Lost & Found... Map Gone AWOL!

Maybe thinking of the wagon in a different way is the solution? As a journey, with some strict days and some less strict, and no fall/fail days. Just life. It IS quite a luxurious wagon, after all.
:):):) Sounds good.
Coley, thanks for the thoughts... I so wanted to do this quickly but it's clearly not working too well! Maybe time for plan B. Even on 1000 or 1200 I would still lose, surely? And might be better able to stick to those plans. And balance... that's something I have somehow lost completely these last six weeks.

Dis, thanks for the support... appreciated.

Big hugs.

Maybe try 1000 or 1200 and see if you find it easier to stick with. Some people do, some don't. I just think it doesn't have to be such a slog for you. There must be a level at which it's easier for you and you lose the weight you want.
Oh hunni I am sorry if I have made you feel unsettled that wasn't my intention.

I guess it comes down to what the wagon represents. If it means being on a constant diet and every time things don't go as you planned then it is a failure, ie, you fall off then it can be demotivating.

If on the other hand the wagon is a place where you have no limitations other than eating consciously, making choices about what you eat be they healthy or not - a place where you are in control then I let's jump on board.

Letting go of dieting in general is a scary thing as for so many of us for so long it has been part of who we are, we were either gaining weight or on a diet! But you have to let go otherwise you will always be caught in the dieting trap. The balance isn't always easy to find but the reality is it's a combination of eating healthy a lot of the time and may not so healthy some of the time. This is what my wagon represents to me, not a diet but a place where I am in control.

To be honest reading your posts that's where I believe you are at so essentially you have achieved maintenance, maybe a little fine tuning and tweaking here and there so rather than 810 or bust you are aiming for consistency ie spreading those calories across week more evenly but ultimately you are doing it!

Be confident and trust in yourself.

Coley, thanks for the thoughts... I so wanted to do this quickly but it's clearly not working too well! Maybe time for plan B. Even on 1000 or 1200 I would still lose, surely? And might be better able to stick to those plans. And balance... that's something I have somehow lost completely these last six weeks.

Dis, thanks for the support... appreciated.

Big hugs.


I hope you don't mind my honesty I am really trying to help rather than preach but you can tell me to bog off at any point. An analogy for you (and this is based on me!):

Every month I say I am going to save £500. I have enough money to do this, there is no reason for me not to be able to do this but somehow I don't. I always overspend and end up saving nothing. But still I keep on saying I will do it and I calculate how much I could save in 6 months if I did but still I don't.

If I took a step back and said I would save £50 then that would be achieveable. I don't like this idea as in six months I would only have saved £300 which is a fraction of what I could have if I saved £500.

The reality check is that by taking the more conservative route I would have £300 at the end of the six months rather than nothing.

Yep. That I understand... and think it will be the only way. I've had good advice and ignored it, thinking I know best... but I clearly don't. I need to learn... need to look at what I am doing and work out why it's not working, instead of repeatedly & stubbornly making the same mistake over and over.

Porgeous, I am very grateful to you for spotting this and saying something... it's better than me worrying but pushing it out of my mind the whole time. Gotta think about it, face it, learn.

£300 would be a LOT better than £0.

You too, Miss JT & Curly. Don't let the pancakes get you!

I am safely 810 so far, and plan to stay that way until after weigh in, maybe to weekend. I will not have lost anything, just hoping to be the same. Then I think I'll step up to 1000. CDC has said she will bring the new maintenance booklet so really looking forward to that - will read and make my decisions from there.

As for the wagon, no coincidence everyone else was singing 'rolling, rolling, rolling... keep that wagon rolling...' ad I was singing 'one wheel on my wagon.'


Am firmly on the waggon and have been for a day so feel my bum pushing yours over on the seat to make room for it and lets read the Toast catalogue (no sniffing the pages!) and decide what lovely clothes we will buy in the summer when all is warm and balmy :D. Onwards! x
I am safely 810 so far, and plan to stay that way until after weigh in, maybe to weekend. I will not have lost anything, just hoping to be the same. Then I think I'll step up to 1000. CDC has said she will bring the new maintenance booklet so really looking forward to that - will read and make my decisions from there.

sounds like a good plan to me
keep hanging in there.
Katy, hope you had a good day. :)
Thanks Jess & Dis... still struggling, but an OK day. I do think I need to re-think though... maybe 1000 with exercise? Have decided not to get weighed today... my scales say 11 7 which is up 1lb from three weeks ago. I will just get some shakes & the new book and then try to work out a plan. Feel very mixed up and not good, but I will not let this beat me... more than one way to get to my goal. I need to take the hints my body/head keep spelling out in big letters and try a different tack.

Yes Katy, your body knows what it needs to do and deep down I believe you know too but your confidence has taken a bit of a battering and it can be so tough to wade through all the interference sometimes can't it?

1000 may be okay for a week or two as your metabolism gets back to normal. Just be careful of how much exercise you do and if you are hungry, look at aiming for a net intake of 1000 cals. There's been a few CDers now that have struggled on 1000 with exercise. I still truly believe going more than 1000 cals below your BMR (including exercise) when not in ketosis can be tough and it's where some CDers have come unstuck. Net intake really shouldn't be more than 1000 cals below your BMR. The weight will still come off and just as importantly, I think you'll be happier too :) :)
Katy too me you seem as if you have a good grip on things and moving in the right direction. Even if you are the same weight as 3 weeks ago, you haven't put on have you? What would you have been doing if you wasn't on CD? I know I would be a whole lot heavier.
Perhaps you need to give yourself some credit for where you are today, try the 1000/1200 and if the lbs come off thats a bonus. You have done so well so far, don't forget that hun x
Morning Katy, hope you are having a lovely day. Im still plugging away at eating healthily and have been firmly on the wagon since Monday and enjoying the air.
Rolling rolling rolling.............:character00182:xxx
Where are you? x
Lost. Can't see the wood for the trees.
