Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

A good time with mum too, after a shaky start - went to get her at 10 & no reply, just the dog barking, curtains still drawn. I had to let myself in using spare key, quite scared, went upstairs calling her & no response, just still little figure in the bed... heart went cold. Then the dog jumped on her & it was fine, she had just slept in (she doesn't sleep well at night) & hadn't heard doorbell, knocking, phone or me yelling because she is so deaf. So all was well, apart from it being an abrupt way to wake up!

Later added an almond slice to my days food, bringing me 30 cals over.


Phew!! I know exactly how that feels, you must have had your heart in your mouth. I'd have needed the almond slice to recover from the shock!!

10 cals - brilliant, are they the Hartley's ones?

Hi Katy - Still doing well I see! I'm very impressed! 10 cals for a jelly is brilliant. I'm not a fan of jelly unfortunately. If you find a bar of choccie for 10 cals let me know!

Have a great Saturday!
I'm not really a fan of jelly, but willing to give it a go for this! With yog it would feel like a real treat! Late lunch today as out in town earlier. but so far so good...

Hi hun, just reading about your jelly adventure. I only ever have these when i have been 'dieting' before, but looking forward to having again. A friend of mine used to put a bit of chopped fruit in a dish, set jelly over it, then blend a muller lite within an inch of its life, apparently it doubles in volume and turns into a mousse which you can then put over the top. Can split into several portions to last a few days. Sounds good to me... xx
Hi hun, just reading about your jelly adventure. I only ever have these when i have been 'dieting' before, but looking forward to having again. A friend of mine used to put a bit of chopped fruit in a dish, set jelly over it, then blend a muller lite within an inch of its life, apparently it doubles in volume and turns into a mousse which you can then put over the top. Can split into several portions to last a few days. Sounds good to me... xx

Now that does sound yummy! A simple one that I have found is pears chopped up with a low fat vanilla yoghurt over the top surprisingly sweet and juicy

Good to hear you sounding so up beat Katy

Oh, I love pears! Thanks Porgeous.

Today has been good foodwise, am just under the 1200 for today, and scales are definitely showing 11 2 which makes me happy. I have been less hungry too, I think my stomach has shrunk a little bit or else I am just getting used to slightly less food, because I am not feeling deprived anymore. And I'm amazed that I can have little sweet tastes in the day and they do not lead to binges.

So: porridge, berries, 0% yog
wholemeal pitta, 3 quorn sausages, smear of refried beans, green salad
sprouts & broad beans & feta
Weightwatchers vanilla rice & mini 10-cal jelly

I have been wondering whether to drop my porridge brekky in favour or weetabix & hot milk, until i get to goal anyway, I would possibly get more food for my cals. But do love the porridge. So compromising, going to make it with water tomorrow and see how it tastes. Can have a big spoonful of 0% yog in it to make it more creamy, but should gain me 100 cals which sounds good to me.

Made cocoa for first time since childhood, it was fab. I used a big spoonful cocoa powder, 1 splenda (thank you for tip Bess) and hot skimmed milk. Yum. After searching for a not too sweet hot choc, this option is cheaper and almost as easy. 115 cals so not as low cal, but on the other hand less than a CD hot choc. I was happy with it.

Hope everyone has had a good day!

Katy, your food choices sound great. I've missed having real porridge (l always made it with water) while on CD, looking forward to when l'm at the stage l can introduce it again.
Would you be able to have porridge made with skimmed milk (assuming that's not how you've been making it)?
I make it with skimmed or semi skimmed milk at the moment... interested to see if it's as nice made with water. Am hopeful!

Porridge with water... not bad. Not as creamy as when made with milk, but easier in some ways, & only had to add my usual amount of 0% yog. I might add a Splenda tomorrow as it wasn't quite as sweet, milk must have a sweetness of its own. Will carry on I think, with the 115 or whatever cal saving in mind!

