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What is baked porridge pie? I NEED to know!!!


:D Someone has asked on my diary, so I'll tell ya down there :)

now I try to make sure I do have protein at every meal.

That's what I do :clap: That was a great bit of advice I've heard a couple of times from nutritionists when they've talked about dieting/overeating etc.

Really does seem to help me :)

Menus looking great again. Are you getting enough calories there? You might be. I can't tell. Do you have a figure you roughly aim for?
KD, I was meaning to ask you... when I came back from my overseas trip I had planned to step back onto CD at 1000/1200 or so, depending on how much I had put on. I didn't put on, but serena suggested still doing a step, 1500 or 1800. For focus and security, really. I KNOW this is what I should be doing but haven't managed to put it into practice... after a few wobbles last week I was just aiming to settle into a routine.

I think I am eating enough, definitely, but have no idea how it all adds up. That is one thing I am actually rubbish at. I am so bad with numbers I am almost number dyslexic, and have never been someone who knew the cal value of everything in the universe, even after years of dieting. (SW was my fave diet pre-CD as no counting was involved!). So I think I need a cal book, but may take me a week or so to get up to a city to find one.

Anyway... at the moment I am not following a step as such, though I realise I probably should be. I am just trying to have a balanced diet... protein at each meal, enough veg & fruit, not too much bread and trying to eat rye bread and soda bread and sprouted wheat bread when I can as it doesn't seem so scary as the sliced variety. And of course not having too much sugar... my sugar these days comes from a CD shake or CD bar, or from mashed banana, or cake out in town occasionally. I do have to watch it though! Drink I don't worry about so much, I drink rarely, so any blow-out would be an exception to the rules.

I think what I am eating is maintaining the weight I am and letting me live pretty well, but I would ideally like to edge down to 10st 7lb sometime... maybe not just yet though, one thing at a time!

Question is, would I be smarter to tie this into a plan/step? Or can I go it alone as long as I have an awareness of the cal values & keep things balanced? I feel like the biggest idiot ever to be on maintenance & clueless with calories!

I think I am eating enough.
I am just trying to have a balanced diet... protein at each meal, enough veg & fruit, not too much bread and trying to eat rye bread and soda bread and sprouted wheat bread
I think this says it all. Even though I don't calorie count now, I loved to know how calories worked with my body, and how I could push it up without a gain.

But that's me. I'm a number cruncher as a hobby :D

I think enjoying working with numbers makes calorie counting a joy. If you don't like numbers, it will be a pain in the neck for you, and you are unlikely to do it for long enough to get much benefit.

The ultimate aim is to eat well, love your choices, getting your head around food issues. I reckon you are doing just that :clap:

Having said that, if you ever want to have a look at how many calories you are eating, don't worry about a book. Try foodfocus or fatsecret . com (which is fab..but needs more personal input, so more time consuming that foodfocus).

It really is up to you. For the time being though, based on what you've just said, you're doing just fine as you are :)
Big hug for that, KD. I will look at the cal website, never thought of that. It's funny how one person can love words so much & hate numbers with an equal passion! I do feel better having run that by you though as sometimes 'doing your own thing' can be me deluding myself... I am a great one for kidding myself, but am hoping those days are over! I see myself lurking on minis for a long time to come because it keeps my head in the right place, and I know I still need the support... but that's OK, I think!

Thurs 11th June

OK day.

Brekky: porridge, grated apple, 0% greek yog, ground almonds
lunch: (not according to plan!) coffee latte & cheese scone
snack: 2x sprouted wheat bread slices with peanut butter & 1/2 small banana, mashed
tea: poached egg, baked mushroom, asparagus, tomatoes, big green salad, small piece wheaten bread

Cheese scone for lunch was one of those annoying things... would rather have been at home & made a better choice. Anyway... tea was awesome!

Should go and calculate cals on one of those websites, but it's late, maybe tomorrow!

Katy you should be proud that you are making better choices when out. I am sure that if you were im a caf pre-cd you could have chosen much worse! your tea sounds Yum Yum!
I see myself lurking on minis for a long time to come because it keeps my head in the right place, and I know I still need the support... but that's OK, I think!


Absolutely :clap:

Dinner sounds yum...and breakfast too. I'll pass on the cheese scone though :D

Cheese scone for lunch was one of those annoying things... would rather have been at home & made a better choice.

