Lizzy's Diary - I WILL Get To Goal!

Good session at the gym last night, was watching the Olympics whilst on the machines, certainly made me push harder!

Got a day in head office tomorrow so a long day ahead, managed to move all of my meetings to tomorrow so it means I can work from home on Friday which I'm happy about!

Paid the balance on our holiday today, 12 weeks to go, really cannot wait and I will be back into my thinner holiday clothes, in fact, I'll have to be as all the winter stuff will be in the shops when we go!

Watching the men's swimming again, Mark Foster commentating, whit woo!
Finally it's Friday!

Good but busy day yesterday, got lots done and then an hour in the gym on my way home.

As I crammed lots into yesterday I'm able to work from home today, hoping to make a good dent in my to do list!

Got a cheeky hour out later to get my nails done, a girl has to make time for a pamper!

Think we'll be decorating our bedroom this weekend although it seems the original plan is now out and DH wants a mural on the wall!! We'll see!

Right, must crack on, the quicker I get my work done, the earlier I can finish!
Managed to finish at 4 so not too bad, been enjoying the Olympics this evening, we're doing so well!

Need to place my next order so will get that done over the weekend. Have gone off the chilli as I think they've changed the formula, it's too much like the tomato chilli so won't be getting them next time!
Your doing great hun, I'm not a huge chilli fan either. Tastes really change on plan I find

Have a good weekend x
Hello :) here to follow your diary x
Thanks Katie!

Day hasn't started well, our new shower has packed up, need to sort that before doing any decorating, not good!

On the plus side, just had my first shake and likely to be running around all day so hoping to burn off some cals.

Weigh in on Monday, fingers crossed for 3lbs!
Shower crisis sorted! Just an air lock so didn't cost anything to fix!

Been to the gym this evening and now watching the Olympics again, can't believe how much I'm into it, not like me at all!

Need to place my next order, I get the 28 day usually and can't make my mind up about the curry, I love curry but if it's anything like the chilli's, I'll hate it! Don't know what to do!!

This next order will see me through until our weekend away, I'll then decide whether to get back on or swap to JUDDD until we go on holiday at the end of October.
Busy day, bedroom wallpaper is now off, textured wallpaper is a nightmare but relieved that it wasn't hiding crumbling walls!

Hope to get it painted next weekend then need to look for chest of drawers and bedside cabinets!

Hoping all the steaming and scraping will have burnt off a lb!

28 day pack just ordered, have gone for 5 of the curries, hope I like them!

Time to sit down with a cup of tea and a bar before getting ready for Monday!
Just 2lbs off this week, not even averaging a stone a month now! So frustrated but relieved in a way that I've ordered my next 28 day supply or I'd be changing diets this week!
Lizzylocket said:
Just 2lbs off this week, not even averaging a stone a month now! So frustrated but relieved in a way that I've ordered my next 28 day supply or I'd be changing diets this week!

Well done on your loss which is great :) I know your disappointed I think most of us would be because of this diet being so tough but it's 2lb closer to goal :) keep going and you might get a whoosh xx
Good morning :) Just popping in to say hey! I did s&s this year for 10 weeks then came off it but now im back :D
Your doing great and the 2lb loss is great too! Sometimes it can slow down a little then pick back up. But 2lb is still brill!

Have a lovely day xx
Thanks Katie and Stef, I don't know why I let myself get down, my losses have never been great but it is going the right way, just wish it would get a move on!

Great day today, had a new client in at head office and I ended up running the meeting and will now manage the account which I'm really pleased about!

New packs are arriving tomorrow, looking forward to trying the curry, I do miss my curries!

An evening of sanding walls ahead, oh the glamour!
Been watching the horizon programme that looked at intermittent fasting, think its helped me to make my mind up that it's the way forward for me, for the health benefits more than anything.

I have a history of cancer in my family, lost my mum to it when she was just 46, both grandparents and my mum's sister is recovering from breast cancer so if there's a slight chance that moving to alternate day fasting could help, it's got to be worth a try!

My plan at the moment is to stay on S&S until our weekend away on sept 7th, I'll get back on plan for the rest of September and then switch to JUDDD from 1st October. By then, based on my current loss rate, I will hopefully be a stone lighter, maybe a stone and a half if I'm lucky so not a million miles from my initial goal.

That's the plan for now, if my body starts playing ball and giving me decent losses, I may change my mind!
Hi lizzie x
I meant to watch that programme but missed it . Well done on ur continuing loss you are doing fab x I am bk in track now :) thank you for your support :)
Yay, good to see you! To be honest, the majority of the programme was quite boring but the last 20 minutes or so was looking at the alternate day fasting and made a lot of sense!

I'm hanging on in there, still having slow losses (compared to others) but I'll get there!

Well done for getting back on track, your scales will be moving in no time!
So, jumped on the scales this morning and no movement since Monday.

Having serious doubts about staying on s&s until September, wondering whether I should just move to JUDDD now so I have time to give it a good shot before my holiday.

Blinking scales, why were they ever invented?!
Hi lizzie x To be honest I was Getting obsessed by the scales and they really affected my mood so I havd decided a monthly weigh in is better for me . You have done really well and are an inspiration to me :)
Oh thank you Katie, that's a lovely thing to say!

I'm just getting frustrated with slow losses, I'm not averaging a stone a month, maybe weighing monthly is the way forward!

I'll keep going and see what happens at weigh in on Monday. The good thing is, OH is still on his 12 week plan (and has lost more than 2 blinking stone!) so it's only me talking myself into changing plans!

Tried the curry pack yesterday, was nice but my word it made me windy! One to save for weekends I think!

Busy listing things on eBay tonight, some clothes and blu rays, need the extra pennies for the new bedroom furniture I want!
Hooray, it's Friday!

Long, long day yesterday, was in bed by 9 absolutely shattered.

Feeling more human today thankfully!

A weekend of painting ahead but will be stopping to watch the Olympic closing ceremony, guessing it'll be as impressive as the opening ceremony! Was at a meeting in London yesterday and it was such a great atmosphere, shame it can't continue!