Lil Mrs Sunshines Shrink Down Diary

Why don't you try getting hold of some ww books from ebay or something, that way you will eat enough because if you don't eat all your points you don't lose very fast! You will learn what food you can eat on a 'diet' instead of eating the most bland and boring things that to be honest i feel like your punishing yourself by eating! You can have lovely tasty filling food and lose weight, you don't have to eat rabbit food!
even after eating too much on one day a bit of pepper and carrots isnt enough of a meal. thats just starving yourself
doing very well this week so far.

i have spent the last two days in London. husband took me to see boyzone at the O2. we spent the remainder of the two days continue our sight seeing. we saw the bbc tv studios, qpr's ground, west hams uniteds ground and chelseas ground.

i am in a much better headspace than i was two weeks ago. i have one pound to loose by monday then i will have shed half a stone in two weeks. fingers crossed!!

1lb this week. In all fairness I am a bit disappointed. I was 141 on Thursday morning, now I am 143.... I havent eat above calories for the days. All I can think is that it is muscle weight?!

Push harder for next week though I guess.
Monday - 143lbs

Breakfast - 30g bran flakes & Decaf coffee with skimmed milk
Lunch - 100g Salad, Royal Gala Apple, Muller light yogurt & Fruit Tea
Dinner - WW Beef Hotpot & Coffee
Snack - Grapes & Sugar Free Polos

Exercise - Hannah Waterman Body Blitz DVD

Breakfast - Bran Flakes & Decaf Coffee with skimmed milk
Lunch - Apple, 100g salad, Muller light yogurt & Decaf Coffee with skimmed milk
Dinner - Chicken Soup & Hot Blackcurrant squash
Snacks - Sugar free polos

Exercise - Hannah Waterman Body Blitz DVD
Hi Lil Miss Sunshine,
I hope you don't mind me making a few suggestions about your meal plan?..I was just thinking that you don't seem to eat much fruit or veg. I don't know if you feel hungry at the moment but reading your meal plan makes me hungry, lol!. Maybe if you included more raw veg/fruit, it would help fill you's very low calorie anyway. And maybe you could alternate the Bran Flakes with something like a poached egg on a slice of seeded'd still have the fibre there but it wouldn't be as harsh as Bran Flakes every day. Or what about having an omelette for lunch and adding mushrooms/peppers/onion, etc?.
Hope your week is going well for you.

Breakfast - Branflakes & Decaf coffee with skimmed milk
Lunch - Apple, Carrot and Muller Light Yogurt & Hot blackcurrant
Dinner - McDonalds Chicken Salad Deli without sauce, chicken & tomato
Snack - Starrbucks Venti Latte & Sugar Free polos

Exercise - None

I am quite happy at the moment with the way things are going. Happy with my achievements, happy with my determination and more than anything happy and content in myself. Long may this continue.
I've been keeping up with your diary LMS. I think your meals look much better over the last few days, than previously in your diary. And you sound much happier and positive, which is great, it must be suiting you, well done.

Breakfast - Branflakes & Decaf coffee
Lunch - Muller Light Yogurt & Apple
Dinner - Tub Mushy Peas & Hot Blackcurrant
Snack - Sugar free polos & Starbucks Venti Latte (half froff)

Exercise - 4km walk at slow pace

Feeling really motivated and positive. Thursday is normally toughest day as I visit the family home; food is endless and of an evil kind. I resisted!!


Personally i still dont think you're eating enough, you must be averaging under atleast 1000calories a day. My sister eats 1500cals a day with an hours exercise and shes losing a stone a month..just a thought
exactly with the amount of exercise youre doing you need to eat more

i used to eat like you did LMS, but with the amount of exercise i did it made me so worn out and tired. upping the food intake was the best thing i did, i havent gained any fat at all from it, its only improved my workouts bya longshot!

maybe add a snack in between... even something small, a bit of fruit or cereal bar ect....

B - Branflakes & Decaf coffee with skimmed milk
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - Ocean Pie
S - Sugar Free Polos

E - Hannah Waterman DVD


B - Branflakes & Decaf coffee with skimmed milk
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - Steamed Salmon & Salad & Hot Blackcurrant
S - Sugar Free Polos, Grapes & Starbucks Venti Latte

E - Hannah Waterman DVD


B - Branflakes & Decaf coffee with skimmed milk
L - Apple & Muller Light Yogurt
D - Quorn Cottage Pie
S - Starbucks Venti Latte & Grapes & Sugar Free Polos

I weighed this morning and am 139.5lbs - Thats 3.5lbs loss this week.
B - Branflakes with Decaf coffee and semi-skimmed milk
L - Apple and Muller Light Yogurt and a hot blackcurrant
D - 200g Mixed Peppers and a hot blackcurrant

S - Sugar Free Polos, Frozen Grapes

My head seems to be so much more with it now than it ever has before. I have 4 workouts of 80 minutes planned for this week (Weds, Thurs, Fri & Sat). I am aiming to go out of March 10lbs down and aiming to be at goal in July!! I have about 2 stones to go!