And I'm pleased you didn't have the chance to make a 'better' choice. Life happens and it's good to have plenty of experience with being happy with the choices you make considering the circumstances :)
Katy, you are doing really well.

tea: poached egg, baked mushroom, asparagus, tomatoes, big green salad, small piece wheaten bread

This sounds delicious - yum, yum, yum!
Hi Katy

You really seem to be doing soo well! It is one of my worries about getting to the 'end' in a way of what happens with calorie counting, will I do it forever etc? I never ever want to put the weight back on, and really feel I have made the changes for life now. Watching your diary may just give me some insight into how the end maintenance may well be.

You do seem very in control and must be to still be maintaining, so really well done - another inspiration on Mini's x
Fri 12th June

OK-ish day, not as good as I would have liked.

Brekky: porridge, blueberries, 0% greek yog, ground almonds
snack: CD hot choc
lunch: small wholemeal pitta, sprouts, broad beans & 'chicken' quorn in chopped tomato & chilli base
snack: CD bar
snack again: 2 x small slices wheaten bread with peanut butter & 1/3 banana
tea: small portion cauli & broccoli bake in cheese sauce with green beans.

I am thinking too much sweet stuff & bread... too many snacks, really. But nice food and a good day, lunch was fab & tea was a family meal that would have been off-limits not long ago, felt nice to be sharing!

Sat 13th June

Well today is my birthday (I am VERY old now!). I am posting early as I know today will be totally off-plan and I hope I will enjoy it nonetheless!!!

In preparation, have started with a CD hot choc for brekky to ease my conscience for the rest of the day!!!

tea and cake with friend at 11, the cake will be gorgeous & TOTALLY WICKED, the kind that possibly has a million cals in one slice but tastes so wonderful you just don't care. Am trying to see this as a late breakfast!!!

then a late lunch with mum & son (daughter & OH are working but planned to kidnap son in his lunch break!) at cafe where daughter is working. They do nice salady things so all should be good. Hope to avoid another cake, but will depend on mum, her lifes mission is to stuff me with as much sugar as humanly possible and yesterday she came very close to getting upset as I refused four different attempts to feed me cake/choc/biccies in space of ten minutes. Day before she tried everything known to man to get me to accept boxes of chocs, cake, bsicuits as a b'day pressie. She knows why I don't want it but chooses not to understand, I think sugar = love to her and maybe she doesn't have another way of showing it. Or maybe not... it's a complicated one. But she is in her 80s and I do not want to make her upset/angry as I then end up feeling worse than ever, so if she pushes it today I will probably cave in... share a cake with son, maybe? Hoping it isn't an issue.

Then, whole family are driving to see friends who have a house by beach... meal may be involved, but she eats a wheat-free & high protein diet anyway so not anxious. There WILL be copious amounts of drink though, & a bonfire on the beach... I am looking forward to letting go and really relaxing. I don't drink often, just as well as my drink of choice is about as high-cal as it is possible to be. Baileys... alcoholic milkshake, anyone?

Staying over at friends and will be back late sunday, so looking forward to it LOTS.

A naughty day ahead... and I plan to enjoy it!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope you have a lovely day and enjoy every minute of it you deserve to you have worked so hard.

Do you know what I know it has been said a million times before, but you are so inspirational I think we have another KD in the making here........... you are maintaining a lovely diet and a good relationship with food and it shows how life can be managed after being on SS.

Cant wait to be where you are now - not much longer now..........

Have a fabulous birthday and see you around when you get back
oooohh Happy Birthday hunny!!! the plans for your day sound great and like it's going to be fab and fun....enjoy it!! hope the weather will be good for the beach party.

Have an amazing day, you deserve it

Happy birthday Katy!! You enjoy your day, if you can't on your birthday, then when can you? Have a fab time xxx
Happy Birthday to yoooooou.:bestwishes: Have a lovely day and by the sounds of it you will! You deserve to treat yourself today after coming so far. Im sure you will be straight back to it tomorrow but enjoy yourself and savour every mouthful:D
Thanks everyone... will raise a glass to all of you later on, without your support I wouldn't have made it this far! Hugs & thanks.

Happy Birthday, Katy. Hope you have a wonderful day - you deserve it.
:birthday: :party0019: :birthday:

I'm heading down to your part of the country on holiday in a couple of weeks. We are staying near Gatehouse of Fleet.
