Lost no inches off tummy, help!


New Member
Hi all!
Just had my fourth weigh in and so far lost 20lbs! However I have lost no inches off my waist :confused: but have list 11 inches altogether from my hips, chest/bust area etc. My tummy is my worst area so really gutted. I was originally 18 stone and a size 22 trouser and still haven't decreased. Can anyone tell me if they have had similar issues? Even my Counsellor said it was strange, please help !

Hi nickie. I'm the same. Had my 3 week weigh in last Friday. 19lb to date, when she measured me I lost 2inches of stomach! I was so dis heartened as like you I haven't gone down a dress size. I can tell on my legs I've lost it as all my trousers are baggy on me. But waist nothing. I started at 17.13lb. And a size 20/22
hey nicki, you mentioned that your tummy was your worst area so unfortunately that'll take the longest to go. i'm the worst on my hips and thighs, they take an absolute age to shift so i know how frustrating it is but when you lose more weight, the inches will eventually come off that area. just keep at it, you're doing great, 20lbs in 4 weeks is fab plus 11 inches off so keep going and it'll come off soon! x
yeah as said, mine came off my boobs first!! to my disgust as they couldn't afford the loss lol. my fattest pat is my gut and it seems to be coming off everywhere apart from there. but hey it will have to at some point x
I last got measured hen I had lost 20lbs and lost 10 inches from everywhere else but had but 1 1/2 on around my boobs!!!
I took ages and ages to lose anything around my tummy and 4 stone before my clothes size went down (although they were getting loser), then a few months later i went from an 18 to a small 14 in 4 weeks - still can't figure that one out - but I guess (hope) I'll see it happening again this time round!