Peony & mel

you have made me smile today been speaking to you both for a while now and never really knew what you looked like it's always nice to put a face to a name.You both look AMAZING ladies. If that was me id be breaking my arm to pat myself on the back.

take care much love sam x x x
Thanks Sam xxx
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments. So pleased you will be visiting us from time to time Sam.

Wow Mel, you look fab - you looked pretty fab in the before and even prettier now. Well done on your hard work.

Got to run, have 2 gerbils to clean out!

Thanks Peony - Thats kind of you to say!! Its strange how we all see something different when we look in the mirror.

Until I saw thise pics next to each other, I was still convinced there was no difference lol.

Girl Power - lol
lol re the gerbils!! Wow Mel such pretty pics, ladies you are looking totally fabulous!!! Really amazing to see you both, and to see the immense change :)

Have a happy Friday Night.

lol, yes their cage. Hope everyone enjoys their sunny Saturday, I am feeling really sunny as I have cracked into the 16's wahoo!
Hi girls - i have decided to use the pictures to help keep me on track. Im going to take a photo of myself at every stone lost

Im feeling good this week, and back how i felt at the beginning. I think the visual was enough to 'show' me that what im doing is working.

I even went clubbing last night, and my 'skinny' friend has now over taken me in the size stakes (im losing it and she has put it on). I know it sounds horrible but i felt happy that i wasnt the biggest one there for a change.

Have a great week guys!!! xxxx
Hi Mel
Great to hear you are in such a positive frame of mind, enough to get out there and enjoy clubbing. THat's fab - lol re your friend, don't feel bad, you are allowed to feel like you are pleased you are slimmer than your normally slim friend.

I am having a good week, hubby and I have started booking a court and playing badminton once a week which is nice a) because we get some time together and b) because it is great exercise and about the only sport I actively enjoy. Got on top of loads of jobs at the weekend in the garden and house which has been niggling and have been enjoying a bit of sunshine.

I have my group tonight which will I am looking forward to as I had to miss last weeks. Have only got tonight and 2 more weeks of foundation classes - where did the time go? It will be then on to developers - I must remember to ask tonight who else will be going into developers and find out if it is likely to be a different night - have got used to my Tuesday night routine although I wouldn't mind if the class was earlier than 8.

Well love to all, good luck with your w.i. tomorrow Mel.

Hi ladies

Glad to see your all up beat and happy as you all ways are.
I had my weigh in tonight and i lost 6lbs :) i am really pleased i fill really in control and in my adult state of mind.

happy happy happy

love to all x x x Sam x x x
Hello Sam my love
Great to hear from you. 6lb is ace, SW obviously suits you. Keep up the good work and keep popping over to let us know how you are doing.

Had my weigh in, another 4lb. Can anyone spot the theme lol! very happy with that thank you very much.

nighty night.

Peony i think your number is 4...lol well done on your loss id settle for a 4 every week

x x x sam x x x
Well done Peony and Sam on your weight Losses.

Peony, your body is obviously happy at its 4lb per week!!! You will be a Slim Jimma in no time!!

Sam, I am so pleased you are so happy. I hope you keep it up, and things turn out well for you!!

Its my turn tonight but Im not holding my breath!! I had that slip up last week, I havent 'been' for a while and its my TOTM.

I just hold onto the thought that my body is still burning fat even if it is holding onto everything lol
Hi Ladies - I lost 3.5lb last night. I am very happy with this!! It seems to be kicking in that I may actually achieve 'being slim'.
Well done Mel, that is ace. I know what you mean about it finally sinking in that you will be thin, I think I am just starting to believe it now. I have even today booked my holiday (here......http://www.holiday-rentals.co.uk/p427038?cid=E_hrtravelerinquiry_DB_O_20090916_propID_link_LPROP_1 )- how excited am I ? from the 27th May to the 6th June next year and I know that I will be super slinky then. Wow imagine it - a beach holiday as a slim person, it is such a big deal for me, I nearly went mental having to go on the beach fat this summer.

I just hope I am close to finishing or finished RTM then. Depends - if I keep on at 4lbs a week I'll be starting RTM in Feb, but I am pretty sure the size of the loss will drop off as I get closer to goal. Oh well worst case scenario I will be almost there just not able to eat. At the end of the day being thin on holiday is what matters, not eating tapas (although that would be nice lol!)

Well keep up the good work honey.

Love your latest photo outfit BL if you are reading this. Now then why don't you treat yourself to a lovely full length mirror in your bedroom so we can see your calves - or have you hideous feet that you daren't expose to the world lol!

hugs all
lol - thanks Peony. I do actually have a full length mirror, but it is very close to the foot of the bed - too close to take a pic - I can angle it slightly, but its only certin times of the day I can get a photo in it because it hen faces the windoww and its too bright!

I am mirror challenged!!! LOL I will try and sort something out, but in the mean time, the tubs the best I got!!

I have normal feet thought!! :D :D: D
I have just got back from having a 'liquid' (well on my part) lunch with my old boss, and she was asking me questions about my diet.

I find the more I explain it to people, the more 'buzzed' I become (even if its just for a short time). Then I go on to think that it really is an all round solution to people like me who are actually food addicts!! It also occurred to me whilst I was gushing on about LL that it didnt bother me IN THE SLIGHTEST that she was eating.

I am in a weird place today! Determined and happy, but also a bit put out by the fact that even though ive lost nearly 60lb, I am only back where I am before I feel pregnant last year!!

Then I remember that this size is only temporary and for every week I loose weight now, I am smaller than I would have been in years. (I stayed at about 15 and half stone give or take for a few yrs).


I have arranged to go out with a few old friends (mainly male) to a gig tonight down my local pub, and my OH has decided to come with me. Now, you may not think this that strange, BUT he is a fishing nut. He always leaves for the lake on Friday and comes back Sunday morning. BUT NOW he has decided he wants to come with me.

It make me giggle inside a bit. Its not that he is not usually interested in my friends, its just that usually in the summer months his fishing takes priority. I cant help but think that its because i have lost all this weight, and he wants to come and be nosey and make sure that no-one hits on me!! lol!

Well I think thats my waffle over with for now. I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!! XXXXX
Love you post Mel, you are really beginning to understand yourself, I think this diet is brilliant for that. Did you buy the Dummies CBT book? is it any good?

You are right, every month we are getting smaller, and I am already happy to see that I am not the fattest person in the shop/collecting their child from Nursery etc. I saw my new (well new to me, they are actually given to me by someone at my LL group) jeans drying on the radiator and they didn't take the whole thing up lol, it's all these little things and they make me feel great.

I hope you had a fab night last night out with your friends - I am sure you will have had plenty of admiring looks, you are a very pretty girl. Your oh is going to have to get used to that bless him. I think you are probably right about him not daring to let you out on your own lol.

Things are going well in this corner, I am having a slow week (half way through the week and my scales aren't showing much movement) but I have been really lucky with all those 4lb loss weeks so I guess I have a low week owing. I think it may be connected with water intake as I have not managed my usual amount the last week or so - making a real concsious effort to drink regularly through the day starting this morning.

Did I mention OH and I had taken up badminton? went again Friday night (saddos lol) it's the only time we can get a free court but it is actually quite nice. Thoroughly enjoyed a sweaty hour dashing about. I hate exercise with a passion but that hour plying badminton is so enjoyable, and it feels like it passes in about 10 minutes.

Nothing else new here, annoyingly hovering 1lb off my 4 stone loss. Keep your fingers crossed that I get it this week. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
