Lizzy's Diary - I WILL Get To Goal!

Hi lizzie glad you had a better day x what was the therapy you had recently if you don't mind me asking ?
It's a very long story! Basically, I saw a therapist to get to the bottom of my eating issues. We worked back to when it started and he taught me other ways of handling my emotions and also worked on improving my self esteem etc.

I didn't think it had worked but sticking to this for almost a month and not caving in stressful times shows it must have done sub consciously!
Sounds like it is working lizzie :) I am just taking this a day at a time to be honest x
Best way to do it, you never know what's round the corner!

Good day today, been out meeting signing up new clients which always gives me a buzz, too much black coffee though, have a feeling I won't be sleeping much tonight!

Off to the gym in a bit, forcing myself to go, need to start toning the wobbly bits up!
So day who knows what, lost track now!

So tired and can't wait for the weekend, not too bad a day tomorrow though, just meeting my boss for a catch up and to get some of my to do list sorted.

Still 100% on s&s and hope I'll be rewarded on the scales on Monday! My clothes are feeling better so I know it's working, just wish it happened overnight!

Running low on packs so will be ordering another months supply at the weekend, lots more dark choc truffa's with this order I think, yumm!
An sure those scales will reward you on mon x and I love the dark choc bars too :)
I hope so!

Just been out mowing the lawn (jungle!) before the rain hits again in time for the weekend, am knackered now so hope that's burnt off a pound!!
Oh and the lawn mower's now kaput and my sat nav gave up the ghost today, really hoping there isn't going to be a third thing go wrong!!
Hope you have a gd Friday lizzie x
Thank you!

Wasn't too bad, spent the day with my boss, we were supposed to be getting some bits sorted but ended up adding to both our to do lists! Then took me 2 hours to get home, just 60 miles!

Got the plumber here first thing tomorrow so won't get a lie in but I've got plenty of housework to be getting on with

Need to start thinking about buying holiday clothes for October as there'll be nothing in the shops by then, not sure what size to get! Going to have a look for OH this weekend and will see what's about.

Right, time for dinner, chilli tonight I think!
Another 100% day so far but I am feeling hungry.

Early start with the plumber wanting to get cracking on the en suite, it's almost done, hooray!

Housework done, popped into town for a look at holiday clothes and found nothing, think I'll be using the web!

3 packs down, 2 litres of water, just having a dr pepper zero to try and stop the hunger. Lemon bar for later, yum!

Must get my next batch ordered, ready for month 2!
Go you lizzie x we will do this x
We sure will!

Just ordered next months supply so I'm definitely here until August!

Busy day today, off to buy OH some holiday clothes which was a success at last, got my new sat nav too, slightly peeved at having to pay shop prices but no time to wait for an online delivery as I'm out on the road all week.

Popped into the outlaws and despite me checking that they had skimmed milk, ended up with a cup of tea with semi skimmed, not impressed and hope it won't cause any damage?

Weigh in tomorrow, hoping for at least 3lbs but we'll see!
So, 2lbs off again this week. Not overly impressed but at least I've passed the stone barrier, 15lbs in a month, at least I'm 'average'!

Think I'll try and up the water intake this week and get to the gym more, not really sure what else I can do?
Lizzie well done x 2 pounds is 2 pounds seems I'm. Slow and steady loser on this diet but don't think I could of lost as much as 17 pounds in 5 weeks on any other diet so keep smiling we can do this x
Yep I know, at least it's going the right way!

I know I couldn't lose 15lbs in a month on any other diet, plus my months supply arrives tomorrow so I've got to stick with it!
I'm a slower looser too, but when put into perspective. Even the average stone a month is superb :)

Well done hun, your doing ace :)

Buying a months deffo gives an incentive to crack on xxx
Yes, you're right! It's my 3rd attempt at a vlcd so I think I've messed with my metabolism which isn't helping!

Keep at it and we'll get there!!
I went to SW and WW and took off and put on the same weight every week, I may be slow on this but it's going in the right direction!
Keep at it!

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I've just looked back to October and I was doing exactly that on WW, I'm now at the weight I was when I started that but I know it'll come off this time, albeit slower than some!

Thanks for all the encouragement, it's helping!