Sounds like all is going well with you....I am finding the same too, that now not limiting myself, I am not going on super crazy binges or anything like that, but actually enjoying my food.
Katy, glad you found the porridge made with water ok, l guess it just takes getting used to. Hope you have a good day. Here's to a really good week.
Hope so, Dis, for all of us. Great that you are settling into a more comfortable routine as well Raquel... I never know really what sets me off, can be almost anything, but I am SO much happier when eating healthily. And for the first time since May (first month of maintenance) am happy that I can have sweet things too, without falling headlong into a choc-fest.

I know that for me a lot of it is stress, and that I try to get a/comfort & b/energy from things like chocolate. Saw on Breakfast telly today a nutritionist saying that fatty foods eaten while stressed are processed by body in a different way to usual... they are turned to and stored as FAT. Aha... makes a lot of sense.

hmm...that would explain my bulging belly and increase in weight over the last 3 months. Oh well, its happened now, back and ready to do this the healthy way hey!
Hey Katy, hope you're well. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I love porridge too and have it with skimmed milk, although half milk and water isn't too bad!
Hey Katy, glad you doing well hunny, interesting about the stress n fatty food thing, def been more stressed lately so could explain something!

Hope you having a good day

OK... today was not so good, but then again not so bad. (It is still not over, but I am hopeful!)

On Friday heard something worrying to do with work and it was on my mind all weekend. This morning an email came in that worried me even more, & colleague arranged to phone me at 2 to discuss further. I knew there would be a conflict and that I would have to be assertive and I was a bit upset and paranoid about it all. So, after my lovely lo-cal porridge brekky I ate not one but two almond slices. They were for comfort, for stress (what did I post earlier about eating & stress? Argghhhh). I could have justified one, but two... nope. There was no need though for three, which was a breakthrough of sorts as I have polished off whole box in the past. Two was enough, and Diet tracker was a deterrent there (I had wasted 406 cals. Eek), but also, didn't want any more of that sweet taste, or to come unravelled because of something so clearly NOT to do with food. Had lunch as planned and then a CD hot choc and then the phone call... it all turned out OK, with them listening to my viewpoint and changing their plans, so all was well.

At four I went for a walk to the next village to see my mum, dragging dog along. Walked briskly for an hour & it is 4 and a bit miles, Diet Tracker says it was worth 300ish cals, so i do get to have some tea after all... also feel loads better for it. The first half hour was on the lane, the second over fields and alongside a river, as the light was falling. Dog was in heaven. When I got to the village it was dark and pretty & smelled of woodsmoke & parrafin, so lovely. That village always reminds me of 'The Shire' in Lord of The Rings!

So, a bad day turned good. Off to make myself some tea.

OK... today was not so good, but then again not so bad.

I think you did pretty well considering - stopping at 2 almond slices and later going for the long walk. (Btw, assume you got a lift home).

I remember KD saying this:
The key to maintenance isn't perfection it's finding a balance you can live with (one of many useful things she's said).

I think you are doing really well at finding that balance. I'm glad too that you sound upbeat. :winner:
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The walk sounds wonderful, i keep meaning to do such things but never do... must make more effort. Our minds have a lot to answer for, when it comes to our eating choices. Like how you presume the worst outcome with the issues at work, yet the reality wasn't as bad as expected. Still impressed you stopped at the two almond slices, and were able to break the binge cycle. Deserve to feel pretty chuffed with yourself i reckon! xx
Thanks Dis & Butterfly... it felt like I finally learned some stuff yesterday. That almond slices were yummy but had no power to solve my problems, and that it was my choice to steer the day in a good direction or a bad. Chose good! Yay!

Yep, Dis, got lift home from OH! Always see my mum at that time on weekdays as also have to give son a lift home from his p/t job in village, but usually drive - pity the light won't be on my side for much longer, or I could do it a couple of times a week... maybe schedule that walk in for the weekends?

Hope today is a good day, workwise as well as foodwise. Just off to make my porridge.
