Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Hey Katy, hope you're okay. Never had one, but sounds horrible. Hopefully you can get something that helps a bit more. Big hugs hun x
Katy, hope your migrane gets better soon. I get migranes from time to time, so know how very painful they can be. l take Nurofen migrane relief (can get from supermarket), they are the one thing that works for me.
Morning Katy, hope you are feeling better today, so that you can enjoy today and your weekend...
Thanks Greeneyes.

Migraine still here alas... went to bed at 6.30 & slept, but had to get up for tablets at 1 and again an hour ago, thought I'd stay up as I can't sleep anyhow. Had some porridge. At least food is staying down, it doesn't always.

Yesterday's food:
porridge, berries, 0% yog
2 soft boiled eggs, 1 wholemeal roll & butter (ultimate comfort food)
CD choc shake
1 wholemeal pitta, 3 x quorn chicken slices, lo-fat cottage cheese, leaves

So if nothing else, a good food day. Have to go to ton today as
a/ have run out of paracetamol plus & they don't sell it in the villages
b/ need to take mum in for food supplies
it will be a quick (well, quick as it can be with mum) Tesco dash as I feel pretty grim.

I am so, so SOOOOOO fed up with this!!! Enough!!!! Want to feel better.

oh hun sorry to see you still feel rough! Migranes are awful and used to knock me for 6 too! Havent had them for a while though (she says touching wood! lol).

The food sounds fabulous! So good to stay in control even when you feel rough, not something i always manage! :D
Good luck with the shopping

Awww sorry to hear you are still feeling rough Katy, may be worth seeing a doctor or talking to the pharmacist if your Tesco has one of those... well done on the good food day though... take care of yourself and if you need to go to bed, just go....
Oh Katy I feel for you! I suffer from horrendous migraines and it's a nightmare. I am yet to find any medications (prescription or otherwise) that really works but I have found that on day 2/3 when the worst is over Solphedine can help in clearing the last bit of headache. It might be worth giving it a try.

Take it easy with plenty of rest and hopefully it will clear soon!!
Arghhh can't get mum to answer her phone (she's quite deaf) & I need to go now before the tablets wear off and I'm still ok to drive...

Hope your day can be sorted asap so you get back to bed for some rest
((hugs)) hunny xx
Got her... will go fetch her at 10... it will be a lightning dash. (Ha, feel like a slug...)

Thanks all for your kind words over last few days... the migraine has finally gone, hooray.

Yesterday struggled to get to town & back, but had to do it, took more tablets, came home & slept and slowly the migraine lifted. I kept expecting it to return but even after an early start (5 o clock to take OH & kids to station, they are away to London overnight for a gig) am still OK. Phew. Feel so grateful, I am used to migraines now & then, but that was something else.

Yesterday's food:
porridge, 0% yog, berries
sprouts, broad beans, feta cheese with wholemeal pitta
CD hot choc
2 oatcakes with peanut butter
cous cous & salad with cauli, quorn & broccoli in cheese sauce
shape strawberry yog

Today have already had porridge (at 5.15!) but a bit hungry again now. Will have to be careful! Maybe allow a CD snack at 11.

Anyway, have made a big mug of herb tea and settling in to work. Hope everyone has a FAB Saturday.

Hey hon
Sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly but good that you are feeling better today.. Food diary sounds fab hon good on you.......
Hope you have a good Saturday xxx
Morning Katy, wow 5am, you are a dedicated mum i must say! i was slightly disgruntled at receiving a txt at 8am this morning !!
So glad the migraine has lifted hun
Have a great weekend hun!

I'm glad you're feeling better Katy. One of my daughters who suffers from such debilitating migraines that they affect her rather like a stroke takes a wafer (on prescription) when she feels a migraine coming on called Maxallt. They are nasty things but better then the migraine.

She finds that taking feverfew, either the leaves in a marmite oatcake or capsules from the healthfood shop reduce the amount of migraines, but she has to take the feverfew everyday. Might work for you too?

Thank you for looking in on me. x
So... bit more food than planned yesterday, was alone and working and there was a storm raging outside... not excuses, but hey. It went like this:
porridge, 0% yog, berries
2 oatcakes with peanut butter
CD hot choc shake
leftover cous cous with quorn & cauli bake
CD bar
2 slices ryebread with mashed banana
(and before bed, for no apparent reason...)
small slice of uncut bread with hummus & coleslaw

Today is going much the same way, porridge brekky and then snack of pitta with cottage cheese, quorn slices, hummus & salad even though it was only half ten. Feel lonely. The family are back later, so have to just get through to then without adding in another meal - that 'snack' will have to be an early lunch. And At midday or 1 I can have a CD shake if I want something. I am not hungry... wanting to eat for other reasons. And NOT wanting to work.

Have to keep a lid on it... slippery slope lies this way.

Hey Katy, sorry you have been poorly with a nasty migrane, sounds horrible. I have the food demons at the mo, eating off plan and out of schedule! Hope you have a good day today x
Aw, hugs Wales, please don't vanish if the demons are at you... keep posting, because we can support you & try to help you pull out of it. I have been on and off this wagon so many times I seem to have springs on my feet, but the message is getting through that it's smarter to stay on it... I think! Just try to hold on and make good choices, even if they are not strictly CD choices. Tiny steps... back to where you want to be. You can do it.

After very shaky start today managed to hold on to 12.15 for CD shake, then worked, then off to collect OH & kids from station. Kids LOVED gig (Green Day). Have started a stew for tea, lentils, sweet potato, quorn balls, broccoli, etc, will add some lo-fat dumplings (is there such a thing?!!) to finish it off. So fingers crossed should end up a good food day after all.

Lucky OH and kids - I love Green Day!

Sounds like you have a good plan for the evening - that meal sounds delish. Dribbling here.