Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Well done on your weigh in katy! Thats great :) even if it was infl by slipping breakfast. Amazing how a number can give you such a boost isnt it. Congrats bout the dress fitting perfect! That must be motivation in itself. Good luck with working away, will miss you checking in regularly, xox.
Katy, just dropping in before l go off on my hols. Well done on your weigh-in & congratulations on the vintage dress too. :happy096:

'See' you when l get back. Hope you have a really good trip too.
Thanks Dis!!! Enjoy Galloway, hope the sun shines and be good! Hugs till that mythical skinny latte once we are both hardened maintainers!

Thanks Katy. :)
Katy, skipping breakfast wouldn't have made that dress fit...YOU did that! Good on you.
Curry was lovely but hadn't been feeling too good before it and after starting eating it, i knew that it wasn't going to stay down long :-(.
Enter mucho mucho poorliness until about half five this morning so hoping its something going around. Bah.
On the plus side, owing to having no bodily fluids left in me, lost 2lb overnight...yay! Not going to chalk it up as fully aware that its just lack of fluid. Still!!
hey Katy, hope the trip is going well hunny
Have a stinking cold and that is a disaster as I have to do presentations and talks every day... eek. Feeling so rough & dosed to the eyeballs with every medication I can find, still feel like death on legs. Not fair!

Hope you are all good....

Ahhh bless you. I haven't even got any remedies except what you have already taken and a good night sleep. Go and cuddle up under the duvet and I hope you feel better tomorrow x
Oh Katy, poor you. I'm with ya being ill. Throat infection and virus resulted in a hospital trip with a swollen throat and face. Really painfull and still have a bug :) and in this heat!!!!! and i'm having to sing with my band for big gig in 10 days so I'm even with ya on the whole voice thing :)

Enough about me. Hope you're feeling better soon. Can't believe how many people are sick at the moment!!!

Miss you on here xxx
awww poor you hun! hope you feel better soon ((hugs))
Hope you feel better soon Katy x
Thurs 25 June

Good day. Weighed in with CDC at 10st 12lbs, but did skip brekky to get that result... I was scared I would be 11st and it was worrying about nothing really - unless I had planned to eat a brick for brekky! But anyway, set me up for nice day.

Half an hour ago I tried on a vintage dress I bought in Glasgow last Monday. It seemed a teeny bit tight but loved it so bought it, but hadn't planned to take it on work trip with me. Then tried it this afternoon and it was perfect fit, looked great. Blimey. So into the case it went... and up shot my morale. YAY!!!

Brekky: none... just herb tea.
Lunch: 2 x quorn fillets, spoon of hummus, spoon of coleslaw, salad leaves, wholemeal pitta
snack: CD bar
snack 2: (or maybe brekky, but in different place?) small bit quiche, spoon cottage cheese
tea: rice, kale, sweet potato & tofu & seaweed stir fry.

Full but very happy!


Have a stinking cold and that is a disaster as I have to do presentations and talks every day... eek. Feeling so rough & dosed to the eyeballs with every medication I can find, still feel like death on legs. Not fair!

Hope you are all good....


ABSOLUTELY FLIPPIN FANTASTIC news about the dress you are doing so well 'normal' eating and still an inspiration of where I want to be in a few months time!

AWFUL news about you being poorly - sending you big big hugs
Just got a net connection & your messages have made me smile and well up at the same time. Aw!!!! I feel a bit better but voice is like broken glass, I suppose I had best 'sell' it as the husky voice if I can for the rest of the work trip! I have survived, anyway, up till now.

Will have some net time tomorrow night & free time to use it, so hopefully can catch up a little.

Jess, fab to see you back! Love the new pic! Sunshine, sorry you are poorly too... it is NO fun to be ill in a heatwave, grrr. Your new pic is fab too, and Greeneyes! Trip, Lelly, Chels, Raquel, Sleepy, Laura & all... big hugs and speak soon. Will check in propeprly tomorrow night, but hope you are all good.

Thanks Raquel. Just posted on your thread hon, so glad you are doing better now!

I am in manchester today, off to Yorkshire tomorrow evening... onwards & upwards. Throat not so sore but voice still gravelly, grrr. And nose nicely snotty, not good!!!

Food choices have mostly been good, but today up above 1800 I fear, just greed I guess, comfort eating for the cold. NOT the answer!!! Still, I am not going to stress and will get back to counting/listing when I get home (not till next Monday evening).

I didn't realise how much I was missing minis till I checked in last night! Big hugs all.

We miss you as much as you miss us!!!!

Im going to be coming over to the maintenance forum properly in about 3 weeks. Have got 3 weeks of ss+ then am going on to maintenance so Im so so excited, everyone is so positive on here and I need that. Its getting a bit hit and miss on the main forum and alot of talk of cheating and bingeing and I cant cope with that right now.

In a bit Im going to put on my pink Jess dress as Im going out on Fri and I need to see if it fits - hope to God it does! will post a pic on Fri if it does.

Glad to know you are okay and dont worry too much about 1800 its still under 2000 and you can sort it when you come back home
