Lipotrim newbie

Hi jojo, welcome to Minimins!! We are all in the same boat so you can rant and scream or whatever you feel like and someone will answer you. Why dont you start an new thread and keep a diary of your journey so far. It is quite good to look back on to see how far you have come.
hi starting lipotrim today.hopefully it will work 4 me x

Hi there - you are so welcome, it great to have another LTr on the site you will really love this forum......
welcome jojo - i'm a relative newbie myself and the girls on here are fantastic for support!
Well done on starting LT - it's tough at start, but I promise it gets easier!! :D
So, stick with it, and you'll be thrilled with the results - I PROMISE!!

WElcome Jojo, let us know how you are getting on!
its only day one and starting 2 feel hungry!!!!!!! but not going 2 give in now ive seen all them fantastic before and after photos.
It will take a few days of suffering before you get into the swing of it and stop feeling hungry. dont worry you can do it!! :)
Dont give up Jojo, after the first 4 days or so you will stop feeling hungry - these first few days can be very tough, but stick with it and you wil lbe so glad you did!
stick with it jojo - it is so worth it. As the girls have already said, and I can definitely agree, the first few days are the worst. But once you get as far as you first weigh in, you'll be over the worst of it, and you'll also have your first weight loss report to spur you on for the next week.
Keep going girl... you'll do great!