Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Hope you got out in the sunshine yesterday. We popped out at lunch for 40 mins and I didn't want to go back in the office as it was such a nice day!

Have a good day today x
Katy, hope you have a really good day. :)
Just me checking you are ok and saying 'Hi.' :)
Thanks guys. Not such a good day yesterday... could almost feel it coming, tiredness, lack of focus, work not going well, remnants of flu, craving for sweet stuff. I had a binge, box of cakes, feel bad but am determined not to panic and fall into a downward spiral. Better to see it as a stumble, and I was able to get up and keep going afterwards and not run screaming towards Thorntons for more sugar. As I knew though, so much still to learn.

Today... plan for a good day. Food plans:
porridge, 0% yog, grated apple, cinnamon (had, yum)
sprouts, broad beans, feta
quorn stew & lentils
I know I don't need snacks in with that, but if I am struggling I can have a CD hot choc.

Have to stick to this and get back to my happy zone!

I think you have it there, not to panic I mean. I've been annoyed with myself for overeating recently but not flown into a fully fledged panic as I have done before.
I re read the 'What's normal eating?' post that KD put up a few weeks ago and it really helped.
We can all feel so alone and ashamed with this eating thing, which is how we come to see it all out of proportion I think. I have a very close friend who is very skinny ( ex anorexic - if you can ever be 'ex') but she knows the calorific content of every single thing she puts into her mouth and is so managing over food when she comes here it makes me(inwardly) groan when I know we will be eating together. I should hate to be like that, her problems haven't gone at all and she knows it. My aim is to be relaxed around food and sometimes that will mean overdoing it a bit. I realy think we panic a bit too much because we are so new to 'normal eating'.
Can't believe I missed that you were unwell...poor you. Hope you're feeling better. as always you're still inspiring me hun. Great post earlier to Bess about re-reading when you'd got to goal and how you were eating! You're fab.

Hugs, todays menu sound very yum xxx
Katy, hope you are fully recovered and have a good weekend.
Are your schools in D&G closed for the October hols. now? Ours are. We're going away for a few days, staying in a log cabin in Callander, trip is partly business, but l'm just so glad we are getting away at all - work has been hectic recently.
Hey katy..

Hope your feeling better now hun. Hugs. xx
Im still new to this section of minis and still reading all the posts and getting to know everyone. Ive just finished reading your diary. Youve come so far hun and the main thing is your still here and that shows your commitment.

I can totally understand what youve been goin through. Ive had a mad 2 months of yoyoing, an on going starve and binge cycle. I miss the buzz and the will power i had when i started cd. The evenings are the worse for me, when i tend to tele munch. I managed to stay 100% yesterday and gonna aim for the same today. Just keep telling myself, its not forever.

Stay strong n focused hun... we dont wanna be on here forever ;)

Hi Katy just catching up on everyones diary. Glad to hear you have been in the 'zone' and your 'stumble' was def just a bump in the otherwise very smooth road you seem to be on at the mo. Ive been suffering with a heavy cold too all last weekend boo hoo had last fri and mon off work to make a lovely long weekend and on the thurs started with snot city - dont you just hate it when that happens!!! Am back on form now though hope your feeling better too xxxx
Feeling a bit better, with cough & with food. Been driving around all day again... had to take mum up to my brothers as we are off on hols tomorrow, London for a week. But HOLIDAY!!!! So looking forward to it. Saw friend for a coffee too, which was fab.

Still wobbly really, but determined and know my wobble is about feeling low with health & work. The work thing started sorting itself out yesterday, so hopefully that will improve my mood!

Dis, yes, kids on hols from yesterday... we are in London next week. Julie, kira, FFBT & Sunshine, thanks for kind words & positive thoughts. Think I need a holiday! Not going to be strict with myself today, soup for lunch at service station stop-off, and half a muffin. Fancying pasta & cheese for tea, comfort food. Have had nothing like that for so long, and today... well, just want it. (Was going to say need there, but... no!)

Anyway... I feel OK, but have had a couple of very dodgy food days. Onwards & upwards. As you say, FFBT, wish it was as easy now as at the start!

Hey hon.
Sorry havent been on for a few days.. I hope you are feeling much better now hon . Big hugs to you!!!
Have a great time in London where abouts are you going to in London??
Take care hon and hope your on the mend xx
Going everywhere I hope... staying up by kensington hyde park, but got a ton of exploring to do! Woooo!!!!

Have a fab time with the family on your hols in London Katy!

Katy, have a fabulous time in London with your family and tell us all about it and where you went when you come back.
Thanks Lelly & Bess, I will! Take care & see you soon...

Katy glad you are feeling better. You'll walk off anything you eat during your week in London. We stayed at my friends house in Kensington for the just over a week last Easter and found ourselves walking loads. Once the kids discovered Hyde Park and in particular the Princess Diana Memorial park (the younger one) would have us take him there every day. Have a great break. xx
Hey Katy, nice to see you again after my hols! Sounds like you have a fun time planned in London. Maybe the holiday is just what you need. Have a great time xx