), stir fried vegetables (SF) & couscous (free)

Today's syns: 12
i was having a good day, until i had 2 get my kids from the fighting & arguing is putting me in a bad mood:(which i don't want 2 be in. maybe some exercise will help the frustration
Good luck with giving up cheese. Not sure I could quite manage that 1 just yet! I haven't "exercised" in the conventional method this weekend, but I have been up and down ladders, squatting to reach the floor, and using a fair bit of elbow grease to decorate. Hopefully next week my efforts will show. Also had my OH have a word with my mum-in-law about getting in some SW friendly food, to make my weekends a lot easier, so she is going to do that for me.;) At least then I won't feel all my hard weeks work is being sabotaged at the weekend!
Hey sweetie, I had to give up something I would struggle with, didn't want it to be too easy, I'm not a big fan of chocolate and have given up crisps a long time ago, was a crispoholic at one point, 6 bags a day some days,,,so was looking to give up the one thing I was being naughty with at the moment so that hopefully going without will help me get it back under's working so far.
That's good that your Mil is willing to do that for you, it all helps, oh and exercise to me is anything that builds up a sweat, so running up and down ladders and the such counts in my books xxx
Monday's food plan:

Breakfast: museli (HEx B), 1% milk (HEx A), topped with apple & banana (SF) 1 pint water
Am: 2 pints water
Lunch: homemade vegetable soup (free), stir fried vegetables (SF), baked potato (free) & quark (free) 1 pint water
PM: 1 pint water
Dinner: Pork chop (fat removed), SW roast potatoes & parsnips (free), green beans (SF) & carrots (SF) 1 pint water
Dessert: fresh fruit salad (SF)
Evening: 2 pints water, 200ml fruit juice (3.5 syns)

Todays syns: 3.5 Fluid: 8 pints

Really struggling to find syns today, and that's really not like me. might add something later;)
If I'm struggling to add syns I always make them up with a milky options drink xxx
i was having a good day, until i had 2 get my kids from the fighting & arguing is putting me in a bad mood:(which i don't want 2 be in. maybe some exercise will help the frustration

Send them to their room or even better you go to yours and let them get on with it, come out when you're feeling able to cope, exercise is a good idea too lol xxxx
peace has resumed. feeling much better!
Morning! 1st day of March - somehow makes me more cheery as the days are finally getting longer! Todays food plan:

Breakfast: museli (HEx B), 1% milk (HEx A), banana & orange (SF)

Lunch: 2 healthy living sausages (2 syns), baked potato (free), quark (free), green beans & carrots (SF)

Dinner: Homemade low fat beef and vegetable curry (1 syn), rice (free)

Dessert: fresh pears (SF) & 1/2 tin (200g) Ambrosia low fat custard (9 syns)

Todays syns: 12
lil miss chatterbox said:
Morning! 1st day of March - somehow makes me more cheery as the days are finally getting longer! Todays food plan:

Breakfast: museli (HEx B), 1% milk (HEx A), banana & orange (SF)

Lunch: 2 healthy living sausages (2 syns), baked potato (free), quark (free), green beans & carrots (SF)

Dinner: Homemade low fat beef and vegetable curry (1 syn), rice (free)

Dessert: fresh pears (SF) & 1/2 tin (200g) Ambrosia low fat custard (9 syns)

Todays syns: 12

Looking really good this week - :fingerscrossed: for Sunday luvvie


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Feeling pretty down today. don't really know why. maybe it's just things getting on top of me? house is a mess and i don't seem able to play catch up :cry:and the decorating just seems to be going on forever. i want to be able to use my wii fit again!
I'm over my syns today, just making bad choices. i wish i'd realised tortillas were 11 syns :eek: before i ate 1! Sorry to moan! :eek:

Anyway, so far today I have had:

Breakfast: museli (HEx B), milk (HEx A), 4 pears (SF)

Snack: 1 large tortilla (11 syns) and cheese (6 syns)

Lunch: cheese & broccoli pasta 'n' sauce, made up with just water (0.5 syns), stir fried vegetables (SF)

Dinner: fish fillet (free), parsley sauce (3 syns), peas, carrots & green beans (SF), parsnips & potatoes (free)

Total syns: 20.5
(all things considered, maybe that's not too bad?)
I got caught out with fajitagate too, was at a friends house and she served 3 fajitas for tea, would have been rude to decline once they were on my plate. Got home did the maths and fajitagate was born. Don't think the cheesecake for pud helped either but I had lost count by then.

We all live and learn. :)

Weather here doesn't help the mood, everyone else talking about lovely weather for the last couple of days. And Edin and prob wherever you are under a blanket of cloud which periodically bursts forth with a torrent. Not exactly cheery.

If you saw the state of my house you wouldn't feel so bad about yours trust me on this. I'm hoping my exercise pod fills me full of enthusiasm for tidying and cleaning long before it sends me for a jog or exercise DVD.

Hope your day improves. :)
Happy saturday! Lot's of decorating to do today, so not on here for long :cry:
Today's food:
Breakfast: 2 weetabix (HEx B), milk (HEx A), big bowl of fresh pineapple (SF)
Lunch: bacon, fat removed (free), 2 poached eggs (free), baked potato (free), quark (free), apple, orange & pineapple (SF)
Dinner: lamb chops (free), potatoes & parsnips (free), broccoli, cabbage & carrots (SF)
will no doubt find syns l8r. trying to be good in case i get offered a treat ;) WI tomorrow
syns so far: 0
started feeling ill about 30 mins after lunch. i think i may have undercooked my eggs, and have been running back n forth to the loo all afternoon, and been sick :( and have abdominal pain. am going to try and get some rest, then hopefully will feel up to helping hubby with the wallpapering later. surely i have to feel better soon?
Hey hun, was just grinning thinking yayyy you've got over your bad day from yesterday, and then bang you're sick, awww hope you feel better soon lovely, undercooked eggs :eek: I would be the same ...take it really easy, and don't worry about the decorating, just make sure you're well before anything.
Sending :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxx