Losing it...........!

Oh no- I did wonder- well pick urself up and try again Hun!
I'm doing really well thanks- that is I think I am!! I get weighed tomorrow so il let u no!!
Good Luck for weigh in... erm I think by the time you posted it must be today? How did u do?

I went to first WW meeting today... I am gonna still do CD for rest of the week though as got shakes to use up... then will start WW proper next week :)
Yay ur back lol- well done on going to meeting- I'm sure it's the best thing ever, I'm buzzing lol!
Good idea to use shakes up- I gave mine to my brother! Can't wait to talk food with u lol ;-)
Oh and I lost 5.5lbs :)
How r u getting on Hun? X