ProPoints Liz's Healthy Diary (hopefully)

HAHAHA!! jaysus that made me laugh... It is a good read though lol x

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Have to join yr convo, I have the books but not read them yet n only seen the first two films! I must hire the third one!
I think (undecided) am team Edward soz Jemma lol
The ad for breaking Dawn part 1 looks as if they make her into a vampire cos they get married n sleep together n everything oo er! N i thought they cud only do that if she becomes one of them? N looks like she falls pregnant!?!? Does that sound like the book hunnies?

I had some porridge about half nine but belly still not right again this am! I binned the biscuits last night it felt good! Lol
awww Liz hope your feeling better soon x
jem3139 said:
awww Liz hope your feeling better soon x

Thanks Hun x a bit better x trying a bad sarnie for breakky to try n bring my tummy bak lol x ru feelin better? x
She's not a vampire when they get married or sleep together but eh... That happens a lil later on (obvious plot is obvious) yeah read the books, they're good if not a but chick lit-ish lol. ;) x

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Oo I thought she had to b a vampire in order for them to b proper together?!?
Oo ok I must start reading the books wen I finish my one am reading now x barbara erskine she's awesome very clever n scary past n present author check her books out! Very gripping stuff x
Wishbird007 said:
Oo I thought she had to b a vampire in order for them to b proper together?!?
Oo ok I must start reading the books wen I finish my one am reading now x barbara erskine she's awesome very clever n scary past n present author check her books out! Very gripping stuff x

Ah well she's the one who wants to be a vamp, edward doesn't want to have to change her. You can tell she's not a vamp on their honeymoon because she got pregnant and vamps can't get pregnant... It'll make more sense when you see it lol.
Cool... I've been re-reading the dark tower series at the mo but will check her stuff out for sure :) x

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Oo of course Hun that's right I had forgotten vamps can't get pregnant oo that will delay her becoming a vamp o the plot thickens cheers Sara for info x lol x
Wishbird007 said:
Oo I thought she had to b a vampire in order for them to b proper together?!?
Oo ok I must start reading the books wen I finish my one am reading now x barbara erskine she's awesome very clever n scary past n present author check her books out! Very gripping stuff x

Never heard of her will have to have a look.... Love a good read!! Xx
Oo frozen grapes r ace! Right sweet n cold but the sensitive on the teeth! X
Yum x
Today I am so sleepy I feel like someone has drugged me I cud easily sleep at my desk!
My tummy is still acting up too but really enjoyed a norty bacon sarnie for breakky this am!
Thing I need a break from ww cos I not getting on with counting points at all at the mo! I hate to give up but I dont think it suits me! I may have a rest get my tummy bak to normal then have a long think n have a plan of action n may return to slimming world cos I done that before n it's worked for me or just eat healthier n I at the gym alot so surely by 10th november which is my target date for loosing another stone so I shud have gone down by then!

Positives of my recent dieting:
- drinking more water every day
- visiting gym at least 4/5 times a wk
- feeling fitter/looking better
- have already lost 1stone
- meeting lovely people on this forum and having the great support
- fitting in my size 12 dresses/bikinis n trousers again

Thanks to u all gals that have been so great! If I do give over with WW I hope I can still chat to u girlies on here?!?
I wish you good luck in whatever you choose Liz...but please stay on the forum matter what diet your doing were still here ..ready to listen and help ...enjoy your break and look forward to hearing from you soon x
Thanks Jem you are very kind, I shall gladly still chat on this forum hun, i have enjoyed all our chats and i will continue to keep you updated.
Jemmalb said:
Good luck with whichever diet u choose. Keep us updated xx

Thanks darling x I will do x

I have changed my avatar pic to wen I was at my thinnest to kick me up the butt! Keys hope it works x
Been ill again after tea! I think I have worked out what's going on in my tum! A Bout of IBS! That's y I have felt so tired too x Deep joy x sorry I know it's not a great subject x
So will try n sort my tum out before I begin dieting again x
Blimey 'eck! Is that u in the pink bikini pix? Killer bod or what?! U are fab! Hugs x
CarlyLanky140 said:
Blimey 'eck! Is that u in the pink bikini pix? Killer bod or what?! U are fab! Hugs x

Thanks Hun x the pic was some time ago but I hope to look like it again soon, that was wen I looked good without having to put the work in but I actually think my legs r looking better now than they did then so that's summit lol x